Sugar is the new "Devil"



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    Just saw your bio page:
    Anarchist atheist vegan commie. Don't like it? Don't friend me!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    but yet you want those things you detest, to subsidize things.....

    So funny

    Google different forms of anarchist. You're confused. Another term for my politics is Libertarian Socialist. It simply means anti-capitalist but also anti central planning. Another term is Participatory Economics.

    Free market...
    relegated to the market place
    Get rid of subsidization

    government roles are just that, they are needed, and we do subsidize police, military, etc....
    Or pay taxes for them, however you wish to view it...
    Because we as people deem them necessary to preserve and protect our society
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    No such thing as a healthy smoker.

    Just because you can't see the damage doesn't mean it's not there.

    I am an ex-smoker who is finally getting healthy.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Uh Oh - What have I started - it was just supposed to be a light hearted view of the world from some 45 year-old house wife that lives in South Africa...............:cry:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    You are mixing things

    It is in constitutions both state and federal for those is a government role...
    It is not in those constitutions to influence the market place...
    Or to take money from one group and give to another

    And I do protect myself, I take advantage of the 2nd Amendment

    Either you want taxation for society or not. If you don't, you're an old fashioned, all out anarchist. If you do, you're for government intervention. It's just a matter of your opinion on what government should be involved in vs mine. If we actually had real democracy we could find out what the majority of Americans really want. We don't. We have an oligarchy dressed as a Republic with a constitution that is conveniently ignored every time the real decision makers want something different.

    It is written down in black ink on parchment, that government has a role in those areas.....
    You live in this country, it is what our law states

    WE ARE A REPUBLIC, not a Democracy...
    Democracy is mob rule....
    it is 2 wolves and a sheep sitting and deciding what is for dinner

    A Republic is
    Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner, but the sheep has a gun

    I'd rather mob rule than rich rule, which is, if you know your history (and I suspect you're intelligent enough to know it) is what we've always had.

    And why do we have rich rule??
    Oh, cause we have politicians that like to line their pocketbooks......

    Name one country on this earth that exists or has existed where this has not been the case???

    Even in communist countries, where it government control, you always had "rich ppl"
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    You are mixing things

    It is in constitutions both state and federal for those is a government role...
    It is not in those constitutions to influence the market place...
    Or to take money from one group and give to another

    And I do protect myself, I take advantage of the 2nd Amendment

    Either you want taxation for society or not. If you don't, you're an old fashioned, all out anarchist. If you do, you're for government intervention. It's just a matter of your opinion on what government should be involved in vs mine. If we actually had real democracy we could find out what the majority of Americans really want. We don't. We have an oligarchy dressed as a Republic with a constitution that is conveniently ignored every time the real decision makers want something different.

    It is written down in black ink on parchment, that government has a role in those areas.....
    You live in this country, it is what our law states

    WE ARE A REPUBLIC, not a Democracy...
    Democracy is mob rule....
    it is 2 wolves and a sheep sitting and deciding what is for dinner

    A Republic is
    Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner, but the sheep has a gun

    Unfortunately the founding fathers didn't write a "How-to-interpret" guide that accompanies the constitution. You believe that the *federal* constitution should be interpreted narrowly and that those are the only powers the feds should have. Other people disagree and have a wider interpretation of the constitution.

    Edit: Sorry It's been a long time since I've taken American History.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    Just saw your bio page:
    Anarchist atheist vegan commie. Don't like it? Don't friend me!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    but yet you want those things you detest, to subsidize things.....

    So funny

    Google different forms of anarchist. You're confused. Another term for my politics is Libertarian Socialist. It simply means anti-capitalist but also anti central planning. Another term is Participatory Economics.

    Free market...
    relegated to the market place
    Get rid of subsidization

    government roles are just that, they are needed, and we do subsidize police, military, etc....
    Or pay taxes for them, however you wish to view it...
    Because we as people deem them necessary to preserve and protect our society

    We disagree on who should decide what government should be involved in. I say direct democracy for what affects us all. We all decide together. No more wealthy decision makers. Who, by the way, don't follow our Constitution anyway.
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    ahhhhhh.... I'm 53. Therefore, I recommend NOT killing the old people. I also recommend that the old and fat be given a chance to get to a better level of fitness. Oh, and old and fat people who are getting to a better level of fitness should get dark chocolate as a reward.

    I think I mostly slept through economics, however, I do remember seeing something about increases in prices generally bringing down demand.

    Yeah, I never see people at the gasoline pumps anymore.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    No such thing as a healthy smoker.

