"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 7



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    SW: 180.8
    CW: 174.0 (-2.6 lbs. this week)
    GW: 168.8

    6.8 of 12

    Yay! That's what I'm talking about.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Im gonna attempt to weigh myself tomorrow morning.. im probably not doing well.. I havent been staying on task lately.. :( Soo much going on around me.. I havent been able to concentrate like I need to. :( I know its an excuse.. and i shouldnt be even making it.. Stressed from my animals.. and my car taking a ****.. TOOO close to Christmas for this crap to be happening.. :( Gotta figure out how to get another vehicle.. Blah!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Weighed myself this morning just to see, was WAY up, but then TOM showed up today, so I don't feel so bad. I'm just trying to get through till January. Ugh.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April, I sure hope things lighten up for you soon. Christmas stress is the worst.

    Summer, you looked great tonight! TOM is such a biitch with the scale. You'll make it through the holidays. Just gotta stay positive! Does building Lego Death Stars burn calories? :tongue:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im gonna attempt to weigh myself tomorrow morning.. im probably not doing well.. I havent been staying on task lately.. :( Soo much going on around me.. I havent been able to concentrate like I need to. :( I know its an excuse.. and i shouldnt be even making it.. Stressed from my animals.. and my car taking a ****.. TOOO close to Christmas for this crap to be happening.. :( Gotta figure out how to get another vehicle.. Blah!

    April I can completely understand, the stress is getting to me too and I find it so hard to stay focused when I am stressing. Me and the babys dad are ill still, so we have had to ship off the baby to another city, I havent seen him for two weeks :( Xmas is stressful anyway, too much money is needed. My bloody electrics need completely redoing, £2500 :O I am a bloody single mum on welfare, thats not happening, just gonna hope the house doesnt set on fire eeeeek.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Whoohoo!!!!!!! I've made it back into ONEderland! Found it at one point but then lost it now I'm back with a vengence!!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I went to the gym today (still on my free pass) and I ran a 35min 5k!!! WOOT WOOT!! I'm so stoked!! And to think I was seriously gonna quit halfway through! That's 9min off my actual 5k I ran outside!! Happy Bru Dance :drinker:

    I like having the gym access, but I don't think I'd use it as much if I knew I could use it whenever I wanted. Knowing that I only have 7days to try it makes me kill it in the gym. But that's a good thing because I'm shaking things up a bit and confusing my body. Not too much exercise for a few weeks, mostly light stuff then a few days of running and such.

    I'm not expecting a loss tomorrow, but I hope I break through shortly after the New Year
  • kattungen
    SW (30.10) - 190 lbs
    W2 (05.11) - 188.5 lbs - 1.5 lbs loss
    W3 (12.11) - 185.6 lbs - 2.9 lbs loss
    W4 (19.11) - 185.6 lbs - 0 lbs loss
    W5 (26.11) - 184.0 lbs - 1.6 lbs loss
    W6 (03.12) - 187.8 lbs - 3.8 lbs GAIN :(
    W7 (10.12) - 185.2 lbs - 2.6 lbs loss
    CW (17.12) - 185.2 lbs - 0 lbs loss

    A Total Loss of: 4.8 lbs

    I'm really pleased I've managed to maintain this week, I've been horrible both food-wise and exercise-wise. But as of yesterday I've completed all my finals, and I'm back on track :D
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Don't stress it too much guys, it sounds like a lot of us are struggling. Don't beat yourself up, this is a bad time of year for losing weight. We just need to accept that and not let it cause us to quit. Be strong guys and even if we don't do well over the holidays we will prevail in the end! :D Just don't give up.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    :tongue: 12 pounds of Christmas Challenge - H20 17.8 lbs lost so far!
    SW 10/30/10 323.4 *****Current weight 305.6
    *****11/05/10 326.4 +3.0
    *****11/12/10 319.8 -6.6
    *****11/19/10 315.0 -4.8
    *****11/26/10 312.8 -2.2
    *****12/03/10 309.8 -3.0
    *****12/10/10 307.2 -2.6
    *****12/17/10 305.6 -1.6
    *****12/24/10 last weight in before Xmas!

