SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...Dec 13



  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Hard decisions made a sad day but I know I made the right choice.
    Walked a bit tonight after seeing "The King's Speech" I loved it btw.
    Keeping on top of calories more or less. Not much exercise last four days, have been hiding out working on inner stuff.
    Tomorrow I have to venture out twice. I'm hoping I can do some walking to help relieve some stress from today's decision.

    Things change, people change. I've changed and some people can't deal with that. But I have to look after myself first. It's not easy losing friends, but it feels right to trust my instincts. Looking forward, not back.

    Falling into Friday boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sarah, need anything? Seems like everybody is transitioning....soon it will be spring and we'll all get to blossom!

    Yesterday's Zumba was cancelled (teacher had the flu) so I came home after grocery shopping and finished my marking and then cleaned like a maniac. Ended up burning more calories over the course of the day than last Thursday (with Zumba) really is about not being sedentary, more than it's about structured workouts (they're better for stress reduction, heart health and getting out of the house...I'm trying to shift my fitness lookout there...not just "burn calories" zombie territory...I imagine myself as a zombie, but instead of saying "braaaaiiinnns" I say "caaaloooriiiesss..." It's not good territory to be in. The whole "dont' be sedentary!" is sort of a bummer, since my next major project will involve a lot of sedentary...longing for a basement, a treadmill, and a "walking desk" (I've always found that name funny, I picture the desk sprouting legs and walking away...) Today is errand walking for Christmas shopping (haven't started, but it's pretty small...we do a name draw thing and then buy for the kids. I have ordered a few things online, so I guess I have started).

    Other than that, I'm going out tonight to celebrate finishing my term (with success, I think...I feel very good about this was a productive one...I feel like something clicked back in September, career-wise...I feel more focused and positive about it).

    Also, today I have to take a kitty to the vet...I'm worried for her. Hopefully all will be well....she's ten now, so I worry.:frown:

    Reflecting upon success, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    My oldest kitty will be 20 soon, so no worries V. He's not doing great, but he still enjoys being in my lap.

    We worked towards kapotasana yesterday in group practice - which was Christina's (hard teacher) pose of the year for 2009 and 2010 - she reached it yesterday. It's also her sister's goal pose for 2011 (I also take her classes - I'm going to her group practice today). During class they talked about "Eye of the Tiger" practice - 6 hours a day for the week after Christmas. I'm considering this - well, 3 hours a day, I want some time with my husband as well.
    Today - teach and group practice. Also - cooking for tomorrow.

    Eye of the Tiger, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    New blog (exploring new philosophies and armband thingee), boogaloo.

    Also, great, now "Eye of the Tiger" is in my head (at least the opening guitar riff). I'm musically highly suggestible.:laugh: thanks for the "no worries". I will breathe.:wink: Hey, could three of the six hours be savasana (heaven for me...but I seem to remember not for you.):wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Well, it's official. We're all sick. Even Steve stayed home today. I guess it's some kind of virus. Rejoicing that we have it this week and not next!
    Not doing so well on my eating or exercising. I care but I feel bad enough not to care as much as I should. I am going to see if I have the energy to get on the TR later this afternoon. Alex has school today (was hoping to finish his book by Christmas but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. We may do school next week since it's kind of fun stuff right now anyway.), then I need to finish some Christmas shopping. The house is not cleaning itself either, so I have to do that. I also have to trim Alex's hair. Two people have commented that he looks like a girl. :huh: So a busy day today. I wonder how much of that I will actually get accomplished seeing as it's nine and I just finished breakfast.

