Detoxing in September



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    I am thinking of cutting out the following;

    All processed food,
    Bread products,
    Cereal and

    This makes me :sad:

  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I have overdone it by quite a margin this summer simply because I have been so busy it is unreal. As a consequence I feel quite ill. So I am thinking that in September when things calm down a bit I should reset myself a bit and detox.

    I am thinking of cutting out the following;

    All processed food,
    Bread products,
    Cereal and

    Does anyone have any ideas of things I can do to help with this and keep my calories at a sensible level? I am hoping that not only will this help to settle my stomach (my intolerances have been bashed a bit of late) but it will also help me to get back into the good habits that I had before I got so busy, though I will still be super busy.

    Many thanks!!

    Or, you could just enjoy all the things in moderation at a slight calorie deficit, and move more. I'm sure you will feel better shortly.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How about eat less and move more?

    Food is not a toxin. Your body doesn't need you to detox it, it does that all on it's own.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Drastic, sudden changes are hard to keep up. As someone mentioned, the caffeine withdrawal will give you a headache if nothing else. Also, if you give up, suddenly, your main sources of calorie dense foods you are going to be really, really, really, hungry by the end of the day and more likely to go "screw it, give me ALL THE FOOD!"

    Or at least that's how it works for me.

    Go slow, then you can cut down on the foods you see as problems and replace them with foods that fit your needs better. You can also put all those yummy foods back in their place as things to be enjoyed in moderation or as the occasional treat.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Honestly, rather than a "detox" why not just focus more on taking time to relax and getting enough sleep?
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Detox facts

    From Harvard Medical school about cleansing and detoxes.....

    "The body’s own detox system

    We tend to forget that the body is equipped with a detoxification system of its own, which includes the following:

    The skin. The main function of the body’s largest organ is to provide a barrier against harmful substances, from bacteria and viruses to heavy metals and chemical toxins.

    The respiratory system. Fine hairs inside the nose trap dirt and other large particles that may be inhaled. Smaller particles that make it to the lungs are expelled from the airways in mucus.

    The immune system. This exquisitely orchestrated network of cells and molecules is designed to recognize foreign substances and eliminate them from the body.

    The intestines. Peyer’s patches — lymph nodes in the small intestine — screen out parasites and other foreign substances before nutrients are absorbed into the blood from the colon.

    The liver. Acting as the body’s principal filter, the liver produces a family of proteins called metallothioneins. Metallothioneins neutralize harmful metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury to prepare for their elimination from the body. Liver cells also produce groups of enzymes that regulate the metabolism of drugs and are an important part of the body’s defense against harmful chemicals and other toxins.

    The kidneys. The fact that urine tests are used to screen for drugs and toxins is a testament to the kidneys' remarkable efficiency in filtering out waste substances and moving them out of the body."
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Why don't you just cut out the alcohol and caffeine for a couple of weeks and prioritize getting a good night's sleep every night and some kind of exercise every day?

    I know when I get run down, I get into this vicious cycle of drinking LOTS of caffeine to get me through the day, alcohol at night to chill me out, and don't get a good night's sleep because my system is confused by all the caffeine and alcohol! :sick:

    So lay off those until your sleep gets regulated and you feel good and rested again, get back to logging your calories, and you don't have to give up all that other yummy stuff at all.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Wow! Was not expecting this many replies!!

    First I have to say that I have been on here for 3 years and have lost 7 stone so I do have quite a good idea of what I am doing and how to log. Thank you for that though. If I was a newbie that would've been helpful. I have been eating at maintenance or there abouts while not logging.

    Secondly, I do have intolerances. Mostly Gluten and Dairy.

    Thirdly, detox was the closest word I could think of to what I need/want to do. Perhaps a break would have been a better description.

    I should also say that I am active in my daily life and do not drink very much caffeine and none after 3pm so headaches will not be an issue.

    What I want to do is reset some stuff as I am finding myself eating too much cheese eg, to the point that I no longer enjoy it and just have it because it is quick and easy. I want to get back into my good habbits and enjoy these foods again when I do have them. I'm not overly bothered about losing much more weight and I am looking forward to starting harder exercise again when life is less manic! I end up with 10 mins to cook and eat at the moment. My sleep is not that bad though relaxation wise I could do with more.

    I am looking for quick food ideas that will fit in with what I have said.

    Cheers muchly!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    The trainers at my gym just recently all did a detox together, three days on protein shakes and vitamins.
    They used raw protein brand, though healthy and nutritious, tastes like kitty litter.
    To do detox right you should really consult a nutritionist or even a wellness minded doctor.
    I'd avoid taking any advice from those trainers, especially about nutrition.

