Belong to a gym? Or workout at home?

Do you belong to a gym? (That you activity go to). Or do you workout at home?

Personally I workout at home with P90X. I absolutely love working out at home. However, I am thinking about joining a gym after this round. I am still a bit unsure tho. I feel as tho, I would make more excuses to not go, if I had to leave the house. However I know that for what I want to do, the gym may be the only option left.


  • I do both, mainly the gym though
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I'm a gym member, but if a friend wants a running buddy, I go with them to run trails.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Can't stand the gym.....
    I have a treadmill at home that I use almost everyday....don't have to wait in line....or get someone's sweat on me...
    I also have EA sport active for between the two I get all the exercise I need right at home.....and love having to option to be able to workout whenever I want...and not have to go anywhere to do it...
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I workout at home- mostly running and body weight workouts. I have some DVD's that I do to change things up once in a while (for either boredom or convenience)
  • Uptopargolf
    I love working out at home. Have my free weights, pull up bar, and of course tons of push ups for chest. However I'm slowly becoming concerned that I probably won't ever get the results I want by just doing these.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I belong to a gym and I love going. I have to be around others exercising so I can't do it at home. I go to the gym 5-7 times a week. The thing is to test out multiple gyms and find one that fits your style the best. I tried a smaller 24 hour gym and an all womens gym before I found the one that I go to.
  • prettier_me
    prettier_me Posts: 53 Member
    i work out at home, with weights, dvds, youtube and sparkpeople videos, jump rope, walking/running, and bike riding. every now and then i do go to the gym at my school for the elliptical and treadmill.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I mostly work out at home but now that theres a couple feet of snow outside I've been hitting an indoor track to run 2-3 times a week.

    I own a bowflex & recumbent stationary bike along with a bunch of free weights and other miscellaneous exercise goodies.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Both. Mainly gym for proper workouts, home for stretching, and the streets/local area for walking etc.
  • Nubyia
    Nubyia Posts: 14 Member
    Both work. I did them both. IO don't push like I do, when I pay 4 memberships. I like to get my money's worth. I go M-F and take the weekends off. Do both.
    After my 2nd round of P90X, I started getting bored. Now I am doing a 3rd round but loosely following. I do C&B on Mon. but not necessarily the exact exercises.
    Hope I helped:smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Both. We do P90X and Insanity at home. We still have a gym membership. I run @ lunch and on the weekends at the gym. I don't have a quality treadmill at home. I like working out at home because I've been less sick. I've been doing P90X since February of this year and I've only had the sniffles from time to time. I like to hit the gym to people watch and to see how much they bullsh*t.

    Yeah, I said it.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Both! I go to the gym for lifting weights, swimming laps, and sitting in the sauna & whirlpool. :love: But I have a treadmill at home, so on my off days from strength training, I just stay home and run/walk for cardio.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Both work. I did them both. IO don't push like I do, when I pay 4 memberships. I like to get my money's worth. I go M-F and take the weekends off. Do both.
    After my 2nd round of P90X, I started getting bored. Now I am doing a 3rd round but loosely following. I do C&B on Mon. but not necessarily the exact exercises.
    Hope I helped:smile:

    Nubyia is in the house! I watch you on youtube girl.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    i work out at home doing exercise dvds mostly and walking my dogs... of course I am positive my goals are not the same as your goals.. I just want to be fit and tone.. no extra muscle needed :-)

    also i don't do the gym because it costs money and if I don't go then I'm wasting money... and because i feel bad getting home from work and then leaving to go to the gym (no kids... just dogs that I feel guilty leaving.. lol)
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    I live 30 miles from the nearest gym I can use. I have a hand me down weider plate machine, DVDs and when the weather isn't terrible, miles of open country roads.
  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    I do both so I don't get tired of the gym. However, i feel like the gym has a lot more variety to offer me in the form of classes, cardio machines and strength training. It helps that I live on an army base and its a short drive from my house.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I just recently got a membership to a gym and it was the best thing I could have done!!!! I have 2 kids so trying to fit in a workout when I get home doesn't usually happen. So luckily I own my own business and am able to take 1 1/2 hours to get my workout done during the day. Plus you can't beat the scenery!!:wink::wink:
  • SandraMay1982
    I go to the gym.

    I have a 17 month old who likes to climb on top of me when I am doing ANYTHING. Since my gym has a creche (child care facility) it makes it handy to go there for up to two hours a day.

    I do have an elliptical collecting dust now though since I bought it just after he was born and immobile. ha.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Depends on what kind of training you're doing and what equipment you're looking for.

    I've done home workouts, led bootcamps and even Martial Arts clinics, but those will all differ from various types of sport training I might want to do from one time or another. eg...I don't have a 300 Lb Squat rack at home nor will I be buying one anytime soon.

    I've worked in alot of gyms and the general rule is if it's further than 11 mins from your house, you won't use it as much. I personally have all the tools and knowledge o workout at home (including body weight exercises) but that doesn't make me motivated to do push-ups in my kitchen or crunches in the living room.

    I personally find the focus is better in a gym and I can train for whatever program I'm working on at the time with a large variety of equipment at my disposal.

    As a bonus, my gym is part of a full community rec centre that includes two hockey rinks, a climbing wall, hot tub, lane pool, recreational play pool, 3 gymnasiums and more. Somedays it's nice to just go for a swim and a soak. :-)

    That being said, anytime I've had a client ask me what the best piece of home gym equipment is, I always tell them it's the piece that you're going to use as its intended purpose and not a $1200 clothes valet. :-)

  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Both, but get intense cardio at the gym. Heavy weights one day a week. Home provides exercise but not the same results I'm looking for. Nothing like others watching you & providing incentive to do your best! [ego]
    Do have tredmill,bike, weights,& use On Demand for instructors at home!