Can't find my inspiration to work out!!



  • TheWorstHorse
    when you have a case of the WTFs with regard to diet and exercise, you might ponder some of the side effects of being overweight and unfit:

    heart disease.
    metabolic disorder.
    congestive heart failure.
    edocrine dysfunction.
    coronary artery disease.
    high blood pressure.
    decreased cognitive function.
    premature death.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    I take a pair of jeans out that were tight when I wore them last July when I was 110 pounds heavier. I tried that last week and actually fit in one leg of the pants. When I feel bummed out and do not want to stick to my nutrition or exercise I look back at where I was and do not want to go back. It is amazing how inspirational that can be. When we see ourselves in the mirror everyday it is hard to see the day to day changes. But those jeans do not lie.

    I even surprise myself when I catch myself in a full length mirror. I have not adjusted yet to the new improved me. Many people are telling me I am at the right size now and should stop losing. But my doctor and I set a goal that is about 20 to 30 pounds less than I am now. That will put me well within the healthy normal weight range for my height and build.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Three things really help me to stay motivated.

    1. Fear of becoming diabetic. I really don't want to have to poke my fingers every day.

    2. I joined a great gym. I also started working out without music so I could make some friends and give myself another reason to look forward to going to the gym.

    3. Having friends on MFP who work out regularly. Seeing other people posting their exercise helps motivate me to stay on the right track with my diet and get my butt to the gym. Now that I've been good for a while, I don't want to let anyone down.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I have discovered during my weight loss journey that motivation is HIGHLY overrated. I can talk myself out of anything I don't feel like doing at the moment, and use the excuse of just about anything. Yes, saying I'm "just not motivated", I'm just not "feeling it", is just one big old fat excuse to get away with avoiding a moment of "pain". And we overeaters really, REALLY don't like pain. We avoid it like the plague. So we come up with complex, sophisticated excuses to avoid it like, "I don't waaaannnnaaaaa!" (<==read in whiny baby voice)....

    Just realizing I'm playing this game of drama with myself is a powerful tool to "snap out it". But even then, I sometimes simply can't seem to just "make myself" get out there and do it.

    Here's how I overcame that:

    The moment I start feeling the pressure coming on of not wanting to work out, I "confess it" out loud here on MFP, on my wall. I say something like, "I really really really really really really don't want to run tonight. But I really really really really really really NEED to run tonight. I really really really really really really need you guys to tell me to run tonight."

    And guess what? People start coming out of the woodwork!

    "Go Bee!"
    "You can do it!"
    "Think about how good you'll feel!"
    "Never say die!"
    "Write us back when you get back and tell us how good you feel!"

    Suddenly - I WANT to work out. I catch their excitement. I don't want to look like a baby in front of them and come back later and say, I didn't do it, you guys, sorry. :ohwell: They KNOW now that I need to go. It'll be a little humiliating to not do it, let's face it. I also don't want to take advantage of their good graces - they took the time to encourage me, the least I can do is follow their advice.

    And you know a cool side effect is? Some of those people who encouraged me felt the SAME WAY. But they saw that I was doing it, encouraged me, and caught their own encouragement. Or, other friends who didn't comment might have read everyone's support as well, and felt that "second-hand support", if you will.

    Its' just a good situation all around. Try it - you'll like it! :happy:

    MFP tear forming here...this was frigging beautiful.....