"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 7



  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    As some of you may or may not know, that I almost lost my sister in June.. I am struggling with trying to find the perfect gift for her for christmas. I want it to be something special. Almost losing her about killed me.. I started my weight loss during the time that she was sick.. Im hoping to figure something out soon..

    What kind of stuff does she like? What is she into? That might help us give you some suggestions. :D
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    As some of you may or may not know, that I almost lost my sister in June.. I am struggling with trying to find the perfect gift for her for christmas. I want it to be something special. Almost losing her about killed me.. I started my weight loss during the time that she was sick.. Im hoping to figure something out soon..

    What kind of stuff does she like? What is she into? That might help us give you some suggestions. :D

    She likes Cows, and Apples. Shes into sewing.. heh i almost put snowing.. haha probably because its snowing like crazy outside..
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Cw: 176.2 ( still gonna be dropping due to TOM )
    2.2 to go!
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    This will be my first week of the 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge and I can't wait to get started!! I know I wont lose the 12 lbs but I'd be happy with a few and I'll catch the next challenge. :) Love the idea of Seriously Sexy Seven!!

    Congrats to Jsecret and Looby1968!!

    My splurge will be apple butter pie!! mmmmmm :)

    This is my check in. I'll be back through out the week. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    As some of you may or may not know, that I almost lost my sister in June.. I am struggling with trying to find the perfect gift for her for christmas. I want it to be something special. Almost losing her about killed me.. I started my weight loss during the time that she was sick.. Im hoping to figure something out soon..

    What kind of stuff does she like? What is she into? That might help us give you some suggestions. :D

    She likes Cows, and Apples. Shes into sewing.. heh i almost put snowing.. haha probably because its snowing like crazy outside..

    What about this? Totally adorable, I think!


    Or this bracelet is really pretty:

    Or maybe make a bracelet yourself! Since you love butterflies, maybe you can make her a charm bracelet with a cow (or apple), a heart, and a butterfly. So it'll signify your love for her, and she can always have it with her!
  • kattungen
    Ooh, I love the challenges! Will definitely do the at-home-utilizing-thing, I am living w/my parents half of this week and they have two floors, which equals stairs! I will walk up and/or down every time I need to go to the bathroom, instead of using the one on the floor I'm on! :D I will also join the 100 crunches! :D

    SW (30.10) - 190 lbs
    W2 (05.11) - 188.5 lbs - 1.5 lbs loss
    W3 (12.11) - 185.6 lbs - 2.9 lbs loss
    W4 (19.11) - 185.6 lbs - 0 lbs loss
    W5 (26.11) - 184.0 lbs - 1.6 lbs loss
    W6 (03.12) - 187.8 lbs - 3.8 lbs GAIN :(
    CW (10.12) - 185.2 lbs - 2.6 lbs loss

    A Total Loss of: 4.8 lbs

    I am hoping to see some good results this week, I really need to lose those 1.2 lbs that came on again last weigh-in (W6). Will hit the gym in an hour, and then work on my paper the rest of the day, gym again tomorrow, paper, then gym on Wednesday (and more paper) and finally some time off on Thursday :p

    I also have a great success to share with all of you: last Thursday I managed to "run" (easy jog, 7 km/h) for five minutes straight! For someone who HATES jogging and running, that's a huge victory! :D
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Yay! TOM has finally subsided yesterday afternoon/evening so I can do a real weigh in!

    SW: 186
    GW: 174

    CW: 175

    one pound to go by Christmas!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    So I weighed last Friday, knowing this weekend was going to be a hellish splurge. I was at 191.4. Im almost back to where I was at my lowest before Thanksgiving. I've resigned myself to trying to stay even through the holidays, and then really work when the new year comes. Just keep on keeping on for now. Blah. I'm getting sick of this plateau I seem to have created for myself since Halloween. I'm ready to get back on track and on the way to my goal!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SW 201.6
    CW 197.4

    I've been slacking horribly on exercise and it really shows. Not having a Wii or DVD player sucks when it's -10 outside with the windchill and I don't have the money for a gym. I'm really hoping my friend can get me in his gym tonight for a trial run..I hope. :/

    I know I'm still doing good because I'm not gaining a lot (just water retaining every so often) verses most of America who's already gained 3-5lbs since Thanksgiving. SO I'll take this as maintaining and staying steady. I can't wait til Winter is gone so I can get back to my outside walk/runs :)
  • SkierElle
    Whoot! I made it to my GW for this challenge - 1lb past actually I am now at 175! I'm only at 70 on the sit ups (my goal is 500) but I did Cardio abs today for insanity so I think that should count for a few! It definitely FELT like more than a few!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Today had been a day from hell.. Woke up to call the vet for my dog bruitus this morning.. made an appointment for 215.. no big deal, right? Wrong.. I got around and left the house at noonish.. well, I get a half mile from home and my car breaks down.. I putter along side the road.. I turn everything off and turn it over.. So I thought Id attempt to move it.. hehe.. I got like 200 yards from where I was and it died again, but for good this time.. I was stuck in the middle of an intersection, trying to turn.. I couldnt get over, No fun.. :( I called my husband and hes busy at an accident scene.. I start bawling, Im afraid im gonna get hit.. :( I call his work, and someone is on there way.. One of my customers from work stopped to see if i was ok.. Then a police officer stopped and pushed me out of the way.. THANK GOD.. I felt a little more safe.. We get the car to the shop.. and find out that something happened with the oil.. My engine seized up.. GREAT,, Had to go to my inlaws with my hubby to get his Dodge.. Which I hate driving in the snow.. :( By this time I realize Im not gonna make it to the vet appointment in time. so i call to see if they have another time available.. The next one was too close to when I had to go to work.. So I have to wait until tomorrow to find out whats wrong with my bruitus.. Too much is happening at one time.. All I want to do is sit and cry.., :( Blah.. Plus there was like NOBODY at work today.. They all called in.. :( JERKS!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    April, I hope the rest of your week gets much better. *hugs*

