When will my period come back?

Okay, so I under are for a while (900 cal), then ate around 1100-1200ish and exercised, but never are back exercise calories, so my net was probably below 1100. Now, I'm eating 1200 and will increase when I'm comfortable eating more.
I haven't had my period in a few months. Will it come back now that I'm eating more? If it does, will it come back around the time I usually had it (around the 1st) or just randomly?
Edit: thank you for commenting so far, I just want to mention I am 5'4 112. I AM bringing my calorie count up, but slowly (like 50 more calories a week). I feel that's the best way for me, because I suddenly jumped up, I probably will end up trying to compensate in the future by restricting again(you can look at my other posts for more information).
I'm also sorry that this may be gross and WAY too personal, it's just that I really trust this site and community and I may find others who have been in similar situations.


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you should probably go see a doctor.
    and eat a bit more.
    ...a lot more.

    you're 19. Unless you're nearly comatose and 2.5" tall, even 1200 isn't going to be enough.

    you're doing this whole thing wrong if you're eating so little your period stops.

    Then read this:
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    you really should see a Dr.

    Missed periods can sometimes signal other problems like a cyst or PCOS
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If there is other pertinent information, include it with your posts here... Not all of us are going to go post hunting just to give advice. That's on you to provide it.

    Just the same, my initial response stands.
    Eat more.
    Seek healthcare from a professional.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I think this is a good question. Since this happened subsequent to weight loss, it is probably that you don't have enough body fat. But I would check with dr because there could be something else going on. I would recommend bumping up by at least 250 kcals and continue to bump until you are gaining at least half a pound each week. You will need to gain some weight probably to regain your menstruation. It can actually be pretty hard to regain. A dietitian could help you do so healthfully.
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    My guess is that ur body shut down unnecessary functions like reproduction to keep u alive.
    Malnutrition oh boy, u prolly have some kind of ED..
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    This isnt the site for personal period stuff.

    This person ^ had no right being rude to you OP.

    Please see a doc. You might have blocked ovaries or something requiring
    immediate attention. PCOS can lead to serious problems as well as other
    diagnosiss could if not detected.
    Wishing you a healthy outcome.
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you so much for replying.
    I think I will go see a doctor soon, to make sure it's not something too serious or life-threatening.
    I will also continue to up my calorie intake, it's just that I really feel I should take that slowly, instead of suddenly jumping up.
    I'm also really sorry if my post may have made some people uncomfortable because the subject is so personal, it's just that I really trust and prefer this site as opposed to others.
    Thanks for your help!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    It's a fair question (not too personal), IMHO. "Period stuff" is germane to diet and weight loss. You didn't mention BF%, which correlates to menstrual irregularity. 16~17% is the low end of range for me, and I've never experienced missed periods. You also didn't mention stress, and I think the menstrual cycle is more sensitive to stress than to BF%. (Cortisol derives from progesterone, so adrenal glands in overdrive leave reproductive hormones imbalanced.) I've found really great diet and exercise advice on these boards, but medical advice is another thing. I agree it's worth checking in with your doctor.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    This isnt the site for personal period stuff.

    This site is for whatever you want. Why are you uncomfortable talking about periods? It's a perfectly natural thing.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Thank you so much for replying.
    I think I will go see a doctor soon, to make sure it's not something too serious or life-threatening.
    I will also continue to up my calorie intake, it's just that I really feel I should take that slowly, instead of suddenly jumping up.
    I'm also really sorry if my post may have made some people uncomfortable because the subject is so personal, it's just that I really trust and prefer this site as opposed to others.
    Thanks for your help!

    Periods get brought up here often, there is nothing wrong with asking a question about it, particularly because nutrition can influence it. I agree that you should see your doctor. There are more emergent things that can cause this, but there are nutritional reasons as well. Severe dietary restriction (low cal and not getting enough dietary fats) and low body fat are two way nutrition can influence this.

    I agree with the others that you need to get your daily intake up to a more appropriate level (ETA: I'm glad you are working on this). Some of the problems with low cal is that it is very difficult to get enough nutrition to support body functioning including brain, organs, heart, kidneys, immune system, and reproductive system. It sounds to me like you are sharing most of the story, but not all of it. I wish you all the best, and just in case this is something that is applicable to your situation (I obviously don't know):

  • reachrenhere
    reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
    "personal period" stuff has a lot to do with weight loss. Many obese women stop getting their periods and can't have children until they lose the weight. Anyone who is squeamish needs to get over themselves and understand that it's a part of life, every woman's life.

    In your case, OP, I agree that you should seek medical attention and increase your calories. I think that it's entirely possible that you are not getting enough nutrients.

    Take good care of you :heart:
  • roeroe5
    roeroe5 Posts: 27
    Keep doing what is comfortable for YOU, slowly eating more is probably best. You have a low BF but it's not doom and gloom. As your BF increases so will hormone function. Also try to add good fats, not low fat products, it might help a whole lot with regulating hormones.
    ... now this also happens to obese woman, don't beat yourself up about the nasty comments!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    mine were fewer and farther between the lower weight I got, but I found a few sources that said the general rule of thumb for excess skin poundage after extreme weight loss is that there will usually be around 10 pounds of skin for every 100 pounds lost. That would have put me at about 17 pounds of skin, which when subtracted from my weight at the time (since I figure excess skin that you could simply have a surgery to lop off doesn't really count much towards healthy weight....lean mass, essential fat etc ) would have put me just into the "underweight" range on BMI. Decided to aim for 145 instead because that was my weight the last time I was "all systems go" and since getting up to about 143 I'm back to normal. Just my own experience, of course, but putting a little weight on can't hurt.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    First off, if you haven't seen a doctor yet, you should do so ASAP. Also when I lost a lot of my hair from losing too much weight too fast, the hair loss didn't stop until I started gaining a little bit of weight back, so I am assuming the same process will go for you as well. You don't have to gain ALL your weight back, but probably enough so your body doesn't think its starving anymore, and then you can proceed with healthier calorie options because now you know 900 is too far.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    This isnt the site for personal period stuff.

    100% WRONG .. If you have an issue(!) with a thread topic, here's a hint Don't Open it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    This isnt the site for personal period stuff.

    100% WRONG .. If you have an issue(!) with a thread topic, here's a hint Don't Open it.

  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Might be stress related? Doctor would know for sure, as others have pointed out. Missing it might even be stressing you out more. You'll be fine, most things like this are something simple. Increase your calories as others have stated (and awesome you're aware of this) and don't freak out. Depending on how fast you lost weight your body might be adjusting and this might be a side-effect. The body has an amazing way of rebalancing, it might just need some time. Good for you on noticing that the restricted diet may be a cause. Good luck!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    This isnt the site for personal period stuff.

    And who are you to say what this site is for? Don't be so ridiculous. There have been plenty of posts on this site related to this sort of issue, this site is about health and fitness, not just diet, and all can contribute to menstruation and cessation of it.