Either do it and lose or don't and stop whinging

Committing to a change of lifestyle to lose weight and improve health and fitness isn't easy. I'm amazed at how many on these boards imply that those who are doing this have some special metabolism that they don't. The only thing they have in my opinion is the 'Nike tick' - Just Do It . They knuckle down, cut the c**p (metaphorical not food but the food variety helps too!) take responsibility , research and seek tried and tested methods and stick at it slow and steady.
Post after post is filled with people not logging, not weighing food, making excuses not to exercise …. then asking "why don't I lose weight?"
Take my morning - cold and damp - do you actually think as a middle-aged lady I really wanted to get out of my nice warm bed at the weekend and go for an hour walk then have a healthy breakfast (egg on toast in my case) . Nah - I'd rather have stayed in bed then had pancakes and maple syrup. But I didn't because I want my end goal of a healthy body. And that same wee battle inside me happens many times a day - a delicious cake at work … I'd love a big slice but I just have a small one; hop in the car to go to the shops , no take 10 mins more and walk it. I'm waving the flag here for all the successful ones on here who are just 'Doing It' So what was the 'just do it' for you today - what choice did you make that you were proud of. Mine was the walk v warm bed … share yours.


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Walked 193 steps instead of taking the only lift that there was a queue for.
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    20 km bike ride to go sit at a beautiful beach!
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    So true :)
    Thank you for reminding us!
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    This was helpful and motivating without being preachy, condescending, or irritating. Thank you. You may have made a difference in a lot of lives with just a few lines of typing.
  • wolf_tickets
    wolf_tickets Posts: 29 Member
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    it's so easy to make excuses. you said it really well, delicately but firmly! it's good to hear a little blunt truth sometimes!! ~*~*~
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    Did a spinning class for the first time!! Loved it !
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,518 Member
    Came home and ate a big romaine and chicken salad for lunch instead of hitting the drive-thru despite intense hunger.

    I made excuses for too long not to call bulls**t on others. If this previously 375 lb woman in her 30's with 4 kids and full-time school(just now over) with a bum knee and a titanium leg can do it, so can anyone else!
  • newlooknewme2014
    newlooknewme2014 Posts: 42 Member
    Today I walked everywhere I needed to go and made my first "green" smoothie. :)
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    This middle-aged lady is about to get up and have her butt kicked by Jillian Michaels for an hour.

    It'll be worth every minute!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    My grandson was being dropped off earlier than usual today and I would have much preferred to stay in my bathrobe and welcome him in but instead I got dressed and got my 5 mile power walk in. I had to get up at 4 am to do so and yet I have no regrets. There are a few times a week when I have to hit the pavement by 4:30 am or I would not get my walk in. You do what you gotta do.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    We do make a lot of excuses don't we? Especially those of us ladies who *used* to be able to eat all kinds of crap and not put on an ounce who now, have had several children and are blaming THEM for getting us fat....

    Today my moment was to eat a healthy salad with salmon (yummmm) instead of going to the convenience store and getting a ridiculously high in fat/calories pizza.

    And because of that, I can sneak a small slice of cake tonight, maybe. Small slice. Not a gargantuan size.
  • HeidiGrrrl
    HeidiGrrrl Posts: 81 Member
    Starving after lunch. Wanted a Dairy Queen ice cream cone. Came home, and ate a stick of light string cheese, instead. Only 50 calories, less than 1gm carbs (on a very low carb eating regimen) and 7gm protein. Took the edge off. Still want the cone, but not as bad, so I can make it the rest of the day without caving. Also got in a bit of a walk, even though I'm too tired from not enough sleep last night and wanted a nap, instead. Double WIN!
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    This thread is a breath of fresh air!

    I must admit that I've felt rather defeated lately seeing how tightly some people cling to the 'I can't' defeatist mind-set.

    As for me: my mini-goal for the day is to walk 10 miles before dinner. I've got 2.7 miles to go as of this writing... and I'm hungry... so - I'm off! :smile:

    Thanks OP!
  • julesg100
    julesg100 Posts: 109 Member
    My legs are sore from doing squats and lunges on Wednesday, but I did 45 minutes on the elliptical anyway.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    knocked out 20 miles on the bike in 100*F temps...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I went to they gym at 4:45 and did my damn legs, even though I could have laid in bed on my day off.
  • wolf_tickets
    wolf_tickets Posts: 29 Member
    Training myself to eat an early breakfast to jumpstart the metabolism. Burning 1000 calories daily biking so I can eat whatever I damn well please--within reason.
  • megacoco
    megacoco Posts: 32
    I don't see too many whiners in my day to day life, but you make a good point. Losing weight takes time to do (safely) and I feel like people get frustrated too quickly.

    Last night, I got off my butt and went to go lift for 45 minutes.

    Today, I spent 40 minutes of my 60 minute lunch break walking. I do that most days, but it's a bit chilly today, so I was tempted to stay in... glad I went out.

    Tonight, I hope to get off my butt again and go to the gym for some elliptical. But at least I have done some movement today!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    This was helpful and motivating without being preachy, condescending, or irritating. Thank you. You may have made a difference in a lot of lives with just a few lines of typing.

    Actually, I found it just a touch condescending.