SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...Dec 13

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Two weeks until Christmas. Anyone have any New Year's Resolutions?

I still don't have a goal pose - maybe it will be hold some pose for a certain number of minutes.

Goal for the week - no sugar until Saturday (when we have my side of the family Christmas). I also need to figure out a gift for the Grandma that is turning 90 this week. I think most people will send her flowers - should I send fruit instead?

Today: walk and yoga. Yesterday was an uphill day, so today is flat walking.

Christmas is coming, boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm with you on the no-sugar until next weekend (my day will be Sunday). Fruit seems fun to me...I would like to get some fruit for a present. You can't eat flowers.:laugh: (well, you can eat some...but nobody ever sends those kinds)

    Speaking of eating, I feel the need to dietarily re-boot. I'm just turning to convenience carbs way too often as of late. Low energy, bad weather, low grade depression, excuses are legion...I just need to quit it. I am so water-retainy this month, as well, from my special lady time, so in general just sort of miserable and gross. I just need to keep the faith, not get depressed because of the bloat, and keep moving.

    To fight this:
    continuing with my goal of five workouts a week, with one of them being some sort of hard-core upper body weights thing (or boxing).
    M: dance T: danceor other cardio W: day off R: dance F: weights with trainer/circuit on own Sa: day off Su: Zumba

    Goal is to eat one entirely vegetarian (and grain free) meal per day. Maybe this will break me out of a food rut and inspire some creativity.

    Continue with my two hours a day (or five pages of editing, whichever comes first) pattern of work.

    Also, due to a pattern of less activity, I lowered my base calories to 1700 (from 1800) to attempt to maintain some control during this apparently super-stressful holiday season. (not really stressful because of the holidays, but because of my work. I commented yesterday that I am lately as physically and emotionally exhuasted as I remember being when I was working 14-16 hour long restaurant worker shifts. Stress is fascinating!) I'm resolving to just roll with it and sleep if I'm tired, and not feeling guilty about being "lazy". I feel like I can catch up, but never seem to.

    Keep going, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post again. I may post again later when I actually accomplish something.
    Mary, have you tried edible arrangements . com? We got one a few years ago and I loved it. Good stuff!
    V, I hear ya about the convenience carbs. I feel like I've been on the go so much that I just grab was fast and easy.
    Today is not a good eating day. I just know it. I am going to a women's dessert at church which is always good, not just because of the sweets. But with lady time officially here my appetite goes way down, plus I have had SO many sweets lately with birthday parties and my own doing that I just want a banana. :tongue: I am going to try to eat something light before I go and maybe I won't eat as much while I am there.
    Goals today: school with Alex (doing it right now), clean up the house which seems to be a mess all the time now, keep working on Christmas gifts, and walk at least 30 minutes on the TR. Oh and this morning I am going to a friend's house. I haven't talked to her in awhile so it will be a good visit. Her kids love Alex too.
    My resolution for the New year? I think I will try to be more active everyday. Not necessarily actual exercise, just more movement and less sitting. I can easily sit for hours and hours. I like that you set time timer, V, every hour so you would move. I think I should do that. :smile:
    Happy Monday!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Thankful that my friend served me a salad for lunch, but she did have dessert. I didn't do too bad though. I will go over my calories today with the dessert thing tonight but I will try to be careful. No seconds!
    I came home feeling SO sleepy. So I laid down. I don't know if I slept. I think I mostly just laid there. :ohwell: I really wanted a nap. I got up and walked on the TR for 30 minutes. That didn't really help either. lol. This girly stuff seems to be wiping me out lately. Maybe I do need just a day to lounge around?
    I have a couple of Christmas gifts to wrap now, so I will do that, and straighten up around the house.
    Trying to move boogaloo!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Happy frosty monday! Hope you are all psyched for the week... :)

    Mary - about resolutions - hmm.... well, I try to make them as believable and managable as possible...or else it's dissapointment city. :)
    Mechmom, I'm finding it's so easy to go over calories with such simple butter. I just don't put butter on anything anymore..I miss it.
    VK - let us know what yummy veggie meals you come up with...I'm into stuffing my face with veggies for the next few weeks.

    Today was weird... slept very late, was depressed from my peanut butter binge last night. ( probably ate about 1/2 cup+). I fasted until 3pm and then had open face sandwiches and diet coke. Feel ok now. Can't believe how early it is getting dark...there's so little daylight. I've lived in Canada all my life - you'd think I'd be used to it by!

    More or less productive day...going to do my yoga (just my size) dvd tonight. Don't want to go out in the cold. I've been trying to keep warm all day and my toes are still suffering. I even have a space heater set up next to my 'puter. oy!

