I love U but you make me sick! Wa-wa, you aren't sore!



  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I have to say, I got a much broader variety of responses to my little rant than I ever expected. I thank everyone who tried to help with advice, but my main purpose was just to say (in a joking manner) that not everyone is lucky enough to get results without pain, and what is it we are really after?
    Many people who come here and read about folks exercising for really long periods each day, or who feel pain is necessary to achieve results, are likely to feel intimidated and fearful, and possibly give up rather than realizing that small changes are what it's all about. Most people will never be able to exercise for hours each day, nor is it necessary for most of our goals. Small changes are enough for most people, though it may take a series of changes over our lifetimes to stay healthy. While pain is a part of it for me, and some people like the soreness after exercise, it isn't a requirement to lose weight or get more fit. If we stay focused on what our goals are, and make those changes that provide those results, what other people are doing or saying is really not important. I have nothing against those who have different goals than mine, or different mechanisms for getting to them, and I'm sorry if anyone thought I was personally attacking them, but it really is about what you want from your exercise, not whether you hurt afterwards or you are living up to someone else's standard.

    (PS: I have fibromyalgia, so aching is a part of my life even when I am sedentary, but exercising multiplies it exponentially. Even "mild" exercise like yoga causes me constant soreness, even after doing the same 50 minute class, 3-4 days a week, for 3 or 4 months. The pain will lessen, but never go away. I know this, and accept it, because it is necessary to reach my goal: a BMI in the healthy zone, normal blood sugar and cholesterol.)
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I love the community here, but some of you folks make me sick. What is this, complaining that your work-outs DON'T make you sore! :grumble: I'll trade. I have been in pain for 2 weeks now, just because I decided that walking alone wasn't good enough. I will continue to be sore, stike that, very sore, for another 2 or 3 weeks, even if I take it somewhat easy on myself. It's just the way it is for me, and always has been. I see you people who exercise for 2.5, 3, 4 hours a day and I want to puke. :huh: I'm lucky to make it through an hour class. And don't think I'll see huge results for all this pain, oh no, I don't know what muscle definition looks like on this body, because it never happens. Genetics: an unfair lottery that I just seem to have lost at. :sick:

    (Thanks for the rant. I feel better now. No, wait, I still hurt a LOT! Grrrr!) :mad:

    Thanks for being so supportive of the whole ENTIRE MFP community! I appreciate being slapped in the face for a thread that I started earlier for a legitimate question. :angry: I can't believe that I can't come here to ask questions without worrying that someone will make fun of me or rant about a question I had. You're a child. Thanks for crapping on my semi-good day I was having.

    Wow! I think someone needs to take themselves, and everyone else, a little less seriously. I was mostly joking, but I have to say it is a bit depressing for those of us who work so hard, and hurt so much, for every little gain, to hear people complain that their workouts don't cause pain, even when they are still seeing other results. I keep getting advice like, try yoga, or stretch more. Well it was yoga that started the soreness, and I stretch like crazy (yoga forces that). It's just the way I am, the way you are just lucky enough to get results without hurting. If you want to feel slapped for it, be my guest, or lighten up and consider yourself lucky instead.

    Point taken. I think you could have made it a little more clear in your original post that you were joking. Nowhere in the OP do you have any hints of a joke. Read it back from my eyes who had just posted about not having any soreness. And just to clarify, I was NOT complaining about not having soreness...just inquiring if I SHOULD have soreness after lifting weights.
    it is a bit depressing for those of us who work so hard, and hurt so much, for every little gain, to hear people complain that their workouts don't cause pain, even when they are still seeing other results

    I am sorry that you have pain after working out, but that doesn't mean that those of us who don't have pain afterwards workout any less hard than you do. I push just as hard as the next person to see the little gains too. Hence, the reason for my original question....I wanted to make sure that I was doing enough in my workouts to end up giving me results.

    Anyways, sorry about blowing up, but it did not seem like a joke when I first read it. :ohwell:
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