going to bed full on net -28 calories...



  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    This was not a waste of time. I am new on here and any knowledge I can get to help understand how this system works is only going to help me in the long run.

    Thank you for the help and MET # link.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Ok, good. I thought the "Thanks?" was meant in sarcasm.

    On the whole, I agree with you that you're not hurting yourself going 'diet hog wild' for a week or two. Most diet plans starts with an initial aggressive phase to take advantage of that early high motivation level and to give you some nice losses to build on. Success breeds success.

    It's a problem for a lot of people when they can't sustain the extraordinary numbers and crash headfirst into binge/sedentary for a week and reverse all their hard work, and decide dieting sucks. Because 3-4 hours of cardio a day does kind of suck and if you get to where you've lost the big water weight and the scale just sits there unmoving for a week or two, it REALLY sucks then. :tongue:
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    Are you getting your exercise calories from the MFP database?

    I am and it turns out it is actually lower than what I am actually burning - at least for my daily 20 mile ride.
    Do you use a computer to log your commute? I say this, as your commute sound pretty much the same as mine, give or a take a mile or so. It takes me 43minutes on average to do my 12 miles, this is averaging out at about 15 or 16mph. You probably aren't far off that yourself with those times. If you have a smartphone, download something like runkeeper or Strava and record a few commutes, these will use gps to record your route as well as make a good estimate of the calorie burn, based on not just your time, but also speed/body weight and hills etc.

    As for sore tired legs at the end if the week, it's to be expected. I usually enjoy a chocolate milk and a protein bar after my commute to help my body with its repair and recovery, what you eat and WHEN you eat are important if you are doing lots of exercise. The protein bar is an indulgence but at the least get a few bottles of chocolate milk, I don't know if it's placebo or not but I can feel the difference in the mornings and don't feel as tired as the week wears on.
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    Oh and yes of course the BIKE is king. I was only joking about the car!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Due to heavy cardio and low calorie but filling food and a ton of water (13 cups today), I am going to go to bed not hungry at all at -28 net calories
    Ignore "net" or exercise calories (this is what my doctor told me to do, and you can see how well it's working), just keep eating at your actual goal of 1500 & you'll get to 150 lb.
    If you only have 20 lb to lose, you should aim to lose 0.5 - 1 lb per week, less as you get closer to your goal.
    "Heavy cardio" (your words) will not be helpful in maintaining lean mass, quite the opposite.
    Only heavy lifting would help you there, but not enough to balance the negative of your heavy cardio.
    Cardio will not cause him to lose muscle mass, and is healthy, not dangerous.
    Please post links to studies (preferably to the abstracts on PubMed) supporting your assertion that cardio will cause him to lose muscle and is somehow not healthy.