    Trying a crockpot dinner tonight..I kind of just threw some onions, steak, lentils and soup in the thing....I have no idea how it will turn out...I've never used it before but I like the idea of it. I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Been listening to a lot of J.S. Bach today - usually I find it a bit depressing but for some reason today it rejuvinated me.

    Back to the deep freeze.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Well, I consider last night's dessert a success. I turned down cheesecake! :bigsmile: I knew it would probably upset my stomach, so I figured it wasn't worth the 300+ cals or whatever is in it. I like cheesecake but it's not a favorite. If they had had more tempting things like cake or something I wouldn't have done as well. :laugh: I stuck with strawberries, grapes and a couple of so-so brownies (small).
    Today is: horse therapy, prayer meeting with friends, a walk on the TR, lots of water gulping, and logging food. The scale isn't showing it and neither are my jeans but I think I am thinning just a tiny bit. But it's hard to say with girly time here. I am just going to keep walking. I miss my upper body work outs. I haven't had the energy or the time to do it lately. I may have to wait till after Christmas is over to get that going again. I miss push ups too but my wrist is not having that.
    I am really struggling to get my house clean so I need to work on that. I get it picked up, turn around and I've made a mess again. I can't even blame Alex. :tongue:
    Needing to get back on schedule boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I hear you with the "schedule" thing, MM...some weeks I just can't get into the groove. This is one of those weeks. Also, there was a fire at my university which destroyed the now I may or may not be giving my exams tomorrow (already too late in Dec, if you ask me) they might be postponed to who knows when. I hate routine disruption.:sad:

    In other news, since my normal day off is today, but I need to take the day off tomorrow (for perhaps not happening exam) I'm aiming to do yoga in a little while. It's been forever, and my muscles are crying out for the stretch/different challenge. Other than that, it's editing (ugh.) and meal planning for the next few days. I made this recipe last night:

    and it was really, really good. Super comfort food and no grain carbs (I left out the flour and breadcrumbs, topping it with almond meal instead. also, I added mushrooms because I really like mushrooms). Also, the recipe makes a huge amount, so leftovers today for sure.

    My veg meals yesterday were more like huge snacks. I stood in the produce market and thought "what else takes no prep at all?" and ended up with clementines, berries, and an apple. I ate those yesterday along with almond butter (with the apple sliced up) and a greek yogurt. Later today, I'll go back and see what looks good. Since I've been craving sugar lately, I'm allowing myself the fruit. (it's like methadone for sugar)

    I'm talky today, apparently.

    Blah, blah, blah, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Since I've been craving sugar lately, I'm allowing myself the fruit. (it's like methadone for sugar)

    I ordered from edible arrangements (that's what I was thinking, MM) - they had pineapple that they would shape in numbers - so she's getting 90! Oh, did I mention that she was going to take up yoga? at 90? Next time your feeling the case of the "don't wannas" think of the 90 year old lady who was taking up yoga.

    I would like a yoga class at 10am - and not one that I'm teaching. What's wrong with 10am? Why do they all have to be at 9:30? Or I guess I should ask myself, why: if on the odd chance I get my butt out of bed early, I seem to fill the time with silly computer tasks? Today is Papa Bear Iyengar's birthday - he's 92. I need to do some yoga today. I'll walk as well.

    Yoga in our 90s, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    That will be a great surprise for her Mary with the pineapple numbers! :smile:
    V, sorry about the fire and exams. Hope you can just get them done instead of them being postponed.
    Speaking of postponement, we heard from Russia. Well, our agency anyway. We're at a crossroads and not sure what to do. We're going to talk and pray about it tonight. She said Andrei went to the DOE and they said they scheduled our info to look at it February 11-15 and then we are scheduled to go meet a child March 1st. Excuse me? I really don't even know what to say. I'm beyond feelings anymore. March 1st is Maria's birthday. I don't want to go meet another child on her birthday. I don't want to wait another stinking three months. What happened to the Asian child they said they had for us? What happened to the urgency? I really really want to quit. I honestly feel like I just can't do it anymore. I am burnt toast. We are thinking about going with another agency and have been wanting to for quite some time. It really is a crossroads for us. No matter what happens we have to redo all our paper work (it's expiring again) (where's the *rolling my eyes* smiley when you need it?) and that includes redoing our fingerprints, and I'm sure you can remember what an ordeal that was for me. We have that $7k in grant money that expires in March. Ugh. I am stretched beyond anything I ever imagined I could be. Somehow, some way we will keep plugging along. God called us to this and we will continue on until He says it is finished.
    It's 2:45 and I've accomplished nothing. I really want to sit on my pity pot, but I can't. I had a medium sized cinnamon roll. I have to work it off. :tongue: I will try to get on the TR pretty soon and clean up the house.
    Oh and on the way home we heard that Christmas song Carol of the Bells or whatever it's called and Alex gasped and said, "I can play that on the keyboard!" Guess what? He came home and played a small part of it on the keyboard! I love my kid! :smooched: :bigsmile:

