


  • libstr
    libstr Posts: 36 Member
    this chi running is interesting, going to borrow the book from the library tomorrow and read some more. I enjoy exercising, i would like to be able to run but my feet hurt me and then my calves start to hurt.

    I suffered from plantar facitis for many years and i still wear my orthotics in my 'walking' shoes but not in my gym shoes.

    Im wondering if this minimal shoe stuff is for me...... I have seen the vibram 5 finger shoes and spoke to someone who loves his... just dont know if its right.

    any thoughts?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Interesting discussion with a friend at the weekend: he is into minimalistic shoes and when we discussed chi-running vs shoes we found that the shoes were encouraging a natural move towards a chi-running style.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I have been paying attention to how I run and I do run barefoot-style. I am looking into purchasing a pair of Reebok Realflex shoes.
  • libstr
    libstr Posts: 36 Member
    Im going to watch people running at the gym and talk to some of my friends who run.

    need to know if this style is suited to my feet problems :sad:
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    As promised - latest update

    1) Getting very fast times out of this technique (on a personal scale anyway) which is good.

    2) Injuries migrated from knee & shin to my hip flexors which are pretty uncomfortable now in my left leg.

    I'm going to see a physio about this but it make sense that a technique which uses more core muscles will create this kind of injury.

    As always, final verdict TBA.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Re-read chi running basic technique - I am getting too much power from my feet (extending onto my toes to instead of 'lifting' my feet off the ground. This did help with the injury but slowed me down alot - although the heat today in the UK didn't help that at all!

    I'm going to keep working on this and hope I can get the speed back elsewhere.