kinda gross

ok so i was really sick for a while and as i was getting better i began to look into this site and decided to join. ok so we are suppose to count anything that goes into our mouths and count everything we exercise. My question is, if we eat and then throw up (my cough gets out of control) does that mean we just lost the calories we just ate?? I just had lunch and my cough got really bad and I think I'm safe to say I just threw up everything I ate.


  • nubreeze33
    AWE POOR THING I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER.....I probably would still count those calories.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Aww I'm sorry you're sick :( But you should count all of those calories. Even tho it's not staying in your body you've still absorbed a lot of the nutrients and calories in it.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Yeah I would count them anyway and leave a note at the bottom saying that you'd been sick a lot that day. So when you find that your weight loss was probably more this week and you look back at a much later date, you'll know why.