    Finding the good at the crossroads boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, I wish I could hug you. :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I wish you could to V. I need one. We're going to call the agency that we wish we were with in a little bit. Hopefully we'll get some insight on what we should do now.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Oh, MM. :heart: It amazes me what you have been through. I do hope you gain some insight.

    I miss you guys, but I just don't feel like I have anything to post about lately. :ohwell: I have been in full-on hibernation mode since I've been back. It's been snowing like crazy, and brutally cold since yesterday. I'm still not getting enough sleep, my husband has had a cold, and I'm afraid I may be catching it. I am kind of afraid to start exercising again because I thought maybe my ankle was better after vacation, so I started second guessing what the difference might be - maybe Zumba is too much jumping, maybe the yoga is too much balancing, I don't know. I've been feeling sorry for myself again because I just don't seem to be able to do any exercise that I actually enjoy anymore. I know I should swim or water jog, but it's such a pain, especially in the winter - and the pool at the gym just uses so much chlorine that my skin dries out and I feel like I stink of chlorine even after a shower. I know I should do strength training, but it's just so boring. So I am floundering a bit for an activity.

    Done with the lake effect, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Yoga + armband thingee = sort of disappointing. I fall in to the trap too often with workouts of "more calorie burn is better". I have to remember that balance (no pun intended) is more important. My body and my brain felt better after yoga = yoga is good. I'm considering taking a break from logging, as I've once again gotten into the trap of obsessing over calories instead of paying attention to how I feel.

    I get to give my exam today which is good. The situation also causes me to wonder, takes the university 2 weeks to cut me a refund check for my student loans, but they can restore heat to the entire campus after a major fire in less than 24 hours...hmmmmm....priorities, I guess.

    No official workout today, but I'm going to proctor the heck out of this exam (3 hours of slow walking with stairs) to see how many steps I can get in. Then, it's all over but the marking. I realized the other day I've been pouting because I'm usually on break by now. What a whiner.

    Vegetarian meal yesterday: baked zuchinni "fries" with marinara, breakfast today: yogurt, pistachios and blackberries. This is a habit I need to get into. Fruit and vegetables are just as convenient as crackers and cheese, and make me feel better for having eaten them.

    feel better = good, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    CP - I think it's time for a visit to your brother. It's going to be 77 degrees here today. I say that, but when a Northerner comes to visit, we suddenly have cold wet weather. A little wet wouldn't be bad right now. It's been ages since it rained.
    I'm sure it will all work out, MM. :flowerforyou:
    Zucchini and sauce for dinner? What, like 200 calories? :noway: When I stopped counting calories, I stopped worrying about my yoga "workout". To me the benefits are: less stress = less stress eating, more mindfulness = more mindful eating, strength and flexibility. I need to practice more though, I missed yesterday.

    Today, I'm getting ready for the feast on Saturday. I'm making cornbread to make into cornbread stuffing (veggie, of course). I've officially turned into a southerner. Also, teach two yoga classes and get a walk in. Two kitties are having a vet visit today - mobile vet - costs more, but worth it for two of our guys - we even had our regular vet suggest it because of some bad behavior at the office :laugh:

    More yoga, less stress, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi all,
    I guess I've resigned myself to waiting 8 more weeks. Whatever. :wink: We called the other agency and they are too expensive. About $10k more than the one we are with and we'd also have to start all over. So for now we are just moving on with life as if the adoption does not exist. :huh: I need a distraction like a road trip or something for January. Or even moving. :laugh: Now's the time to do it. We have to update everything anyway.
    Babysitting this morning and it's going well. It's going to be GORGEOUS outside today: 78*! I'm getting out this afternoon, even if it's just to rake the yard. I am thinking about maybe going Christmas shopping too.
    I need to get some exercise in raking the yard or walking. I will try to watch my eating and not let my emotions and frustrations control my food intake.
    Guess I'd better get back to the kiddos. Realizing just how not child proof my house is. :tongue:

    Moving on boogaloo!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    MM I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can't imagine how frustrating it is or the heartache you must have. I hope things get better for you.

