what do you eat for breakfast?!



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member

    Fuji Apple sliced dipped in 1TBS of melted peanut butter :love:


    3 egg omelette with 2% cheese melted in and 4 slices of Mircowave bacon.

    and always coffee, coffee, coffee...
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I hear ya sister. I can't stand to eat after I wake up. It's just not right to me. If you look at my food diary you'll notice that I often don't eat breakfast and I know that's wrong but I prefer that to throwing up. I liked the idea of taking it with you to work and eating it later. As long as you're not eating within the hour before you go work out then you should be fine. If I do a morning workout I try to stomach a banana down but ughh.

    Good luck and let me know what you find works for you.

    Oh in the past I've found that an egg sandwich on orawheat sandwich rounds, with some canadian bacon or turnkey or veggie sausage patti are easy and pretty yummy. :)
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    I eat voraciously in the morning :). Love breakfast so I can't relate but a possibly yummy option for you-
    this morning I made a sandwich that consisted of an "eating right" veggie burger patty (2 minutes in microwave) on a whole wheat bakery bun AND two eggs over easy. 420 calories and delicious.
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    I love smoothies in the morning. I use a type that you just pour filtered water in bullet type of blender, a few ice cubes and the powder and blend. It's packed with goodness. If I want to mix it up I add frozen banana or frozen berries or cherries instead of ice.

    If I have more time I love instant cream of wheat or oatmeal with some fruit on top.

    Or maybe some greek yogurt with honey or berries? Athenos sells good one portion sizes with a side of honey or fruit in the package.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I change up my breakfast. I eat things like pancakes, whole wheat waffles, spinach egg white omelet, english muffin with jelly, turkey bacon, cereal (cheerios, special k, total), and I usually always eat half a banana with anything.
  • nmpresto
    nmpresto Posts: 157
    My 2 favorite breakfasts are:

    A) 1 minute oatmeal w/ chocolate protein powder and frozen fruit
    B) Breakfast sandwhich: 1 egg, 1 morningstar sausage pattie, 1 piece of low fat cheese on a whole wheat english muffin
  • tdixon00
    I'm not really a breakfast person, but I've found that I really enjoy having oatmeal in the mornings - especially now that it is cold. I don't get up as early as you do but even just the Quakers instant oatmeal packet is enough for me for breakfast and I'm very satisfied until whenever I eat lunch. Sometimes I have a piece of fruit too.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I don't eat breakfast until I get to work which is about 2 hours after I wake up. I can't eat first thing either, but at least I'm eating.

    :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • MrsWise724
    I always feel sick to my stomach in the mornings too. I usually just grab a bowl of cereal with skim milk and, if we have it, a banana.

    The only reason I force myself to eat is because I go to workout right after dropping my daughter off at school and I know I'll need the energy.

    I hope you got some good ideas from this thread. Good luck!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    During the week, usually I eat a couple slices of whole grain wheat toast and some light yogurt. Occasionally, if I have time, I have steel cut oatmeal with berries.

    On weekends, I have one of the above choices with scrambled egg whites.

    I'm a creature of habit in the mornings (I get up way too early to try do anything complicated with breakfast), so I don't stray much from those options.
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    I have a few staples I roatate with oatmeal or cereal for Breakfast:

    1) 2 egg whites & either turkey bacon or Morningstar Farms veggie sausage on a whole wheat sandwich thin with I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray & sometimes ketchup.
    2) 2 slices Ezekiel sprouted wheat raisin toast with the butter spray, 1/2TBSP Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter or honey & 1TBSP peanut butter(I use Peanut Butter & Co Spicy Peanut Butter).
    3) 4 egg white omelette with 1/4 cup shredded cheddar, 1/2 Roma tomato, 1TBS chopped onion, veggie sausage, & 2TBSP salsa.
    4) Smoothie made with 1 cup nonfat milk, 2TBSP peanut butter(I use dark chocolate flavored or else add 1TBSP No Sugar Added Nestle Quik), a banana, & protein powder.
  • Cristy_AZ
    I can't eat first thing in the morning, I'm up at 4:30 and workout at 5am so I just drink water, I start work at 7:30 and usually eat soon after I get in, I've been making a slimmed down version of these... http://www.food.com/recipe/Zucchini-Carrot-Raisin-Walnut-Bread-263811 (I make them into muffins, easy to take along, I make 18 muffins out of the recipe, and the nutritional info says they serve 6) makes me start my day with veggies, but not think I am, I add a banana or tangarine after, then coffee.
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    I hear you! I HATE breakfast! Always have and always will. I just can't stomach anything in the morning apart from a pint of water. Since starting MFP I have come to appreciate just how important breakfast is but I STILL can't eat first thing!

