Horrible Monday!



  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Thank you 365abdstillal. As I said, I appreciate everyone's feedback and suggestions! I am learning a lot now, and did not know about muscles retaining water. That is something I need to read more up on. All this is a learning experience and take all the suggestions I can get!

    Honestly, you've got such a great attitude. I've got no doubt you'll do just fine :) It's all a learning process.
  • SammieJustMe
    You know... The scale is not always trustable... Since I started I gained 5kg. BUT I also lost a size in clothes.
    I used to watch the scale every day. And it made me feel horrible.

    Please don't focus on the scale too much.
    The mirror tells more than the scale does.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member

    Last week, I exercised all 7 days, I stayed within (or under) my calorie goal

    Rest days are really important for multiple reasons, but seeing a loss on the scale is one of them, especially if that's what really motivates you, as it seems it is.

    To put this in perspective, I weighed in at 173 this morning. I drank maybe 3oz of water, went for a 25 minute run, came home, saw this post and hopped on the scale: 176.

    Your muscles actually retain water after a workout to help them heal. When you're not taking rest days, you constantly end up carrying that water weight. I don't weigh in the day after I workout because I know I'll see an increase, not a decrease on the scale, even if I ate perfectly.

    The other thing, staying within/under your calorie goal is great; assuming you're eating enough. If you're exercising daily, make sure your calorie goal reflects that so that you're getting proper nutrition and losing more fat than lean body mass.

    Edit: Just to let you know, I think it's great that you're so dedicated to your weight loss; I just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself along the way.

    I SOOO needed to read this info this morning. I gained 4lbs from being on vacation last week, having aunt flo visit and then working out really hard yesterday...So now I feel a lot better about my "gain" today.

    PS. Ems500c, I was clicking this post to jump on the horrible bandwagon, about having to return to work after a week off with my kids and family at the lake AND having no hot water or electricity overnight so rocking the slicked back 'wet hair' look (doesn't work as well in your 40s as it did in my 30s), OH and having gained 4 lbs. It's all temporary, stay on track and keep working your program. Loss is one thing, but health is the other. Your hard work is to sustain good health, loss is a just a perk (if you need it).
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you except I was up 1.5 lbs! I'm not getting excited about it though. Getting close to that time (I know, TMI) which always puts me up about 3 lbs, so I'm hoping in about 5 days I'll have actually lost 1.5lbs.

    Plus, I ate a whole hershey's special dark this morning. I feel amazing. lol
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I had a similar post a couple weeks ago. I was killing it at the gym but had a couple bad days leading up to my weigh in eating pizza, beer, nachos and some sweets. I gained a pound. I just refocused my diet and I am down about 8 lbs in over two weeks.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I keep writing thank you to everyone, but it's how I feel! You have to stay positive, and although it was only 4 oz, next week could be 4 pounds, so wanted to see if maybe I did something wrong! I read every post and take it all into account!

    DAM5412, I hope your Monday turns around for you! I can't even imagine no hot water and I hope you had a great vacation!

    Wookinpanub, I did have pizza a few weeks ago and then I was down, which was almost worse because I didn't feel so bad about it! But your 100% right, this is a new week, and I need to do the same thing "get refocused on this is a new week" and I can't change last week!

    enterdanger that is also something I did not know! I have so much to learn! LOL

    SammieJustMe, I did measure but no pictures. That is something I need to add to my list of to do's! Its something so simple, but I'm sure so motivational when you compare them to one another!
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    Go poop and weigh again
  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    I totally get this. For two weeks, I was faithful to my calories, had increased my activity and nothing, nothing, nothing. Then? Bam. Lost 4.6 pounds in one day. What the heck?

    Just keep plugging away. It will come.

    And, as for those of you minimizing her concerns, why even post? This is a SUPPORT and MOTIVATION board. Not a beat you up because I don't like your thinking board. Sheesh...
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I totally get this. For two weeks, I was faithful to my calories, had increased my activity and nothing, nothing, nothing. Then? Bam. Lost 4.6 pounds in one day. What the heck?

    Just keep plugging away. It will come.

    And, as for those of you minimizing her concerns, why even post? This is a SUPPORT and MOTIVATION board. Not a beat you up because I don't like your thinking board. Sheesh...

    People are minimizing her concerns because 4 oz is not worth getting upset over. That IS being supportive. There is going to be a day when she weighs in a few pounds heavier than normal. If she's this worked up over something as silly as 4OZ, then how is she going to react then?

