*Tears*Help why did I gain 2 lbs in 1day



  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.

    Successful troll post.

    Very well done.

    And in the first post too...

    I find it quite amusing that you'd label me as a troll just for suggesting her to eat less.
    If you'd take a one look at her diary you'd know that she eats at well over 2000 several days in a row, which for her heigh and weight would mean that at that rate she'd gain weight. And unless she happens to be an overweight marathon runner, there's no way she'd lose enough calories from exercise to make up for the overeating.

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some bull**** momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    She nets on average 1400 calories or less, why would she need to eat less? She fluctuated 2 measly lbs. Eating 2000 calories and exercising 600 calories is not overeating. Some people need to keep their <1200 calorie eating sedentary lifestyles to themselves.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.

    No....Youre NOT eating too much :smile:
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.

    Successful troll post.

    Very well done.

    And in the first post too...

    I find it quite amusing that you'd label me as a troll just for suggesting her to eat less.
    If you'd take a one look at her diary you'd know that she eats at well over 2000 several days in a row, which for her heigh and weight would mean that at that rate she'd gain weight. And unless she happens to be an overweight marathon runner, there's no way she'd lose enough calories from exercise to make up for the overeating.

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    Wow, yeah, you're a peach.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    Is momscience the same as broscience?
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    Is momscience the same as broscience?

    I'm pictures a buff guy in an apron for some reason
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.

    Successful troll post.

    Very well done.

    And in the first post too...

    I find it quite amusing that you'd label me as a troll just for suggesting her to eat less.
    If you'd take a one look at her diary you'd know that she eats at well over 2000 several days in a row, which for her heigh and weight would mean that at that rate she'd gain weight. And unless she happens to be an overweight marathon runner, there's no way she'd lose enough calories from exercise to make up for the overeating.

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    For your theory to be true, she would have had to eat 7,000 calories in excess of her maintenance in one day. Doubt that happened.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    You're eating way too much.
    At your height and weight, 1800 calories is too much if your goal is weight loss.

    Successful troll post.

    Very well done.

    And in the first post too...

    I find it quite amusing that you'd label me as a troll just for suggesting her to eat less.
    If you'd take a one look at her diary you'd know that she eats at well over 2000 several days in a row, which for her heigh and weight would mean that at that rate she'd gain weight. And unless she happens to be an overweight marathon runner, there's no way she'd lose enough calories from exercise to make up for the overeating.

    But go ahead, blame it on water weight and continue to not lose weight, if eating less is too much of a challenge and you need to blame it on some momscience factors that you are staying at your current weight.

    I eat over 2000 calories every day and I maintain... doesn't mean that I won't flucuate a few pounds here and there.
  • mirki002
    mirki002 Posts: 47 Member
    The other day my scale said that I had gained 3 lbs...I literally picked it up and moved it to another spot on the floor and it went back down 3 lbs. Lots of factors can affect the number on the scale- try not to sweat it too much!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Well I really need help I have been weighing every piece of food that enters my body, I have been working out and recently started doing brisk walking. I did have one day where I went cookie and beef(I never eat red meat) crazy but stayed within my caloric intake and still gained 1lb(185lbs) but lost that yesterday morning when I happen to weigh myself 184lbs (weigh in is usually it's every 2wks 8/28) but this morning I weighed and it said 185.8 WTH? I seriously want to cry bc I've been working hard I feel. I'm 5'4 and my UGW is 120lbs.

    Think about the weight of the food and the water/liquid you ingested. Water weighs 1# per pint. Food takes on average 12 hours to transit from stomach to your lower intestine.

    This is weight you will quite literally piss and **** out. Don't overthink it.
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    My advice? Stop letting the scale dictate your success. I look for NSV (non-scale victories) such as "my clothes feel loose". Give it some time. Patience! :)

    ETA: measure yourself (arms, bust, waist, hips, thighs) now, and then again in 6-8 weeks (when it's not "that time of the month"). That's the numbers that should be important!

    This!!!! I was going to say the exact same thing. I used to depend on the scale and just like you, I used to get frustrated when the numbers either didn't move or they would increase. Now I barely used the scale and I focus more on measurements and the way my clothes fit.
  • kingjabou
    kingjabou Posts: 48 Member
    Sometimes it is just the way to body works. Just take a deep breath, hold your head high and smile.

