Busy mom, meal replacement.

jaehb Posts: 6 Member
I'm a mom of two four years old and ten weeks, in two weeks I start back to school and work. I'm looking for meal replacement ideas that are safe for breastfeeding moms. Two days a week I will have about fifteen minuets to eat/drive from work to school. I typically follow a low carb diet and save around 400 calories for my dinner. I was thinking a bar or pre made shake. I don't want to eat crap and lose the progress I've made. :happy: Thanks for any advice!!


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Meal prep! On the day you're free, cook for the whole week so that you can just grab and go!
    Do similar meals to what you're doing now, it's just a lot simpler!
  • jaehb
    jaehb Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! :wink: I do meal prep and I did that last semester but had time to eat. The problem this semester is I will only have fifteen minuets to drive to campus, park, and get to class the drive alone is ten minuets. That's if I get out of work on time. :laugh:
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    I've been making smoothies in the morning. A really easy one is frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana, 8 oz light almond milk, and 2 tbsp. pb2 peanut butter powder. It's about 300 calories and keeps me full. I just stick it in once of those blender bottles after I make it and take it to work with me or drink in the care. Use water instead of the almond milk to save a few more cal if you want.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    You could do different kind of muffin recipes. There are so many different varieties, you control what goes into them, and you can make them ahead and freeze or refrigerate them. I've had good luck with ham and cheese, zucchini, banana nut, and scrambled egg 'muffins'. You could pair them with a protein shake to help you keep full?
  • jaehb
    jaehb Posts: 6 Member
    Love the ideas thank you! :happy:
  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    What I used to do was make a sandwich to bring with me or a some kind of homemade muffin like someone else suggested and pair that with a fruit or baby carrots. also hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, homemade granola bars, things that i could easily eat in the car.

    What also helped me was to eat either a bigger breakfast or lunch so that something small would hold me off after work until I could have dinner.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I tend to have finger foods always available because sometimes I spend my entire day in the car. Here are a few of my grab and go items....

    Carrot sticks or baby carrots
    Celery sticks
    Peanut butter
    String cheese or cubes of cheese
    Meat (deli sliced) and cheese roll ups
    Cucumber slices
    Grape tomatoes
    Apple wedges
    Hard boiled eggs

    The meal replacement bars you'll grow tired of very quickly but I do keep granola bars in my bag for emergencies. Someone mentioned smoothies which is a fabulous idea and pretty much any combination works. Whip up a smoothie, grab a few items from the list here and you've got a nutritious meal who says you need meat and potatoes to make it dinner. :)