    No such thing as a healthy inactive obese person either.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Uh Oh - What have I started - it was just supposed to be a light hearted view of the world from some 45 year-old house wife that lives in South Africa...............:cry:

    Great topic, thank you
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    No such thing as a healthy smoker.

    No such thing as a healthy inactive obese person either.

  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    You are mixing things

    It is in constitutions both state and federal for those is a government role...
    It is not in those constitutions to influence the market place...
    Or to take money from one group and give to another

    And I do protect myself, I take advantage of the 2nd Amendment

    Either you want taxation for society or not. If you don't, you're an old fashioned, all out anarchist. If you do, you're for government intervention. It's just a matter of your opinion on what government should be involved in vs mine. If we actually had real democracy we could find out what the majority of Americans really want. We don't. We have an oligarchy dressed as a Republic with a constitution that is conveniently ignored every time the real decision makers want something different.

    It is written down in black ink on parchment, that government has a role in those areas.....
    You live in this country, it is what our law states

    WE ARE A REPUBLIC, not a Democracy...
    Democracy is mob rule....
    it is 2 wolves and a sheep sitting and deciding what is for dinner

    A Republic is
    Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner, but the sheep has a gun

    Unfortunately Thomas Jefferson didn't write a "How-to-interpret" guide that accompanies the constitution. You believe that the *federal* constitution should be interpreted narrowly and that those are the only powers the feds should have. Other people disagree and have a wider interpretation of the constitution.

    And look where we are at now.

    Yes the powers held by the federal gov. should be narrow and limited.

    The states have their own gov. and are closer to their ppl...let them put the limitations in place.
    Then people can "vote with their feet"
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm not mixing anything. If you don't want to subsidize food so the poor can eat, I don't want to subsidize your military, police force, or National Guard. Hire protection or defend yourself.

    You are mixing things

    It is in constitutions both state and federal for those is a government role...
    It is not in those constitutions to influence the market place...
    Or to take money from one group and give to another

    And I do protect myself, I take advantage of the 2nd Amendment

    Either you want taxation for society or not. If you don't, you're an old fashioned, all out anarchist. If you do, you're for government intervention. It's just a matter of your opinion on what government should be involved in vs mine. If we actually had real democracy we could find out what the majority of Americans really want. We don't. We have an oligarchy dressed as a Republic with a constitution that is conveniently ignored every time the real decision makers want something different.

    It is written down in black ink on parchment, that government has a role in those areas.....
    You live in this country, it is what our law states

    WE ARE A REPUBLIC, not a Democracy...
    Democracy is mob rule....
    it is 2 wolves and a sheep sitting and deciding what is for dinner

    A Republic is
    Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner, but the sheep has a gun

    I'd rather mob rule than rich rule, which is, if you know your history (and I suspect you're intelligent enough to know it) is what we've always had.

    And why do we have rich rule??
    Oh, cause we have politicians that like to line their pocketbooks......

    Name one country on this earth that exists or has existed where this has not been the case???

    Even in communist countries, where it government control, you always had "rich ppl"

    Correct. Which is why centralized planning must be limited or non-existent. Participatory Economics addresses a lot of the issues with power centralizing into the hands of a few decision makers.

    You might find it interesting.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Uh Oh - What have I started - it was just supposed to be a light hearted view of the world from some 45 year-old house wife that lives in South Africa...............:cry:

    Great topic, thank you

    Yeah it is a good topic, and I'm glad we've had respectable discussion so far.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    GNC is the devil
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    People want to work and have nice things

    Are you sure about that?

    Can you say it with 100% certainty that people want to work and have nice things because I have known plenty of people who lost jobs and sat back collecting unemployment -- and kept getting it extended when it ran out -- because they made more collecting than they did if they got another job. There are plenty of people who are capable of getting a job but they choose to sit back and stay on welfare because it's easier to hold your hand out and get money than it is to get off your butt and get a job.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    We disagree on who should decide what government should be involved in. I say direct democracy for what affects us all. We all decide together. No more wealthy decision makers. Who, by the way, don't follow our Constitution anyway.

    To some extent I agree with you.
    Strip power from Fed. Government and return to states and local governments
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    GNC is the devil

    Totes Agree
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    No such thing as a healthy smoker.

    No such thing as a healthy inactive obese person either.


    So perhaps I was not eloquent enough in my article, the comparison was supposed to be between an active 45-year-old who smokes vs and inactive, obese, 45-year-old who doesn't smoke - IN SOUTH AFRICA.

    Neither are healthy but for different reasons.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    GNC is the devil

    Totes Agree

    Now on THIS I agree with you!!!