Prediabetic - My second day Low sugar, Low Carb. Help?



  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member

    She should NOT be injecting her husbands insulin no matter what the case. Let the doctor decide that.

    I agree, but there's no point in dwelling over spilled milk. That's all. When the hospital gave me a shot I was at 220.
  • After a quick skim one thing i dont think has been mentioned, is to not just pay attention to how each food effects you (to start with test before, and 2 hours after EVERY meal to work out what your body can and cant handle), but also pay attention to how combinations of food effect you. For me, type 2 diabetic for nearly a year now, if i have 50g of a carbs (sugar or not dosnt matter) my blood sugar will go through the roof, but if i have that SAME 50g of with 20-30g of protein, while it will still go up, nowhere near what i would without the protein. A good example, 1 cup "normal" yougurt will spike my bloodsugar 80-90 points 2 hours after, greek yougurt with the SAME sugar and carbs, will only be 10-20. Greek yougurt is a LOT higher in protein.

    You have to see what works for you, nobody is the same, nobody is effected the same by the same things, you have to work out what your body does and does not like, its hard, but worth it! my A1C was 11 a year ago, its 5.8 now, i still eat desert, potatoes, rice ect, just know how much of what i can have a meal. Small changes can give big results, when you know what changes your body needs!
  • elizabethmerchant16
    elizabethmerchant16 Posts: 11 Member
    I ate more food and felt better. This is a great way to eat. Now if only I didn't dread exercise so much! I really have let myself go, obviously. My husband, son and I walked an hour in the humid heat and I thought I was going to die. I'm sure it will get easier! ;)
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi all. I'm new to MFP, and how awesome and user friendly it is! Not to mention all the support and tools.

    So, down to business.

    I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic by my family doctor 2 days ago, who suggested eating low-carb, low-sugar, and not overboard on the fats. The first goal of mine is to lose 10% of my body weight (18 lbs,) which she said could possibly reverse it! I am aware that I will always need to eat this way, which makes more sense than the average American diet to me anyway.
    I am having a hard time figuring out the role of natural sugars (like fruit) in this. My goal is to keep under 50 carbs daily, just until I lose the 10%, then maybe I'll add some more occasionally. Should I just stay away from fruit for now?
    And also, a 100 calorie Greek yogurt has 12 gr of carbs, I always eat one in the morning with my pills, but is it still a good choice or not so much?
    And also, Here is a rundown of my totals from yesterday. Am I eating too much?
    Sorry for all the questions, thanks for any feedback!

    Totals 1,475 70 98 101 3,192 26
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 45 40 165 2,300 45
    Remaining -275 -25 -58 64 -892 19
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

    I was told to stay under 7 sugars at a time and wait at least 2 hours before more sugar. It's hard. There are a lot of Greek yogurts that are under this sugar limit that don't have artificial sweeteners (I know that is a concern for many.). Chobani simply 100 has several different flavor switch less than that. Feel free to friend me :).