    Well, I got in my first gym experience tonight, oddly enough, with an ex from highschool (he was next to my side the whole time...) I did 37min on the tread.. I'm such a noob b/c I paused it on accident after my first 7min... I stayed at 4mph almost the whole time, briefly at 5.1 and as low as 3.5. We then hit the elliptical for 15min and I thought it would be the death of me..lol, but I pushed through it!! I have a free 7 day pass and I hope that in the new year I can get an actual membership. I loved the gym and I wish I had started this back in Sept!! Plus I know many people that go there which is pretty cool too :) My legs will be on fire tomorrow.. I love it!! Off to finish my water then head to bed, night all!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I also have a great success to share with all of you: last Thursday I managed to "run" (easy jog, 7 km/h) for five minutes straight! For someone who HATES jogging and running, that's a huge victory! :D

    Very well done!! Enjoy the sweet sweet victory!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Jsecret - congrats on only being one pound away from your challenge GW. That's very exciting!

    Summer, hope the hellish splurge was fun and that you enjoyed it! You've had such great success, I know you're only going to have more.

    Bru - I can totally see how Americans can gain weight from the holidays. Even when bring conscious about food choices I showed a gain! It is just too easy. It sounds like you had fun at the gym! The elliptical really is a machine that sucks the first 15 minutes, but is a breeze the last 15. Like when you're driving to get somewhere, it takes FOREVER to get to the destination...once you're on your way back, and you're familiar with the route, the time flies by. Plus I found I needed certain music for the elliptical, songs that had a beat I could stride to. The *****cat Dolls' "Buttons" is great! Crank up the resistance level, put your *kitten* into it, and have fun!

    April, yikes honey! Sorry you had such a craptastic day. I'm so glad to hear a police officer was there and able to help you move your car to safety. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like having to drive around in actual weather (we SoCal people can only drive in dry conditions, you should see the madness that ensues when it rains!). I hope you're able to get Bruitis in tomorrow. Poor puppy. And poor you. :(
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    And this post is dedicated to iluvwdw...she needed some images of sunny Disneyland to brighten her spirits. I was only able to get one sunny shot, but I've got a couple showing Disney Chrismas magic that I'm also sharing. Here's a big Mickey hug to you, iluvwdw!

    A sunny backstage view from the parking structure...

    The happiest reindeer on earth...

    New Orleans Square...

    Sleeping Beauty Castle in her Christmas glory!

    I hope that brought a little smile to you face, love. And if you need more Disneyland photos, a blogger I follow has FANTASTIC images on his Flikr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/andycastro/with/5253975862/
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well done everyone on losses and gym memberships :D

    The last time I got weighed my BMI was 25.6, so hoping for the you are not over weight anymore moment.

    I have been so bad this week though, doubt it will be soon.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Evening everyone,

    I hope everyone is doing well with all this crazy weather lately. We normally get snow during winter and it was so warm yesterday it was raining instead. It made for some fun roads this morning.
    I have not done worth a darn this last week. I have been fighting a sore throat and could not get rid of it. The doc's said it was not strep and then called me back to tell me it was strep... 4 days later. So I am finally starting to feel better. I am hopeful that I can get back to the gym this week once I feel normal again. I have not had much weight loss but thats ok because my health is just as important. Anyways I will be back later this week for the actual weigh in. Congrats on the losses to everyone, keep up the hard work. Hope everyone has a great week.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I've not weighed myself in days ...I have no idea what I weigh. I guess I will try and bring myself to weigh in tomorrow. Been struggling with this plateau for 16 days now. It's making me insane.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Well guys thinking I'm not weighing in next week. I've been terrible again lately about the scales so I asked my husband to please take the bathroom scale and hide it and refuse to give it back to me until Christmas Eve so that I don't have to worry about it. I'll continue to eat right and workout but I'm not going to weigh in until the 24th and then I'll see how I'm doing :)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I've stayed the same this week, and I'm counting myself lucky for that!
    I've had a rubbish week. I find MFP really easy to do when all is going well and I can exercise.
    I haven't been able to go to the gym/run for a while and I really struggle to stick to the 1430 calories I'm allowed on a day off.
    I'm just going to see how things go now until the New Year.
    I'm looking forward to the Valentines challenge. Hopefully everything will have settled down again after New Year
    and I can hit the gym regularly again :smile: