The Pro-Diet Pop/Soda Thread



  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Damn Heather, if you weren't already married I might propose.

    Diet Pepsi addict here.

    Lol, awwww <3:)

    It’s nice to know I'm not alone in the pop-loving boat here; all aboard! Ooops that’s a train reference, ok, all hands on deck then!

    I will definitely have to check out those links posted (despite them being dominantly anti-pop) but I think it was summed up well, everything in moderation but for now, my choice is going to be to INCREASE my intake of Diet Pepsi and see how that goes.

    Yay to the diet pepsi lovers, diet Dr. Pepper is great too. Cherry Coke Zero is the only coke product I will consider and it’s not available in Canada. Never has been so I keep my fingers crossed when going on vaca usually to Orlando (typical wanna-be-snow-bird eh? ;) that it’s on sale somewhere when I go since no case of pop is worth $5.
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    Hi my name is Trav.....and Im addicted to Diet Mountain Dew

    Same here. Diet Dew is awesome. I have a couple a week.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I drink at least one a day, whether it be Pepsi Max or Coke Zero (I am on the Coke team BTW:bigsmile: )
    Has never had an effect on my weight, and sometimes when I want to snack....I drink a cherry coke zero.....yum!
    Go team Coke!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Diet A & W Root Beer is always my first choice!

    Then diet Pepsi!
  • andeeinevansville
    I drink Pibb Zero every day..Usally just one can, and I the weekend I get 1 regular Pibb Xtra fountain drink, cuz it's my favorite!
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Diet Dr. Pepper cherry lover right here!!!
  • DayAtATime
    I love my Diet Root Beer and Diet Dr. Pepper. I have 1 diet soda a day and don't feel bad about it. About 5 years ago I gave up sugared soda and initially lost weight. I think I just replaced that lost sugar with other items with sugar during the day and gained what I had lost. I am glad that I don't drink sugared sodas any more. As someone else said, I have given up a lot of things in my life and at this point, have no guilt about drinking a diet soda.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I love my Diet Pepsi and Tab. And yes, I drink both. Sometimes I even mix them together! For what it is worth, this is what I have discovered in my own life.

    Drinking TOO MUCH diet pop caused me to have a sweet taste in my mouth all the time, and reinforced my sweet tooth. I craved sweets constantly. BUT at that point in time I was drinking a 6-pack every day, in addition to drinking 3-6 cups of coffee or tea with artificial sweetener in them! Now I drink my 8+ glasses of water every day, drink most of my coffee and tea without sweetener (except for the cup I have for "dessert" every evening), and have one or two diet sodas per day. This way they feel like a treat, and aren't part of my constant sweet expectation. Works for me.
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I dont drink soda at all. I have a very occasional emergency Dr. Pepper, but you all are making me wanna drink!! LOL!!! All of those drinks sound so cherry coke, diet mt dew.....
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Diet soda for me reduces my sweet tooth. It goes against all the studies out there but when I have the sweetness from a diet coke in my mouth it would over power any other sweet so I don't crave them. I could never have a diet coke with a piece of cake for example since the taste of the diet coke would over power the taste of the cake. I also need the caffene from it since I do not drink coffee it is my only source. So one bottle of diet coke a day I do not think of as a bad thing when I used to drink 12 servings of regular dr pepper a day when I worked fast food in high school and college.
  • jennylynn84
    Thank GOD.

    I typically have at least one of the following in my fridge: Coke Zero, Cherry Coke Zero, Sprite Zero or Diet 7Up. I've even included Diet Canada Dry to mix my tequila in. So there.

    I don't get the aspertame fear and I certainly never had a problem with a diet coke making me want more sweets. In fact, if I have something sweet (a Hershey kiss or a chocolatey granola bar) I tend to find myself craving more until I have a diet soda and cut the taste out of my mouth. Just had a diet coke from the vending machine today, too.

    I agree with a previous poster. I work out regularly, I eat pretty well, trying to keep balanced amounts of all the carbs, fat, protein etc., I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and I hardly ever drink (calories!). Is diet soda really a vice comparatively? Well, then let it be. I'm drinkin' it!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I just had a very large diet coke and it was VERY tasty.
  • DawniesLife
    I am a diet dr pepper drinker! I have cut back quite a bit since I have been dieting, but that is just because I have been trying to fit in more water. I drink approximately 3 cans of diet dr pepper a day. I am totally fine with it. I just quit smoking a little over five months ago, and now I am exercising and counting calories, etc! I also do not drink alcohol so really I just don't agree that diet pop is so bad! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    :heart: Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry, Diet Dr Pepper, Diet Mt. Dew :heart:

    Everyone needs at least once vice. Mine's caffeine. And carbs. But mostly caffeine.:smile:

    I absolutely adored Pepsi Jazz in caramel cream that was out a few years ago. It was dessert in a can.
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    I love Coke Zero - it helps fend off the "sweet" cravings and it is refreshing. I drink 1 or 2 a day...............
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I think if people cut out diet soda as a part of a larger plan, and it helps them feel like they are on a better track, then more power to them. Personally, I use diet soda as a way of taking care of the evening urge to eat. I'll take one in to bed as I try to relax and it's actually worked to quell actual hunger.

    For those who hate on diet soda, I'll say this; when I had my big weight loss 5 years ago, I drank a massive amount of fresca. I was on a fresca kick at the time and would routinely drink more then 2 liters/day. I would also binge on grapes, eating a huge bowlfull, but I digress.

    I keep hearing about how horrible aspartame is, but I've never heard a reputable health organization ascribe to these claims. Maybe it does cause cancer, but come on, EVERYTHING does.
  • sarahbelle91
    Everybody is different. I didn't gain anything by drinking diet soda,in fact,it kept me alive. I was anorexic for a few years and I lost about 45 lbs by drinking the stuff. Please DON'T try that....i almost died. But I never had any problems with my body from drinking it
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I ADORE this post.

    I love Diet Coke and I have about one a day monday-friday as theres a pop machine at the grocery store right by the daycare I work at. I get so thirsty at work so I usually bring some water and grab my DC on the way.
    I only drink it from the fountain or from a can. I hate drinking it from an already opened 2L because it tastes flat.

    I also work at a movie theater on the weekends and get free drinks on my break. LOVE ME SOME FOUNTAIN DC :)

    oh and ps, im totally team coke ;)
  • ababygrace
    I love my Diet Coke and by that I mean Diet Dr. Pepper, COke Zero and Diet Coke. Hey I'm from the South and we call it all coke lol.
    I love that you started this thread because I always feel guilty for drinking it from all the bad rap it gets. I am glad that I am not the only one that still likes their diet drinks. To me, it has not helped lose weight nor gain it so I haven't given it up. I do try to limit it in the day due to caffeine but I will not give it up no matter how hard I try.
  • momtodeshawn
    momtodeshawn Posts: 54 Member
    I love my Coke Zero....but I don't drink it too often. Maybe one a day, sometimes one every other day. I'm trying to drink more water and if I drink a CZ, it hinders how much water I end up drinking for the day. I'm just not used to drinking so much (water). lol