Day 1 on the "new" SEC Diet!!!



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least two that says the OP is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might be unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    Why hello there Mr. (or is it Ms.) Hyperbole... I haven't seen you since yesterday...
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Corndogs and couche couche. GEAUX TIGERS!

    listen coon *kitten* (that's not derogatory), you better make me some gumbo and some boudin when we roll into red stick next season.

    I'll provide the inauthentic TexMex this year at Kyle.

  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    Call me a food elitist, but I've never knowingly eaten crap in my life. Fecal matter just isn't my "thing". All those yummy foods, however...
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    Call me a food elitist, but I've never knowingly eaten crap in my life. Fecal matter just isn't my "thing". All those yummy foods, however...
    I sooo agree, I mean there's cookies n cakes n ice cream n chips...forget the feces lol
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yeah look I get what people are saying but trying to do this for a while can have benefits. I did and then gradually re introduced my problem foods back in. By that time the mainstay of my diet had become healthy so I had no problem with the smaller amount of junk food I ate. I knew how many calories could be spent in this manner. And honestly I feel much better. Because now I can have a small bar of chocolate and find it really satisfying. I don't have to have 3 to get my chocolate fix etc etc.

    I'm not saying everyone has to do this. But for pathological comfort eaters a period of "healthy food readjustment" can go a long way. And also give people alternatives. Such as reaching for cold fruit instead of ice cream. Not that I always skip the ice cream. Sometimes I just go eff it and have the ice cream. But now I stop at one cone log it and move on. I don't eat a whole tub.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
    Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones is not a fad diet. Even if you jokingly call it "The SEC Diet," it isn't a fad.

    Why adopting healthier eating is viewed as impossible, I don't know.

    It's a good goal. It needn't be discouraged.

    If you didn't see people saying the OP was destined to fail in this thread, you are either deliberately refusing to admit it happens or painfully stupid. I'm going to guess you are just refusing to admit it was said.
  • sparklegirl59
    sparklegirl59 Posts: 18 Member
    Good lord, ya'll take things so literal and serious.... No reason to be snarky.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
    Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones is not a fad diet. Even if you jokingly call it "The SEC Diet," it isn't a fad.

    Why adopting healthier eating is viewed as impossible, I don't know.

    It's a good goal. It needn't be discouraged.

    If you didn't see people saying the OP was destined to fail in this thread, you are either deliberately refusing to admit it happens or painfully stupid. I'm going to guess you are just refusing to admit it was said.

    Saying you don't need to live on an elimination diet to be healthy is factual, not discouraging.

    Is it incorrect to say elimination diets are destined to fail (as in, the odds are against them)? By pointing this out, would that be encouraging the OP to succeed at becoming healthy?

    Still waiting on the link to that claim, BTW. :drinker:
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Good lord, ya'll take things so literal and serious.... No reason to be snarky.

    Okay, your post almost alienated this ACC fan from looking (lol, jk)

    Yeah, I have noticed people around here are super serious about helping people succeed at weight loss and feel the best way to do so is to promote eating plans that are more likely to succeed long term. I think those who have been around these boards have seen countless threads about people who are adopting a no (sweets, carbs, meats, veggies, dairy, solid food, fruit. . .) diet and eventually the poster gets overwhelmed with the restriction/ deprivation and give up altogether.

    It seems the biggest percentage of successful losers here adopt an eating plan where the vast majority of their foods are "healthy" (i.e. nutrient rich, supports their macros, etc.) and some of their food is controlled portions of things that they just enjoy eating.

    Whatever works for you, do it and the best of luck!
  • jokersharley9
    I'm a really notorious emotional eater, but lately I've replaced the "crap" (which included constant Diet Mountain Dews all day long, bags of Chex Mix, ice cream, cake, etc., pasta, entire pizzas on Fridays *facepalm*) with fruits and lean meats, lots more water than I used to drink and snacks like almonds and I still have not managed to lose as much as I feel I should have by doing this, even despite stepping up my exercise routine. It's frustrating but I don't want to fall off the wagon now! I guess I'll get there eventually if I keep this up.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    So I am going to start following a new fad diet. It's the "S.E.C." diet. Otherwise known as the "Stop Eating Crap" diet. This is the one where you don't eat cookies and ice cream; fatty meats and boxes of wine; white bread sandwiches and soups made with cream. This is the one where if you were to actually "S.E.C." perhaps your 5x-a-week workouts would be worth something. I will keep you posted on how this new-fangled diet plan is working for me.


    How the hell is ice cream, or cream based soups considered crap? Seriously. GMAFB
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Eating all healthy food is not necessary for weight loss and people really don't want to give it up.

    You can lose weight making portion adjustments, but a lifestyle change - switching to a whole new, healthy lifestyle - is better for you. When you're done losing weight, you'll just go on without having to pay it much attention.

    Some people will say it isn't possible. They like to use the word "unsustainable." But it is possible. People do make those changes. It's not EASY, but it can be done and has been done before. Lots of people wait until after the heart attack to make those kind of changes. But some people decide to do it sooner and just skip the heart attack.

    What you're doing is good for you. Don't be discouraged from it. :)
    Eating crap, whatever that is, is not encouraged here, but eating foods you love in moderation within your calorie goal is. Besides, "carp" is in the perception.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Besides, "carp" is in the perception.

    Carp is crap, and I can't believe our European friends ever brought that fish over as a "food fish".

    Oh well, we held the world record brown trout for decades and have infected their warmwater lakes with largemouth bass and bluegill.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm a really notorious emotional eater, but lately I've replaced the "crap" (which included constant Diet Mountain Dews all day long, bags of Chex Mix, ice cream, cake, etc., pasta, entire pizzas on Fridays *facepalm*) with fruits and lean meats, lots more water than I used to drink and snacks like almonds and I still have not managed to lose as much as I feel I should have by doing this, even despite stepping up my exercise routine. It's frustrating but I don't want to fall off the wagon now! I guess I'll get there eventually if I keep this up.

    Are you logging what you eat? Weighing and measuring your food? Are you staying within your calorie allotment? Replacing the "crap" with healthy food doesn't automatically equate to weight loss, which is part of the point of this thread. People believe that they can cut out certain foods and that because the replacement foods are "clean" or "healthy" that they can eat as much of them as they want. You still need to eat less than your TDEE in order to lose weight.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
    Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones is not a fad diet. Even if you jokingly call it "The SEC Diet," it isn't a fad.

    Why adopting healthier eating is viewed as impossible, I don't know.

    It's a good goal. It needn't be discouraged.

    If you didn't see people saying the OP was destined to fail in this thread, you are either deliberately refusing to admit it happens or painfully stupid. I'm going to guess you are just refusing to admit it was said.

    And if you think there is a single person in this thread telling the OP that they SHOULDN'T eat healthy at all, then you are also in denial. Literally no one said, "don't eat healthy". No one has ever said that, in any of these threads. What they have said is that you don't HAVE to cut out XYZ foods that someone arbitrarily deems unhealthy. Every single person who advocates for moderation eats the same "healthy" foods as the clean eating zealots. They just eat other things IN ADDITION.

    I too, am still waiting for the scientific proof that explains why me eating 2 Oreos after a dinner of lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and a glass of red wine is going to cause me adverse health effects down the road. Or maybe I will be one of the "lucky ones".
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Brb getting gelato.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member