Not eating enough message



  • YumeSerket
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)
    You feel betrayed because MFP does not support VLCDs? Interesting.

    Getting enough calories to properly fuel your body is common sense. 800 calories is not proper fueling.

    The best of luck to you.

    Then explain how I feel properly fueled. How I continuously feel better than I ever have.
    Feelings are not right or wrong, but they aren't facts either. Just because you feel properly fueled doesn't mean you are There is no way in heck a person can meet all their macro and micro nutrients on 800 calories a day. However, if your diary is not open, please do open it up and prove us wrong. :wink:

    Feelings are facts when it comes to your own body. How silly does this sound "Your feelings are wrong!" Pretty darn silly I'd day. Gee, should I apologize for felling full after my lunch? Because I'm wrong if three bananas makes me feel full? I think that sound wrong. I know it sounds wrong.

    Today I ate 1,290 calories. I consumed 254 carbs, 36 grams of fat, 31 grams of fiber. Protein was lacking a bit today but that's expected with a mostly raw diet. Everyday I circle my 3 meals around a grain and protein. I eat on average two snacks, usually fruit.

    Example log:
    Breakfast: Creamy rice w/ 2tbsp chia seeds and 1 tbsp butter
    Snack: Banana
    Lunch 1/2 cup greek yogurt w/ 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 tbsp chia seeds, a sprinkle of granola
    Snack: Apple
    Supper: 1 cup Rice w/ chickpeas, celery, tomatoes, onions (I'm not even sure how to log that. )

    898 calories (minus the rice additives) but hey I got the nutrients I need and I am full. So don't tell me I'm not healthy. Nobody is a 100% health superstar. My point is that I feel extremely fulfilled on my diet-- and I'm not even dieting! Some days I don't get many iron, others I get an overabundance. It's all about balance.

    I'm not going to open my diary. I've been gone for a long time, it wouldn't make sense.
    I pretty much knew you would not open your diary. If what you wrote is your calories for the day, you are in great denial regarding nutrition and proper fueling of your body.

    No, none of our feelings about our body are facts when it comes to food. Most of us got fat by listening to our body tell us we need more food, all the while thinking we were eating just the right amount. Just because you feel you are getting proper nutrition on 800 calories a day does not make it factual.

    You also said you are not trying to lose more weight, but that's not what your ticker indicates. It says you have 20 pounds to go.

    You sound very protective of that 800 calories you eat each day, and you are quite defensive, and you certainly don't eat enough. This sounds like eating disordered behavior to me. Please seek help.

    Take care.

    My ticker says 10 pounds, actually. Perhaps I should point out I've never been overweight in my life. Nor have I been underweight. Nor do I intend to be. My last 10 pounds are what I would like to tone up, ad I've already said. Also, heck yeah I am defensive. There are multiple people harassing me about my feelings. Screw that. And screw your views, if you think I have a disorder for naturally eating between 800-1,200 calories a day.That's nothing but ignorance plain and simple. You've asked for answers and I've given them. You still deny me. Ignorant, just ignorant.
    You are right, it says 10 pounds. My bad.

    You're not overweight, underweight, but you're losing 10 pounds to tone up? Do you mean gain some muscle? Get firm and fit? 800 calories is not going to do it.

    No, the wording in your posts clearly indicate disordered thinking around food and nutrition You are inconsistent. Nobody is harassing you, we are simply calling you on the fact that you are in deep denial about nutrition and this fantasy of 800 calories being enough food.

    I deny you what? So, many of us who have been down the same road as you and are being truthful with you are ignorant?

    Yeah. So not true.

    You indeed did make this thread about you by saying you feel betrayed by MFP.:smile:

    My story doesn't keep changing. It's the fact that you are so quick to judge, and never had the full story to begin with. I'm only giving you a little more information through every post. Facts. My story does not keep changing. My story has always been the same, you've just lacked it's entirety. Also, why do you keep implying I only get 800 calories a day? I never once said that. See, there you go, judging. That is also ignorance. And I'd wouldn't call this calling me out. I have nothing to prove. You're calling me wrong for having an opinion different from yours. For being happy with who I am.

    Also, I am gaining muscle. I can visibly see myself toning up. Not that you have to believe me. Your thoughts don't affect me. Don't care. I know what I know, I see what I see. It's a personal matter, that wont ever concern you.

    Your own words.
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)

    800-1,200, yes. That is how much I usually consume in a day. Your point?
    My story doesn't keep changing. It's the fact that you are so quick to judge, and never had the full story to begin with. I'm only giving you a little more information through every post. Facts. My story does not keep changing. My story has always been the same, you've just lacked it's entirety. Also, why do you keep implying I only get 800 calories a day? I never once said that. See, there you go, judging. That is also ignorance. And I'd wouldn't call this calling me out. I have nothing to prove. You're calling me wrong for having an opinion different from yours. For being happy with who I am. 