    And no reputable doctor or dietician (both licensed, degreed professionals) will encourage anyone to "detox", because they know that the body does all the getting rid of toxins it needs... and if your kidneys & liver aren't functioning, no protein shake & vitamins will help.

    A "nutritionist" is anyone who wants to call themselves that, so you'd probably have no problem finding someone with that label who will support any sort of "detox" you want to try.
    detoxes/cleanses have zero proven benefits. You're basically just cutting out those foods for no real reason, and probably going to make yourself miserable. You may even find yourself binging shortly thereafter.
    IMO, just eat at a moderate deficit, get some exercise. You'll probably feel alot better once you do that, probably within a couple days.
    If you really do have proven allergies to certain foods, of course you should avoid them.
    But if you just want to decrease how much cheese you're eating (for example), do that instead of cutting it out of your diet entirely.
    put all those yummy foods back in their place as things to be enjoyed in moderation or as the occasional treat
    I am looking for quick food ideas that will fit in with what I have said
    cutting out the following
    All processed food,
    Bread products,
    Cereal and
    Stir fry can be very quick, if you take some time one day to prep everything (chop it up) so you can just throw it in the pan when you need it. Do enough for several meals. Even cook the rice ahead, so you can have brown rice. Keep it tightly covered in the fridge, either nuke a serving or just put it in the bowl underneath your veggies & as you stir it in it'll warm up.

    Do wraps using lettuce leaves instead of tortillas.

    Soup. This, too can be made ahead, simmered all day in the crockpot.

    Use some of your precooked brown rice to serve with steamed broccoli & nuked fish.

    Does hummus count as a processed food? What about if you make it yourself? Dip veggies for a healthy snack or dinner.

    Smoothie made of nonfat Greek yogurt, fruit (frozen or fresh), maybe some nuts, honey or stevia, cinnamon &/or cocoa.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    The trainers at my gym just recently all did a detox together, three days on protein shakes and vitamins.
    They used raw protein brand, though healthy and nutritious, tastes like kitty litter.
    To do detox right you should really consult a nutritionist or even a wellness minded doctor.
    The trainers at your gym are then not really well versed in how the body actually works. Broscience is strongest in the gyms.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good luck with that.

    You're basically just cutting out those foods for no real reason, and probably going to make yourself miserable.

    IMO, just eat at a moderate deficit, get some exercise.


    If you have a real question about one or more of the categories on the list why not specify that?

    If you are an alcoholic for example avoiding alcohol is probably a good idea. Absent specific reasons however, your list seems random and lacks context.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member

    I am looking for quick food ideas that will fit in with what I have said
    cutting out the following
    All processed food,
    Bread products,
    Cereal and
    Stir fry can be very quick, if you take some time one day to prep everything (chop it up) so you can just throw it in the pan when you need it. Do enough for several meals. Even cook the rice ahead, so you can have brown rice. Keep it tightly covered in the fridge, either nuke a serving or just put it in the bowl underneath your veggies & as you stir it in it'll warm up.

    Do wraps using lettuce leaves instead of tortillas.

    Soup. This, too can be made ahead, simmered all day in the crockpot.

    Use some of your precooked brown rice to serve with steamed broccoli & nuked fish.

    Does hummus count as a processed food? What about if you make it yourself? Dip veggies for a healthy snack or dinner.

    Smoothie made of nonfat Greek yogurt, fruit (frozen or fresh), maybe some nuts, honey or stevia, cinnamon &/or cocoa.

    Thanks for this! Very helpful! I do love a bit of hummus! I have a real issue preparing stuff ahead of time but I think you are right and I will just need to get off my butt and do it while I am cooking dinner. I am so fed up of being rushed all the time!

    Also have to say, thank you for reminding me of the yummy things I love to eat but had pretty much forgotten about for a while there! :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Good luck with that.

    You're basically just cutting out those foods for no real reason, and probably going to make yourself miserable.

    IMO, just eat at a moderate deficit, get some exercise.


    If you have a real question about one or more of the categories on the list why not specify that?

    If you are an alcoholic for example avoiding alcohol is probably a good idea. Absent specific reasons however, your list seems random and lacks context.

    I can understand both your opinions but rest assured I have my reasons. I know my body and I know my habits (after 3 years tracking and experimenting I ought to! :)). This will not make me miserable as over doing these things makes me miserable. I have been so busy I have forgotten all the nice things I used to eat and really enjoy and I have become food lazy, bloated and fed up. A change is needed and because I am me and not you it needs to be a big change to knock me out of my bad habits.