cold feet



  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    I agree, it sounds like a circulation thing. Have you tried doing some mild physical activity for bed? I'm not talking super cardio but what about a brisk walk? Should warm you right up.

    I live in Germany and there are all kinds of cures for cold feet around here.

    Try an alternating bath! It may seem counterintuitive, but try dipping your feet first in hot water (really hot! as hot as you can stand! for about 5 minutes (but of course be careful and don't burn yourself). and then in cool water (around 55 degrees fahrenheit) for about 15-20 seconds. It will feel cold. Repeat 2-3 times. This is really good for your circulation!

    Also try a simple foot bath with warm-hot water and Himalayan Salt - - can be really helpful!

    Try massaging your feet, with sesame oil (it's warming)! Or any other type of "warming" massage oil.

    Try doing some "foot gymnastics" - wiggle your toes, stretch and flex your feet, try to pick up a piece of fabric with your toes (activating musculature),

    Try rolling your feet back and forth over one of those plastic "spiked" massage balls

    Go to the Sauna! It's great for your circulation - try your local YMCA or go at the gym! Be sure to follow up all sauna sessions with COLD water - it's tough the first time, but it feels soooo good.

    Just some fun, alternative ideas :)

    no one else ever tried any of these methods? the alternating baths really work!!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    This just confirms my theory that women are reptilian. bwahaha.gif

    I am not cold blooded. I am however cold butted. My husband gets very upset when I try to snuggle. :devil:

    lol my ex call that Arctic *kitten*.
    I came this | | close to snorting OJ because of this. spit.gif
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Hot tea for me seems to be helping a great deal because ...''s cold in here'!

    Course currently it is 6° so not sure anything is warm outside.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Aside from talking to your doctor about it, which you definitely should do...

    I don't normally have cold feet or hands, but when riding my motorcycle in cold weather I certainly do, lol. After a point, the more layers I put on my feet and hands the more cold they get, I think it's because the extra clothing restricts them and actually makes it harder for blood to circulate.

    What works best for me is to just have a thin silk layer on the feet and hands, and a pair of warm socks and gloves...then layer up a ton on the core area. If your core is warm, then body doesn't feel like it needs to steal blood away from the extremities.