    Also, I am gaining muscle. I can visibly see myself toning up. Not that you have to believe me. Your thoughts don't affect me. Don't care. I know what I know, I see what I see. It's a personal matter, that wont ever concern you. 

    Because.... I never once said that? I said I get 800-1,200 calories, then later clarified that as *usually*. That's all there is to it. I never said only 800. Never once.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
  • aurorareigns

    *snicker* So true.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    In, to find out how I can gain muscle on 800-1200 calories a day, since I currently need to eat triple that amount in order to gain any muscle.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)

    You feel betrayed because MFP does not support VLCDs? Interesting.

    Getting enough calories to properly fuel your body is common sense. 800 calories is not proper fueling.

    The best of luck to you.

    Then explain how I feel properly fueled. How I continuously feel better than I ever have.
    Feelings are not right or wrong, but they aren't facts either. Just because you feel properly fueled doesn't mean you are There is no way in heck a person can meet all their macro and micro nutrients on 800 calories a day. However, if your diary is not open, please do open it up and prove us wrong. :wink:

    Feelings are facts when it comes to your own body. How silly does this sound "Your feelings are wrong!" Pretty darn silly I'd day. Gee, should I apologize for felling full after my lunch? Because I'm wrong if three bananas makes me feel full? I think that sound wrong. I know it sounds wrong.

    Today I ate 1,290 calories. I consumed 254 carbs, 36 grams of fat, 31 grams of fiber. Protein was lacking a bit today but that's expected with a mostly raw diet. Everyday I circle my 3 meals around a grain and protein. I eat on average two snacks, usually fruit.

    Example log:
    Breakfast: Creamy rice w/ 2tbsp chia seeds and 1 tbsp butter
    Snack: Banana
    Lunch 1/2 cup greek yogurt w/ 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 2 tbsp chia seeds, a sprinkle of granola
    Snack: Apple
    Supper: 1 cup Rice w/ chickpeas, celery, tomatoes, onions (I'm not even sure how to log that. )

    898 calories (minus the rice additives) but hey I got the nutrients I need and I am full. So don't tell me I'm not healthy. Nobody is a 100% health superstar. My point is that I feel extremely fulfilled on my diet-- and I'm not even dieting! Some days I don't get many iron, others I get an overabundance. It's all about balance.

    I'm not going to open my diary. I've been gone for a long time, it wouldn't make sense.

    Great reply!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I read the entire last 2 pages of this thread


    I'm also super lol @ someone claiming to be gaining muscle on 800 (i'm sorry, 1200!) calories a day when a) this is not enough for anyone to gain weight on and b) eating like 10g of protein a day (just guessing based on the sample menu provided).


    In all seriousness though, to Yume, since you're an angry student apparently:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I rarely click the complete entry button since in the past I really havent found it to be accurate or useful. I take things as more of a one day at a time approach.
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    My doctor says my 800 calorie diet would be fine to get the weight loss I need to try and reverse my diabetes. Some days im only at 700 or 600. It took me time to be satisfied with this low calorie diet. I was eating probably more than 3500.

    Sorry but any doctor that told me that an 800 cal diet would be fine, would send alarm bells ringing in my head. These type of diets can be done short term ie a week preceding surgery etc. Long term they are unsustainable and unhealthy. Just my humble opinion of course
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Maybe I don't understand. I almost always eat comfortably over 1200 calories… but because of my workouts… I'm seldom netting 1200 calories. I've only gotten the MFP "not eating enough" message when my total is under 1200… and even then it still gives me my "5 week projection." Granted, I log almost exclusively on the app. I tried going back to old diary entries and the message still only shows up on those rare days I totaled less than 1200. And I'm still getting the projection.

    The projection is something I get a kick out of seeing… but it's also something I pay little attention to. Meaning… I already have forgotten what my projection was for yesterday. Therefore… it's not like 5 weeks down the road I'm going to be mad or depressed if I don't weigh that amount.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    WOW. I just checked that out-- it's true! I am so disappointed.. I am very healthy despite only eat 800-1200 a day, so this is going to be a huge problem for me. Actually, if that's the case, I'll probably be taking my leave from this site. I feel betrayed.

