I binged. Hard. Now what?



  • singkat53
    singkat53 Posts: 3 Member
    You have to forgive yourself, because if you don't you could go into a tailspin. But I think you need to do some "penance" for your transgression... how about an extra 1/2hr workout for the next week. But you also need to figure out why you did it. It seems that it was more than just exhaustion and stress. Trying to adhere in an all or nothing fashion is a recipe for failure. You will need to come up with your own steam valve so you can deviate a little without blowing it for good.

    Be kind to yourself... there are people in the world waiting to "beat you up". You need to be your best friend. Take care of yourself, emotionally and physically.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I have to say , i admire you and i have learned something from you- not the fact that you lost 90 lbs - which by itself is really an amazing accomplishment.
    But i admire you for something else- you had the strength to be honest about what happened. Many times - after a binge- i would feel horrible and hate myself for it -but i would somehow hide it- even from myself.. i would tell myself " shut up.. forget about it.. don' t mention it- not even to yourself.. move on..

    Well - someone would think " that's good " but on the long run - it's not. Because i didn't take time to evaluate- what happened, what caused it. how i felt.. what i did. .. i didn't have enough strength to face the fact that i messed up- one more time..

    So i'm telling you - the fact that you are honest about it- to yourself- is the first good thing about it.

    Is it only because you are having stress, no sleep, - or is it so mething with more deeper issues that you might want to reconsider- i don't think we can answer that. If it is so mething that happens like you said - once in 5-6 months- maybe it's nothing you have to worry about

    remember : just like a day of exercise will not make you skinny- a day of binge eating will not make you fat .
    what count's is the other 90 or 99 % that you ahve mentioned -

    Fantastic job so far. Keep going. Stay positive. Live is not black and white- there are some gray shades too- and i was just like you everything had to be ' either or.. i could not be inbetween - but maybe that is something that you need to start working on :)

    Good luck - don't be too hard on yourself. Tomorrow - new chance to do the best you can. Don't punish yourself- accept it and move on .. ( i'm talking to you and myself :)
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    lol, love your well written letter of guilt with admission......lucky for you it's not a letter that will send you to prision.. SOO... Stand up... brush yourself off, and move on...What other choise do you have...everyone is right, Tomorrow is another day and with that there is hope!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    No good beating yourself up. Consistency is what got you 90 pounds down. Congrats on your success!! Perfection is not key to our success. Consistency is one of the keys and you have proven consistent. So dust yourself off and don't dwell on your binge because you are not and will never be perfect. So imperfection is no reason to beat yourself up. Negativity is counter productive for us binge eaters.

    Today is a new day and a binge does not make you a bad person. You wil re-lapse from time to time but the important thing is not to dwell on the past and mistake.

    Today is a new day dear. Move forward and forget about yesterday!! Dwell on all you have accomplished thus far and you will see yesterday as a little bump on the road. Check out below link and keep up the good work!!:flowerforyou:

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Move on!

    Do not beat yourself up. It was ONE day. Pretend it never happened. This is normal and it happens to a lot of people, but beating yourself up over it won't help. It might actually make things worse.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    This one night isn't going to back track all of your hard work and progress. It happens. What you have to do though, is not let this get you in the way. You can't look at yourself as failing for this but rather take it as a lesson. You obviously don't feel good (physically and mentally) after the binge so hopefully that will prevent it from happening again.

    Don't deprive yourself tomorrow.. just make sure you drink lots of water and stay away from high sodium foods, get lots of lean protein and vegetables.. Make a journal of how you were feeling at the time of the binge and at the time of eating every food you did. Hopefully that will help prevent it again and help you understand more of what caused it in the first place.

    90lbs is an awesome loss.. keep going!!