    Here is an article:
  • Lauzuki
    Lauzuki Posts: 1 Member
    OK, the first thing you should do is not freak out!!! You are doing sooooooooo well by keeping within your caloric parameters. You DEFINITELY should NOT weigh yourself from day to day. Choose a day of the week (my day is Friday), where you weigh yourself at the same time, on the same scales wearing the same clothes (if any) every week. Your weight can drastically fluctuate from day to day. This can be down to water retention, hormones, digestion..... the list goes on. The only true reflection you'll get is weekly weigh ins. Even this isn't necessarily a great reflection of how you're doing, especially if you are exercising as well. I measure myself too; thighs, bum, hips, stomach, waist, chest and arms. This way, when I know I've done well food wise but it doesn't show up on the scale, then it'll show with a loss of cms, and vice versa. If you live with someone, get them to hide the scales from you if you feel that you don't have the willpower to resist! It's not worth sneaking a peek! Don't get disheartened. If weight loss was easy, everyone would be successful at it, and there wouldn't be a multi billion dollar industry. Consistency and persistence are the key. Don't give up, you can do it :) Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I get no weighing myself every day. As far as my calorie intake isn't about net calories and not total calories bc I thought Net is what your body consumes. My caloric intake is 1430 so idk where someone got 1800 from unless they're counting total calories consumed.

    I eat what I like I'm not the cleanest eater and probably never will be but I can dial down on my sodium

    High five OP. You also don't have to be a super clean eater to lose weight. Everything in moderation. :flowerforyou:

    ^^This. Although I do think that the bouillon (and other sodium) could be contributing to the scale fluctuations you are seeing.

    OP just be patient - things take time, it looks like you have a good attitude about this and are committed to being successful. Small tweaks will likely help you achieve the results you are looking for but you don't need to be miserable to lose weight.

    I lose at 1700 cals net but I eat close to 2000 every day, and I'm only 5'2.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Daily weight fluctuations up or down are totally normal. If it bugs ya, don't weight daily. :tongue:

    I am a daily weigher, and my numbers can go up or down by several pounds all throughout the week and month. Clothes still fit, goals still met. Make friends with your tape measure for a more accurate way to track progress, and don't let the scale mess with your head.
  • ccassityii
    ccassityii Posts: 23 Member
    I found that if I don't drink enough water when I work out, my body will hold on to it and I gain the next day. My husband ended up hiding my scale because I'd weight myself every morning and then get upset when I had gain. I also have hypothyroidism so my weight is like a wave... it goes up and down. Especially close to ovulation and TOM, then after TOM it goes way down. I usually measure myself as well, because the scale sometimes doesn't move any and it doesn't tell you what you have lost (fat) or gain (muscle).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Weight fluctuates! It goes up and down. Sometimes it goes up or down for no apparent reason. You have to watch the overall trend. Try not to get to caught up on any one scale weight. Don't let one weigh-in be important enough to make you cry.

    I don't even celebrate the min-goals, like every ten pounds, because it know going under them doesn't mean I won't see them again, lol.

    I celebrate the 3s, celebrated being out of two hundred twenties at 213, celebrated leaving the two-hundred-tens at 203...I didn't celebrate leaving 200 until I got to 193. The 3s mean I won't be going back to the number before the zero, lol.

    I'm at 184 but will celebrate leaving 190 when I lose another pound.

    It makes the little victories less exciting, maybe, but is less of a roller-coaster. To me, anyway.
  • my8891
    my8891 Posts: 9 Member
    Echoing what's been said: weight fluctuates naturally. Don't stress it.

    But, something to consider: looking at your diary, I am willing to bet sodium (which can lead to water retention) is a large factor. You regularly eat things like bouillon cubes and bottled sauces (such as BBQ, Louisiana Hot Sauce, etc.), all of which are very high in sodium. Processed foods and cheeses also can contain a surprising amount of sodium.

    Perhaps consider tracking your sodium (as it can affect more than just weight loss/water retention, such as blood pressure), find alternatives to things like bouillon and salt-laden spice combinations, and maybe up your water intake.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    Keep up the great work OP!

    There are lots of great links in this post that I am looking forward to reading in the near future.
  • Bsexi88
    Bsexi88 Posts: 83 Member
    I have heard the masses, I will reduce my sodium I love hot sauce what's a good alternative? Don't say make my own. I will get some powders (onion, garlic, etc.)

    To the lady/man (idk bc there's no pic) saying I'll gain you're so wrong bc I workout a lot. I have no idea why some people feel the need to put others down with backhanded comments but virtually and in reality I'm a strong person if I weren't I wouldn't be on this journey.

    I know weight fluctuates but that's the biggest one I've every seen personally speaking.Thankful for ALL the positive feed back you guys are awesome. If you'd like to continue to co support me send me a request ???? Thanks again all. Positivity always grows success ????????
  • my8891
    my8891 Posts: 9 Member
    You don't have to give up hot sauce - everything in moderation. Maybe just start using spices instead of the bouillon (as that is an easy change), and that'll reduce your sodium and still allow you to keep your sauces.

    Good luck with your journey!