Forgot to hit "Complete Entry" Lost # of Day Streak



  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I primarily use an iPad with the app, and definitely have been logging food throughout every day. I've lost my weight through calorie counting, and when you eat only 1200 - 1400/day, you need the log to let you know how much and what types of foods you have left to eat for dinner.

    Funny thing is that I don't recall not hitting the Complete log button.
    So maybe it was a glitch that reset my days.

    Thanks again everyone.

    Do you remember starting the app in the morning or was it running in the background? I had it happen when I continued to log using a tab that I left open on my computer the night before. It was frustrating to go back to zero from about 45 days logged even though I clearly been on the site the day before. I wish I knew that you could contract tech to have the counter reset. Now I make sure I always log in on my phone or with a new tab every morning to keep the "new" streak going (503 and counting). Best of luck, glad you found a solution!
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    If you were on your cell phone and weren't connected to wifi or didn't have a signal, it would save the data locally but it wouldn't register the fact that you were online which will interrupt your streak. That's happened to me before. I KNEW I'd been online but I had no wifi signal. Oops.

    Sonova.... this is EXACTLY what had happened to me and I lost my streak - I KNEW I'd logged in but hadn't tracked that day so I had no way to prove it. Second guessed myself but now that I read this, I know it's exactly what happened. Crap!
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    I primarily use an iPad with the app, and definitely have been logging food throughout every day. I've lost my weight through calorie counting, and when you eat only 1200 - 1400/day, you need the log to let you know how much and what types of foods you have left to eat for dinner.

    Funny thing is that I don't recall not hitting the Complete log button.
    So maybe it was a glitch that reset my days.

    Thanks again everyone.

    I always have to hit the refresh button on my phone or ipad when I'm on the MFP app or it does not update my streak.
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    NeverCatchYourBreath Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks everyone! Doing a search did produce the link to reset days, and I was successfully able to do so.

    I have not missed a single day of entering foods since I started in the spring. The only thing I did different two nights ago was not hit the Complete Entry button. This same thing happened to me last year after 200 days and my counter restarted... I thought that was normal.

    Now I just need to figure out why no one else has to hit the Complete Entry button.

    You don't have to hit the complete entry button either.

    One reason my counter has reset in the past is because it didn't acknowledge that I logged on from my phone. And it does that a lot. So when I can only logon from my phone on any given day I make sure I check my streak on there to make sure it registered it. If it didn't I keep hitting "sync" to try to get it to. For some reason the phone app just doesn't sync very well and has a hard time capturing your login that day. (I'm on an Android phone)
  • samathome64
    samathome64 Posts: 9 Member
    me too :( and I totally agree, so long as i have made an entry, it should recognize I was there.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    The completing has nothing to do with your streak, it just means that you went a 24 hour period without logging into the website. Even coming to the forum counts as far as your streak goes, I have a 127 day streak and there have been whole weeks I didn't track, much less complete.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Day streak is counted from your log in - not your diary. I have lots of friends who don't even record food and their streak continues.