    To be successful at this for the long term, it's important to put things in the appropriate perspective.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    4 oz. really!?!? :noway:

    That happens to me several times a week. :laugh:
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Carostad, thank you for the reply! I'm going to try a few things listed in the posts. See if it could be sodium / food related, or if it could just be my muscles retaining water as someone mentioned. It's all a learning process and all the advice helps teach me what I could be doing wrong!

    Paige682 and Serah87, I never said I was all worked up, I said I busted my butt and had no results and though MAYBE I was going something wrong. I'm not a expert at all of this and found out things today I didn't know before. So if I posted I was up 5 pounds it would be OK but because it's only 4 oz, its not?? Hmm.. but thank you anyways for the replies!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Carostad, thank you for the reply! I'm going to try a few things listed in the posts. See if it could be sodium / food related, or if it could just be my muscles retaining water as someone mentioned. It's all a learning process and all the advice helps teach me what I could be doing wrong!

    Paige682 and Serah87, I never said I was all worked up, I said I busted my butt and had no results and though MAYBE I was going something wrong. I'm not a expert at all of this and found out things today I didn't know before. So if I posted I was up 5 pounds it would be OK but because it's only 4 oz, its not?? Hmm.. but thank you anyways for the replies!

    Really? You weren't worked up? You titled the thread "horrible Monday," said you felt horrible this morning and viewed it as a setback even after everyone explained that a 4oz gain is nothing to be concerned about. Of course people are going to jump in and tell you to relax.

    Quite honestly, had you posted about 5lb gain, you would have gotten similar responses in terms of what the cause could be (hormones, water retention in your muscles, sodium). The responses may have been more tempered though because 5 pounds is a far greater gain than 4oz (literally, a half a cup of water).

    You are more than welcome to post concern over a 4oz gain. You can post anything you like, it's an open forum. People will respond accordingly - and, actually, no one has been rude to you.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I just reread my reply and I NEVER said anyone was rude, and I also said I will listen to everyone's feedback and appreciate the time for people to post suggestion as to what it could be. Also like I said I learned that muscles retain water, which I had NO clue about and also that it could very well be sodium (even though I watch the sodium intake). Lastly, it is horrible to work at something and get no results. It's not the gain, its the time and effort I put into logging everything accurately, weighing food and exercising daily to be up the next week. That's the point I was getting at. The number does not even matter, its the point that something I did, didn't work how I wanted it to, and wanted feedback. It's that simple, but as I said thanks again for posting!
  • Jenny45683
    If your body is not used to that amount of exercise maybe you are retaining a bit of water? When I first started strength training my weight went up by 6 pounds overnight! I thought it was a bit weird but it went away pretty quick. From reading around it seems your muscles can retain a bit water while they repair. You might have actually lost weight but it's being masked, you never know.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'ts fine. Everyone is fine.

    Sure it's more reaction than other people would have- really anything in ounces in terms of weight is a drop in the bucket... so not everyone would react.

    But I can understand how incredibly annoying it is to bust your butt, stay on top of the food and then be up... up ANY number of weight is exhausting.

    But it's fine- she's listening and adjusting- and sometimes you just have to have you irrational panic attack/vent to get it out there.

    All is fine and well.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks Jenny45683. I never even knew that was possible to retain water in your muscles (still new at this) and something I am going to look into!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks Jenny45683. I never even knew that was possible to retain water in your muscles (still new at this) and something I am going to look into!

    muscle is majority water.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Did you have a lot of sodium? Maybe you're just retaining water.
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    First, I'm so sorry. I know you must be depressed but, don't eat a cow which is something I might do. : ) Try maybe drinking a lot more water this week, and remember there are set points and if you've hit a plateau, then once you pass it, whoosh, there will be a big drop. The next 14 pounds will go very easy. ahem. Until you hit another set point. This is just your brain trying to prevent you from starving. silly brain. maybe track measurements to so you have some other feedback, or mood, or energy. hmm. OH and if all else fails, check your time of the month ( I always gain five pounds) and really go over the diary. I was once allowing myself chips and salsa as a treat once a week not realizing it was 600 calories and full of salt, and msg which is an allergen for me. Keep plugging it'll happen. Oh one more thing. Try to get more sleep or take short naps, 20 min or so, you can only produce HGH while you are asleep, and that makes muscle which increases your metabolism. Sorry, I feel you. :flowerforyou: