How does one decide on a goal weight?



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    I've been pretty close to a healthy weight, but never actually in that ideal zone for my height (5'8"). A few months ago I was almost 100lbs more than my lowest weight (high school). It seems impossible to get back there. My new doctor, who is very supportive of my weight loss and has scheduled monthly weigh ins to help me, doesn't think I should go below 190, because "it's not necessary" and "the skin on your face will sag". I was disappointed in her goal for me, since I maintained at that weight for a while after college, and really felt overweight. I don't know what to do. I've lost 25 lbs in 3 months but can't tell a difference anywhere but my face. I think I'd like to lose 100..but I'm afraid of loose skin and feeling too deprived, especially since I've never particularly enjoyed any kind of exercise. I'd like to have a real goal and some monthly goals for my weigh ins to help me feel like I'm making progress. Any ideas or advice?
    Goal weights are pretty meaningless. As you can vary up to 5 pounds a day due to normal fluctuations at what time of day would you deep to have reached your goal weight. What happens when at 2 pm you are suddenly no longer at that weight. Just aim for around a Healthy BMI range and see how that goes. Don't worry about a specific number

    Well,yes, of course even when you reach your goal weight and are in maintenance,the number will fluctuate. But as when losing,weigh yourself at same time of day and allow a range.
    Eg my goal wright is 62kg and I allow myself 3 kg range ie 1.5 above and1.5 below.
    Have not varied out of that ranges since November.