    We get up for work at 5.30 am most days so the last thing we (meaning ME lol) want to do is prepare breakfast. Recently I have been buying Jordans breakfast bars (not the Frusli bars as they are lower than needed) and they are so easy to eat especially when driving lol. I drink a bottle of water with it too as this is also easy while driving. Not perfect I know but better than nothing!

    Luckily I like cold toast so I have been known to make toast when I get up and then take it with me to eat later. I assume that something, sometime in the morning is better than nothing?

    We have a few days off this week (hallelujah!) so this morning I had Oats So Simple for the first time. Was ok I suppose..... was warm and relatively filling! But it took me almost two hours after getting out of bed before I had it! (still had my pint of water though lol)

    I hope this thread helps you to find something hunny! xxx I know how hard it can be to make yourself eat especially when your stomach just churns at the though of food in the morning, but if you can eat something within a couple of hours of getting out of bed I think that still counts as breakfast!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    For those of you who don't eat real food within 1 hour of waking up, please know that you are slowing down your metabolism, which means your body can't burn as much of the food you eat and stores more of it as fat.

    hungry or not, it's a mistake to not eat.
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    For those of you who don't eat real food within 1 hour of waking up, please know that you are slowing down your metabolism, which means your body can't burn as much of the food you eat and stores more of it as fat.

    hungry or not, it's a mistake to not eat.

    Oh Hunny I know this so much! But what do you do when if you actually have to FORCE yourself to eat something in the morning and you end up being sick because of it? Some of us just cannot eat in the morning. We know it is bad but that is just the way we are (or the way we have become). Appreciate your input I really do but is it not better to avoid being sick by eating later? xx
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    For those of you who don't eat real food within 1 hour of waking up, please know that you are slowing down your metabolism, which means your body can't burn as much of the food you eat and stores more of it as fat.

    hungry or not, it's a mistake to not eat.

    Oh Hunny I know this so much! But what do you do when if you actually have to FORCE yourself to eat something in the morning and you end up being sick because of it? Some of us just cannot eat in the morning. We know it is bad but that is just the way we are (or the way we have become). Appreciate your input I really do but is it not better to avoid being sick by eating later? xx

    liquids, liquids, liquids. Even just 1.5 cups of whole milk has 225 calories, 12g fat, 18g carbs, and 12g of protein. If you have a blender, then add a banana and some protein powder along with a bit of natural peanut butter (put the PB on the banana to get it into the blender). If instead of whole milk you use 1% or skim, you have a really good, balanced breakfast that you can drink while you get ready or in the car on the way to work.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    during the week days i have cereal, 1% milk and maybe a banana.
    if i'm in a hurry i have a yogurt and granola when i get to work.

    on the weekends i like waffles with peanut butter and veggie omelets. Yum!

  • atruskow
    I wake up around 7 and have a cup of chamomile tea with lots of lemon (lemon is known to speed up your metabolism). This my stomach doesn't feel so "upset". Then about 30 minutes later I will have turkey or canadian bacon with a smoothie (2/3 C Blueberries, 1/3 cup cranberry juice, 1 C raw fresh spinach (yes! spinach), and 1/3 cup water...you can add whatever fruit you want). That will keep me full until almost lunch.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I used to be like that. I just worked myself up slowly from something small and snack shortly after.. maybe an hour once you at work or whatever and your stomach has calmed down. Eventually I was able to work to a full meal.

    Now I have things like:

    eggs w/mushrooms and cayenne
    fruit of some kind
    small piece of baguette
  • drbuffdaddu
    Right now I've been loving plain quick oatmeal topped with some unsweetened almond milk (almond breeze), a spoonful of apple butter, and pumpkin pie spice. mmmmm..... Then I'll get a coffee on my way to class.