The Pro-Diet Pop/Soda Thread



  • ababygrace
    I will also add that I love Diet Cokes from Sonic!!!:drinker:
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I :heart: diet coke!!! If it's in the house, I drink it. Could be 1 a day, or it could be 3 a day, so I never buy a pack, just a 2 liter!! The only downfall that I see personally about drinking my coke is that I don't drink as much water. But other than that, it's almost HELPED me lose weight, because it definitely hits the spot when I need something sweet!:drinker:
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    I drink a LOT of Diet Pepsi. It's basically all I drink. I wish I could stop if just to get the health-kooks to shut up. I am in great shape and have no trouble keeping my weight down.

    I'm sure there is some truth to how artificial sweeteners can increase your appetite but if so the effect is probably insignificant when you consider the calories that are in naturally sweetened drinks.

    Once they get us to all stop drinking diet soda, they will come up with something else. Maybe it will be that bread causes malaria or that breakfast cereal causes rickets. Who knows?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Ps: Go Team Diet Pepsi, boooo coke ;)


    What you DON'T see is all the Pepsis that Coke killed before it went down, lol :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    When I was 15 I fainted. A lot. Sometimes twice a day. I finally went to the doctor after a few months and it turned out that I'm extremely caffeine sensitive. I was having probably 3 red bulls a day (back when they only came in the small, 8oz cans)

    Years later I won the battle with soda and have learned to love water, likely only because the minute I finish a can of delicious Pepsi, I can feel the dizziness creeping in on me. I really don't like falling down, so I had to stop with the soda.

    Today, I still have coke or pepsi once or twice a week. I just love it so much I don't want to be without it haha :)

    What I'm trying to understand in this thread, though, is why all of you enjoy the DIET versions so much? Personally I can't stand the taste of artificial sweets, aspartame, saccharine, anything, I can tell it's there and it makes my mouth sour. A real innocent, honest question from me, why diet?
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I prefer to cut the stuff out and do mostly, BUT diet soda HELPS me sometimes to stay away from far worse decisions! When I get hungry late night, sometimes a little diet soda kills my cravings for other things.

    I limit, but I LOVE the stuff, lol.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Ps: Go Team Diet Pepsi, boooo coke ;)


    I just love this is diet pepsi for me!! (yummy!!!) and this post is making me thirsty..but I am not caving....because I still have a little H2O to drink first! Then it is a still a thought to ponder over..did I say that
    And since I hate beer....(shhhhhhh!!) I will say there is nothing like a cold diet pepsi on a hot summer day!

    Now that I have confessed my love for diet pepsi...I will tell you that a while back I did gradually cut out the pop and watched what I ate, drank my water and exercised and it started coming off. So that is where I am heading again.

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Thank you abbiez and ababy grace, wooo pop!!

    @sarah44254 for some of us the diet taste is preferred for the majority however its probably b/c it’s a 0 calories treat that doesn’t taste that way. My parents will ONLY drink diet coke. They find regular Coke (which also includes Coke Zero) tastes too strong, too cinnamon’ie they say so for them its flavor.

    @goaliema ty, even if you abandon us and cut pop out of your life again ;)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    Ok I really have to start using emoticons here, AWSOME!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    First: I drink a Diet Code Red every day. I'd drink more except for the reflux.

    Second: Aspartame is a neurotoxin when taken in large quantities, and many people process it slowly, so add together high consumption and poor excretion and a few people are going to be negatively affected. I DO NOT think it is appropriate for children.

    Third: Healthy living requires give and take to maintain in a society that doesn't espouse it, so drinking a diet soda is really not such a big deal. Why do so many people make such a fuss? I'm very happy for those who have eliminated every additive and artificial ingredient from their lives and feel great, but I tried it and was miserable, so let me enjoy my life and you can enjoy yours.

    Let's all toast, with a diet soda, living life to it's fullest!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    I have to drink something with my liquor and it's better than juice.

    Preach on! :drinker:
    *high five* I would rather be fat than dry.

  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Go Team Pepsi!! But I LOVE McDonald's diet coke. And Diet Mt Dew is heavenly--but only in a can. I love this thread :drinker:

    As for diet over regular, I grew up drinking diet. I'll drink regular occasionaly, but it's nice to get the taste without the calories.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I LOVE DIET SODA! I recently got into Coke Zero. Yum! My fave is Diet Cherry Pepsi :drinker:

    If anything it helps me prevent snacking and eating sweets. I would like to give it up but right now eating right and exercising is hard enough so I will do that once I have hit my stride or lose the weight :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Other than the "Like Minded Lushes" you are my people! I have a Diet Coke on my desk as we speak!! I love Diet Dr. Pepper too. Acutally, I'll drink any diet soda (the regular ones are too sweet for me) but I'm not a fan of Diet Pepsi. I used to be married to a guy whose dad worked for Pepsi and it's all I could drink, soda-wise. Burned me out... :laugh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    saved by Coke Zero :)
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    mmmm I love me some Diet. Dr. Pepper!! I gave up pop for 2 weeks but missed it so much!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I do respect your choice to drink soft drinks, whether it's diet or regular. I think it's really a personal preference. I don't want to be a downer but please keep in mind that drinking a lot of soft drinks can undermine iron absorption as well as your bones ability to absorb calcium. It can also be hard on your kidneys. Believe me, I love a good, cold Diet Pepsi too or an original Coke in a glass bottle! :wink:
  • geoadam84
    geoadam84 Posts: 1
    I drink 2-3 bottles of diet dr pepper per day. I love it! im down 52 lbs in 4 months!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Let me start off by saying that if you are anti-pop whether it be the aspartame, artificial sweeteners, its diuretic (dehydrating) properties or whatever, GO ELSEWHERE!! There are soooo many anti-pop threads on MFP so I wanted to start one for those who have never gained weight for drinking diet pop, to those like myself who haven’t been able to loose any from cutting it out either or for those of you who believe diet pop is integral in your weight loss success to date.

    My husband is a Diet Pepsi fiend and although 3 Diet Pepsi’s a day may be a little more than average it keeps him thin and full and he has not yet felt the effects of aspartame or withdraw from the caffeine or chemicals for the periods of time it wasn’t on sale and I wouldn’t buy any (I’m a mean wife huh? Lol!)

    I normally have maybe 3 Diet Pepi’s a week but I’m thinking about stepping that up to 1 a day. The reason why is despite being completely balanced in my nutrition with carbs, protein and fat, I am still finding myself hungry. I eat most of my exercise calories so that means about 1300-1400 a day and I make sure to have snacks in between meals (apple, almonds, fiber plus granola bar etc) but yet, still starved! And yes, I drink water all day long 10-12 glasses usually.

    My own goals are to loose 10 lbs after gaining 8 in 2009 (first gain in over a decade) so if you too are in that category of women who only have a few lbs to loose, tell me about your experiences. Maybe I'm getting old (I will be 28 next week) and thats holding me back, ha ha ha!

    Ps: Go Team Diet Pepsi, boooo coke ;)

    Love me some pepsi and Mt Dew. Coke......many times if a restaurant only has that I will drink water or lemonade.

    Cannot stand diet pop!

    Been losing weight and still have some pop. Now..instead of 3-4 pops a day I will have 3-4 a week!