    (Read: I eat a mostly raw 'diet'. I am not starving. I have energy. I eat til I'm full. Fruit/veggies are VERY filling. Once again, I am NOT being unhealthy. I am NOT in 'starvation mode'. I feel better than I ever have, I am more energetic than I've ever been. No bodies are alike. I am not depriving myself. I get more than enough nutrients. Not all bodies need 2000+ calories a day to flourish. That is an old and implemented way of thinking.)

    And yours is a disordered way of thinking. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    What bodies are you speaking of that aren't under medical supervision or have medical issues btw?

    My way of thinking is most certainly not distorted in any way. Yours, however, is very ignorant. That is honestly an egregiously rude and disrespectful thing to assume. The word 'disorder' is *not* a word to throw around-- especially towards people whom you do not meet eye-to eye with. That's only, like I said, ignorance.

    Disordered thinking is disarray and compulsive. I've already been gone from this site for a long while, and don't you worry I made my way through the door just fine. I left because I was done counting calories, I was blissfully happy and didn't care how much I got. That's when I truly learned how to eat properly. You can't target everyone in the same calorie range. Some people have the appetite for 3,500 plus calories a day, others for 1,200 and below. Why is there only a stigma with the later? As I already said, I am not depriving or starving myself. I get more than enough nutrients a day. Speaking of which, if you wonder, that is why I came back, I wanted to make sure I was, just in case. I know I don't eat the recommended amount every day. I've tried eating more, and it's not that I wouldn't want to. It's that I don't care to-- not because I'm afraid or compulsive, but because I am satisfied. I eat hearty bowls of oats, berry-filled parfaits. I eat up to an entire bundle of bananas a day. The only thing stopping me from eating more is my stomach telling me it is full and satisfied. Today I ate 1,290. Tomorrow I might eat 800, and the next 1,150. Who knows? I don't. I'll eat when my body tells me to, and I'll stop when I'm full.

    Normal people don't count calories. They do what I'm describing. They just live. They eat when they eat, they don't when they don't. They also don't go out of their way to eat as little as possible or as much as possible. Neither do I. I just am. I just do what I feel my body desires. And my body respects me back.

    Are you a friend of banana girls?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    In to learn how to gain muscle on 800 calories a day as a woman....
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    600-700 calories per day is simply not smart. No matter how you feel.

    Your terrible energy levels should be a red flag.

    I"ve eaten around 800-100 for 2 years. I feel awesome

    Of course, mine is under close medical supervision and I supplement like crazy.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I'm a bit confused about what the OP is asking for exactly. MFP is not going to support medically and nutritionally dangerous diets, hence a warning message when you undereat. If you're so determined you are doing the best thing for your body by eating 800-1200 per day, I'm not sure why you feel the need to prove yourself to everyone here. Or is it that you are worried MFP might be correct and you want some reassurance that it's okay to keep starving yourself? If that's the case you aren't going to get it here. 800 calories is seriously like a small dinner for me. You're having a laugh eating that in 24 hours.
  • cinmorrowlvn
    cinmorrowlvn Posts: 16 Member
    I"ve eaten around 800-100 for 2 years. I feel awesome

    Of course, mine is under close medical supervision and I supplement like crazy.

    Good job. I think UNDER CLOSE MEDICAL SUPERVISION and I SUPPLEMENT LIKE CRAZY are the key terms here. Your doctor is making sure you are getting adequate nutrition despite a low caloric intake.

    "listening" to your body is not always advisable. I very rarely feel any hunger urge... for years now. I was eating about 600-1100 calories a day then I would binge and get about 3000 calories once a week. It turns out that I have gastroparesis and ended up in the hospital. There is no treatment for this condition but it explains why I had little/no hunger (or thirst). I was not loosing weight because my body was in starvation mode due to the low calorie intake. I've had to train myself to eat and prompt myself to drink. My dietary choices aren't very great but it's difficult when I can't tolerate fresh fruits/vegetables/fibers. I am on some very good suplements by my doctor and I'm starting to feel better now. I've lost about 20 pounds and eat 1200-1600 calories a day.

    I'm not trying to make this into an "about me" issue but I'd like to raise some awareness that it's not always a good/safe idea to make dietary choices solely on how you're "feeling." Diabetes can also throw off your system so you may feel one way but your body needs something completely different.

    If you're going to keep such low caloric intake for the long term please either seek a 2nd medical opinion or invest in some high quality supplements.

    I personally rely on MFP to give me those low calorie intake messages to prompt me to do better the next day.

    Best of luck.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote, glamorize, or achieve dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that anyone suffering from the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, or Compulsive eating make use of the resources offered by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. You may reach the ANAD hotline by phone in the US: 847-831-3438 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, Central Time) or on the web at

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    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    Thanks for your understanding,

    MyFitnessPal Moderator

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