    Re: cocooning...I've been in one for three days now, haven't left the apartment...I'm in a kind of groove I think, or maybe transformation? Let's hope so. Food wise I've been really on top of the calories..not going overboard and being hyper hyper AWARE of everything going in my mouth. Tea seems to keep me going, none have caffeine (except one chai I have that is oo soo yummy). I find that having the ritual, boiling the water, cleaning the teapot, letting it steep, getting the mug with milk's a way to reset things in my mind. I never felt that way about coffee. Coffee is a manly drug I think...ready, set, go! no pausing to reflect or choose what kind of flavour one might try this time around. Yay for ancestors will be happy about it. (mom and dad born in britain :))

    My sleep sched is wonky though, can't seem to get to sleep till after 3am and then end up having a nap in the day. must not have nap today.
    I think I'll have to venture out this afternoon...I think I have about 2.5 hours left of sunlight left and I really should go buy some stuff to make another slowcooker meal.

    Listening to Barber Violin sublime...I highly recommend it for rejuvination!

    hang in there friends...
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Zucchini and sauce for dinner? What, like 200 calories? :noway: When I stopped counting calories, I stopped worrying about my yoga "workout". To me the benefits are: less stress = less stress eating, more mindfulness = more mindful eating, strength and flexibility. I need to practice more though, I missed yesterday.

    More yoga, less stress, boogaloo!

    Nope...the zucchini sticks are dredged in beaten egg, then coated in a mixture of almond meal (cause wheat upsets my stummy) and parmesan cheese. So, closer to 500 all told. (and the egg/almond/cheese gives protein) surprisingly satisfying meal, actually.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Today is: Zumba at 10.

    a quick grocery run, then lunch then off to the coffee shop for:

    Marking until it's finished (I really need some sort of a break...I have to go back January 4th:sad: ) I actually finished a great deal of them yesterday. Now I just need to push through to the end. Goal is to finish marking today, then figure out the total marks/record them tomorrow. Done by Friday!

    After the marking is finished, I'm not sure. I might drag myself out to the movies to turn my brain off. (so...cold...out...side....) I'm trying to figure out how much of a mental break from my own work to take around the holidays. I'm thinking of working ever day from now until Christmas, then not working again on anything until January 2nd. (also not logging food during that time, to take a refresher from that) I need to shut it down for a little bit, but at the same time keep on top of my progress. Shut down everything but working out, and let my brain sort of knock around in my head, listen to Abba and Lady Gaga and watch reality TV, or something...

    Keep on top, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I want to go to the movies!

    I guess now I have a cold, or at least that's what it feels like. I usually try the positive thinking technique to make it go away. :tongue: "I don't have a cold. I don't have a cold!" Yeah I don't have it in me to fight anymore. lol. My positive thinker is broke. Alex and I both feel bad and Steve said his throat feels scratchy this morning. Well, better now than in a week!
    I have fallen off the work out wagon and I can tell I'm getting flabbier. I am not a high energy person anyway, so when I don't feel well, I don't want to do anything but lay around and sleep.
    I am getting out to finish or almost finish Christmas shopping today. I'm sure I will need to get a few more things over the next week but I'm knocking out most of it today. And I am going to try to get them wrapped this afternoon as well. I have gotten creative this year with gifts and I'm excited to see people's faces. :happy:
    So today is grocery shopping, Christmas shopping (I don't like to shop so this really shouldn't take long), wrapping presents, and hopefully a walk on the TR. But I may take a nap instead. Depends on how I feel after shopping. I should have shopped yesterday when it was 78* instead of today when it's a high of 58*. I'm not complaining though. Keep the cold weather north where it belongs. Except Christmas Eve and Day. :wink:

    Don't wanna but gonna boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Ok, we make zucchini fries differently. Charlie has the last week of the year off (thanks to working for a University), so we are goofing off that week.

    We also have other stuff planned, like going through the house and getting rid of stuff. I will work next week on getting my paper done, so we can enjoy more of the week after. In the next two weeks, I need to: make two yoga videos, write a paper, & do my other homework. I also need to teach 4 classes next week. That's just yoga stuff. I haven't considered Christmas things. I'm very happy that I'm not organizing the gift wrapping this year. I would be crazy by this time.

    Schedule for today: walk, go to library, go to parents to get ready for family Christmas, then a group practice with kick butt teacher (yea!, she's back after a 8 week out of town tour).

    I found out some friends are breaking the "we don't buy gifts for each other" rule. So I'm making fudge tomorrow. That will show them.

    Crazy time of year, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I think our Northern friends may think 58 is warm, MM:laugh:
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