Is it okay to run with a chronic back pain from an injury?



  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    I do walk, a fair amount and more so lately. I find walking beneficial but some days the constant impact causes pain especially going down hill. I was told by my doctor yesterday that an MRI wouldn't tell me anything the X-rays have told me which is that there is nothing structurally wrong with my spin. I do a lot of exercises I have learned from my physiotherapist, walk and now watching my food intake.

    I am going to continue my 60 min plus walks and then if i feel the urge to run a bit I will and incorporate it in slowly.

    @Lifting4Lis good on you for overcoming such an obstacle, you should be crazy proud of yourself! I will also look into Heller works.

    Trouble is I am in a small town rural part of Nova Scotia, we tend to not have the latest and greatest in...well....anything really LOL people around here are still rockin' Zumba like it came out yesterday LOL