time of the month...ladies what exercises should i do?



  • JessMyOpinion
    I switch my weekly rest day to the first day of my period and then go back to normal. I used to be practically bedridden during my TOM but now that I'm working out regularly I don't have any cramps which is a miracle. Now as far as my eating goes during TOM that's a completely different story. ;)

    Just listen to your body. Sometimes I reduce the intensity of the workout but I still do it.
  • Taeyonnie
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I guess I'm wondering why anyone feels they have to give up or stay away from things while TOM is visiting. It may not be very pleasant due to cramps and bloating but it doesn't mean you have to stop doing things. You push thru any other time of the month, why should this be any different?
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    This thread has made me chuckle.
    The answer to 'should I go swimming on my period' shouldn't be 'no', from the sounds of it it should be 'noone should go swimming just incase someone who is on their period has been in there before you'. Lol.

    Personally my period doesn't stop me doing anything, but then I don't get severe cramps. I still swim (gasp). The only thing is tries to make me do is eat more. Oh and want sex more. Now there's a topic for you. Ha!

    Oh it makes me horny too!

    Luckily my BF is a good sport about that thing, best time and feeling for me, a little messy for him :)

    But the intensity for me make is worth it to him what a good man i have!

    :) Lol glad to know I'm not the only one!
  • mysecretself
    I do not make any changes to the routine...I don't see why it should make a difference if I'm honest
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    I think what you need to do, is realize that all is possible. Nothing should inhibit your freedoms.
    I suggest reading "The Secret." It will help you unlock the barriers in your mind and allow your physical form to be limitless.

    The first thing to do is create a vision board.

    Here's mine:


    I think it and so it shall be.
  • catcalledjinx
    I wouldn't normally suggest medical assistance, however, maybe you should consider getting some hormones via contraception. They changed my life....no periods for the last 5 years....it's fabulous.
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    seriously i just go and work out, periods are just a excuse to get out of training
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Yoga, baby. Yoga.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    seriously i just go and work out, periods are just a excuse to get out of training

    I endorse everything said by anyone with an American flag in their profile pic.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I do my regular exercise during that time. Pop some Advil if needed, but I've found that the regular exercise has lessened my cramp issues. Calorie goal stays the same. I fit any foods I feel like eating into my goals. Bloat is temporary. The weight gain is temporary and will drop back off in a week, and meanwhile my clothes still fit, so who cares?
  • Cc215
    Cc215 Posts: 228 Member
    So guys, does anyone ever get cravings and bloating during their period? I've gained like 0.5lb? Anyone else experience this? Wtf?

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a doctor. That being said, your symptoms sound excessive. Gaining 0.1-0.2 lbs is typical. 0.5 is downright scary. I would take a pregnancy test, you could just be spotting. If negative, the bloating symptoms tell me you likely have a fatal infectious disease. Accumulation of abdominal fluid would explain all of your symptoms. This CAN be triggered by several very deadly viruses. Don't take these symptoms lightly. You are clearly not healthy. Please seek medical attention immediately, preferably near the CDC and away from me and my drinking water.

    Lol - Quite possibly the best post ever :)
  • jillywilliams2014
    jillywilliams2014 Posts: 8 Member
    well, I have a really bad ToM and I can do nothing for about 3 days. not because im looking for an excuse to get out of exercise, ( I happen to love exercising and addicted) I just flow entirely too much and have to keep my feet elevated. however, I stick to my calorie intake and would die without my mydol. do whatever your body is telling you to do. everybody is different during this time. good luck and I feel your pain.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    So guys, does anyone ever get cravings and bloating during their period? I've gained like 0.5lb? Anyone else experience this? Wtf?

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a doctor. That being said, your symptoms sound excessive. Gaining 0.1-0.2 lbs is typical. 0.5 is downright scary. I would take a pregnancy test, you could just be spotting. If negative, the bloating symptoms tell me you likely have a fatal infectious disease. Accumulation of abdominal fluid would explain all of your symptoms. This CAN be triggered by several very deadly viruses. Don't take these symptoms lightly. You are clearly not healthy. Please seek medical attention immediately, preferably near the CDC and away from me and my drinking water.

    Your dry, sarcastic wit has me enthralled. I think I'm in love with you :heart:
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    well, I have a really bad ToM and I can do nothing for about 3 days. not because im looking for an excuse to get out of exercise, ( I happen to love exercising and addicted) I just flow entirely too much and have to keep my feet elevated. however, I stick to my calorie intake and would die without my mydol. do whatever your body is telling you to do. everybody is different during this time. good luck and I feel your pain.

    Not to be a broken record, but go swimming.

    For those of you concerned, they have a device that can replace tampons, allows mess-free intercourse and is fine for swimming.


    You can read about it here: http://soeasybeinggreen-blog.com/2014/05/ready-ditch-tampons-menstrual-cup-options/
  • cheftrying
    I barely exercise when it first comes that day(which starts off light) I will do something then because I know for the next few days I don't want to... I stay prepared with dark chocolate or low calorie treats to fight cravings.. lately skinny cow... but if I do feel ok on occasions, I normally just take a walk..... I have read numerous places that exercise actually does help during the time! :-)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    And I really do hate bringing up age but I wonder what the age spread would be between those who view as gross and limiting and those who view it as something natural, normal, and not a reason to change your routine.

    And please talk to a doctor before telling people you can catch an STD at a pool. You can't. You cannot catch an STD at the pool.
    My guess is you'd find a lot more young women saying that it's no big deal because they haven't yet experienced what it can turn into later.

    Many of us older women were once young women who thought the cramps weren't too bad and the flow wasn't hard to stop and all those women making a fuss were drama queens.

    When women get older, they have learned that:
    1). Individual experiences can be very different
    2). The periods change a LOT for some women
    3). Women have vastly different reactions to hysterectomies.

    Maybe they won't. Maybe their body won't change and they'll never learn that other people can be different than tehy are and might have an easier or harder time with some things. Maybe they'll maintain a less mature view of the world forever.

    But I'd bet that those saying "Periods are no big deal!" will usually be younger women.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    If I'm not having any sort of complications (from time to time I will get a menstrual migraine and those things are the WORST!), then I love doing yoga! Not only are you able to get exercise benefits (depending upon what type of yoga/class you're doing) but there are also poses that help with cramps, bloating, tension, headaches-- so it's definitely a benefit to go during ToM.