    I have another staff party to attend tomorrow... hopefully I will be good! I will try to exercise alot during the day so it won't be that bad after all! The thing that scares me the most is that you never know what will be served for meals and snacks. I can do this in a smart way!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    :tongue: 12 pounds of Christmas Challenge - H20 17.8 lbs lost so far!
    SW 10/30/10 323.4 *****Current weight 305.6
    *****11/05/10 326.4 +3.0
    *****11/12/10 319.8 -6.6
    *****11/19/10 315.0 -4.8
    *****11/26/10 312.8 -2.2
    *****12/03/10 309.8 -3.0
    *****12/10/10 307.2 -2.6
    *****12/17/10 305.6 -1.6
    *****12/24/10 last weight in before Xmas!

    I have another staff party to attend tomorrow... hopefully I will be good! I will try to exercise alot during the day so it won't be that bad after all! The thing that scares me the most is that you never know what will be served for meals and snacks. I can do this in a smart way!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    CONGRATS!!! You're doing awesome :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ ChantalC1969 - You're doing so great! I think you're putting most of us to "shame". lol I'm proud of you for your hard work and your great weight loss despite the Holidays - now If only I could do that! lol WELL DONE!
  • ralbertario
    I wanna join!! I know it's late, but I'll continue on with you guys to the Valentines day one. I'm very excited about all the support going on here :-)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    :tongue: 12 pounds of Christmas Challenge - H20 17.8 lbs lost so far!
    SW 10/30/10 323.4 *****Current weight 305.6
    *****11/05/10 326.4 +3.0
    *****11/12/10 319.8 -6.6
    *****11/19/10 315.0 -4.8
    *****11/26/10 312.8 -2.2
    *****12/03/10 309.8 -3.0
    *****12/10/10 307.2 -2.6
    *****12/17/10 305.6 -1.6
    *****12/24/10 last weight in before Xmas!

    I have another staff party to attend tomorrow... hopefully I will be good! I will try to exercise alot during the day so it won't be that bad after all! The thing that scares me the most is that you never know what will be served for meals and snacks. I can do this in a smart way!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Wow lady, how well are you doing :D
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I wanna join!! I know it's late, but I'll continue on with you guys to the Valentines day one. I'm very excited about all the support going on here :-)

    Yay, come join, everyone is fab and i'm sure it will help you reach your goals :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I wanna join!! I know it's late, but I'll continue on with you guys to the Valentines day one. I'm very excited about all the support going on here :-)

    Yay, come join, everyone is fab and i'm sure it will help you reach your goals :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Tomorrow starts the last week of the challenge.. I notice i numbered the weeks wrong.. there wont be a week 9.. what would be week 9 is Christmas Day!! Any suggestion for challenges?? anyone!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks Ladies for being there for me! I love this group!
    Can't wait to start after the Holidays for the Valentine's challenge!

    Got a job interview yesterday and got a call today that I got the job if I want it! Starting my training on January 3rd! I will be working from home. It's a US company. It's only a 4 months contract but better that than nothing. Hopefully I can manage the new job, taking care of daughter by myself since her father is also starting a new job on January 3rd and will be working 28 days straight... so I will have to take her to hockey practice 3 nights a week... OMG I hate going to the arena... :sick: and on top of that I need to still take care of ME since I want to be healthy! Good thing I will have you to cheer me along!!!

    Good night all!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hmmm New challenges - That's a tough one because we've already done most of the ones I would have suggested. I think a good one might be to try an alternative form of sweetener - like Splenda, Stevia, or the like. I've been meaning to try an alternative for the sugar I put in my coffee as it adds a lot of extra empty calories. It would be great to have those calories for actual food substance. And I think challenging people to try an alternate sweetener might open some minds to something other than sugar.

    And since this is the last week before weigh in, we might need a big nudge to help us kick it into high gear. So I think it might be good to add an extra day of physical activity - like if you normally work out 3 times a week maybe try and work out 4 times a week this week. Or add an extra 15 minutes per hour of working out. So if you normally work out for an hour, plan to work out for an additional 15 minutes each work out.

    Anyway, I hope the suggestions help. :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    H20 Xmas SW = 239.6
    H20 Xmas GW = 227
    H20 Xmas Weight Lost = 1.7/12

    Week 1 Weight = 237.9 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 234.4 (- 3.5 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 236.3 (+1.9 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 234.8 (-1.5 lbs)
    Week 5 Weight = I dunno, I pigged out on cookies all day....LOL
    Week 6 Weight = 238.1 (+3.3 lbs)
    Week 7 Weight = 287.7 (-0.4 lbs)