Question for men Re: women in skinny jeans



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Yeah, I was actually going to chime in about sundresses.
    I'm so practical... sundresses are appropriate for nearly every occasion, they travel great, are easy care and I don't have to be concerned about what top with what bottom and all that crap.
    I have yet to encounter anyone who says that sundresses are unbecoming for woman (except maxi dresses... opinions divide there)
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    If my wife asked me sundress or tight jeans that is a dilemma I would like to find myself in.
    At the end of the night, they got up to have pictures taken in their jeans and I said something about not owning a pair and one of the guys whispered to me something to the effect that it was a good thing I didn't, meaning he didn't like them.

    Obviously I don't know the guy or the context, but to me I didn't read that like a dig at the jeans just that he liked how you looked in the dress. Was it possible he was (subtly, and obviously not too effectively) trying to hit on you? Meaning you look better in your dress than these other women in their jeans.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If my wife asked me sundress or tight jeans that is a dilemma I would like to find myself in.
    At the end of the night, they got up to have pictures taken in their jeans and I said something about not owning a pair and one of the guys whispered to me something to the effect that it was a good thing I didn't, meaning he didn't like them.

    Obviously I don't know the guy or the context, but to me I didn't read that like a dig at the jeans just that he liked how you looked in the dress. Was it possible he was (subtly, and obviously not too effectively) trying to hit on you? Meaning you look better in your dress than these other women in their jeans.

    Anything is possible. In the moment, it sounded like, "I don't like skinny jeans." That was my impression, but I could be totally wrong.

    He knows I'm engaged and didn't say or do anything else that made me think he was interested. I am not sure about his relationship status. He was there alone and I've met him a couple other times and he was alone, but he mentioned a woman a couple times and my impression was that she was a girlfriend. But I don't know him well enough to know for sure and I didn't ask.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    (except maxi dresses... opinions divide there)
    The argument I always hear about maxi dresses (and long skirts) is that if you are short or have any curves, you shouldn't wear them. Only tall, straight up-and-down women can pull them off.

    So, here is 5'3"', hourglass figured (and not a size 2!) me in maxi dresses:


  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    (except maxi dresses... opinions divide there)
    The argument I always hear about maxi dresses (and long skirts) is that if you are short or have any curves, you shouldn't wear them. Only tall, straight up-and-down women can pull them off.

    So, here is 5'3"', hourglass figured (and not a size 2!) me in maxi dresses:



    "they" are wrong...
    dem bewbs!!! :drinker:

    (actually, the complaints about maxi dresses I have heard were generally from "leg" men, because maxis cover up dem gams.)

    ETA: Lookin' great in the maxi dress. Wear 'em if you like 'em. They like you.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    "they" are wrong...
    dem bewbs!!! :drinker:

    (actually, the complaints about maxi dresses I have heard were generally from "leg" men, because maxis cover up dem gams.)

    ETA: Lookin' great in the maxi dress. Wear 'em if you like 'em. They like you.


    Thanks. I haven't ever heard men complain. It's usually women saying those things. Men seem to like dresses in general.

    Now if only dem bewbs stood up so pretty without a bra I might like them better!

    Also, thank you. :smile:
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    I love those skinny jeans,but only on skinny girls!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    The disclaimer was unnecessary in the end, but I digress. I'm not a fan of skinny jeans or skinny women either. I like curves. Many don't. Either way I don't like "skinny" clothes.
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    I hate and I mean HATE skinny jean period. Everyone looks ridiculous in them (no offense to those that wear them lol). I can't wait until this fad is over. I won't let my daughter wear them and it is near impossible to find a normal pair of jeans these days. I would rather a woman just wear thong underwear around than skinny jeans :D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, the consensus is:

    1. Some men like them and some don't.

    2. This particular guy either actually doesn't like them, likes them fine but prefers dresses or was hitting on me.

    3. Wear maxi dresses if you want and screw society!
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I say wear what you like, too. If you want someone to be attracted to you, let them be attracted to YOU.

    I like skinny jeans (at work year round or in cool weather elsewhere) because they feel (and I think look) good on me. Now if I were making a huge faux pas or things didn't look right, I'd want friends to tell me ~ but they'd better not just be dissing style.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I say wear what you like, too. If you want someone to be attracted to you, let them be attracted to YOU.

    I like skinny jeans (at work year round or in cool weather elsewhere) because they feel (and I think look) good on me. Now if I were making a huge faux pas or things didn't look right, I'd want friends to tell me ~ but they'd better not just be dissing style.
    As I said, this isn't about whether I should or shouldn't wear them. It was simply a matter of curiosity because while I have found that men universally like sundresses, I haven't ever heard one express an opinion specifically about skinny jeans.

    I do wear what I want and I will continue doing so. :smile:
  • Cblsplcr
    Cblsplcr Posts: 715 Member
    Not a huge fan of them as a rule but with the right accessories they can look good. My wife wears them with tall boots and they look great on her, however I mean no disrespect but some women aren't built to wear them. And just for the record men should never wear them. That just looks ridiculous.