    Getting of my rump boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    :sick: :sick:

    I still feel pretty rotten this morning. It's a cold/virus for sure. And Steve told me yesterday that he has plans for us with friends tomorrow. He even got a babysitter! But I don't know if we will be able to go and even the babysitter's kids are sick. Pretty sure it's the same stuff we have, so I'm not worried about Alex getting more sick. I just don't know if they will feel up to watching him. This cold is really effecting my sinuses as well, so my jaws and head hurt really bad. OKay, I'm done complaining.
    I haven't made it on the TR yet. I am going to try to set a new goal of walking or some form of exercise everyday from Jan 1-Feb 14. Hopefully I won't be sick in there. I did manage to get Nikki's claws clipped, and Alex's hair cut yesterday and dinner made. That was about it.
    Today it's all about survival. :wink: I need to go shopping since I didn't do it yesterday. Then do the dishes and maybe some laundry. That's it.

    Snotty nose boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    A lot of people have that cold right now, so get lots of rest, MM.

    Today is Christmas with my side of the family - should be loud, gluttonous, and fun. I'm going to get a walk in this morning while the cornbread stuffing is cooking.

    I really think they need to come up with wires that pets will not chew. We've lost more ethernet cables...

    Christmas, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...happy countdown to Christmas.

    I was sitting here moping this morning, and my brain said: "go to yoga". So, I just got back from a wonderful yoga class with beautiful hip openers. The strained muscle (literally a pain in the butt) is no more! Yay for my little brain (sometimes).

    I made new year's resolutions! Blogging about it momentarily...

    resolutions, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning.

    I feel a little more alive today. At least my head isn't full like it was yesterday. :smile:
    I wish I was feeling normal because we would have a fun filled day. I would be going to church this morning, and hearing Christmas music and a usual good message. But I think I will rest this morning so I can go on my date with hubby this afternoon. He apparently has already put money upfront for it so I would hate to not go. I don't think I have the energy to do both. I don't feel as dead but not sure I'm up to a whole day of activity. I hope the babysitter's kids are better too.
    So more resting today and straightening up as our other couple on our date might be coming in the house. Sure hope we don't get them sick too. I would feel bad. And then whatever Steve has planned for me this afternoon! I'm looking forward to it, just wish I felt better. :ohwell:
    Looking forward to feeling normal again and getting back to exercise. I've been sick for almost a whole month. Time to move on.
    Where's my health boogaloo?

    PS. I posted a video on FB. I am playing random notes on my guitar and Alex is finding them on the keyboard. I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to do with this gift! I love this kid! :bigsmile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Had a great Christmas yesterday. Ate way too much sugar - but it's over - until next weekend :tongue:

    I slept too late to make it to a yoga class, so I'm planning yoga at home. There's a studio doing the 108 sun salutations on New Year's Day - I'm going to try a few today to see how I do. Also walk, clean the house, make fudge, wrap gifts for old folks home, and go see Tron. If I have time after all that, I will work on the Christmas cards.

    Another busy day, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, stress is not to be underestimated. Powerful effect on our poor immune systems.

    Today is (hopefully, if the teacher is well again) Zumba at noon. In case the instructor is ill, I'm putting the DVDs into the player and moving the ottomans (this is what I have to do to have room to workout at home...move furniture) so if she's not there again, I come straight home and do Zumba here. (I slacked Thursday due to a sick teacher...looking to avoid a repeat) On the way home, I'm stopping to get the rest of the supplies for dinner at home, then, it's listening to my husband on the radio, and going to my boss's house to drop off all of my graded assignments (this is annoying to me, and I'm semi-pouty about it.) Then, home to rest/warm up. Snowing today, and it was bitterly cold yesterday. The weather has been consistently shaving off about 2,000 steps a day. I'm thinking of adding in a daily 20 minute at home dancing session to balance it out until spring comes.

    Semi-pouty, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Made brisket last night. Slow cooker on for 7 hours. To be honest I didn't know what I was doing, but it tastes ok. It's very fatty, and I didn't think it would be so. Maybe I can cut it off or something. Anyway, a good experiement. I'm going to do laundry today (now) and going to see Black Swan tonight with a friend. Will do some walking part way home after flick. Feeling very isolated lately - I know, it's by my own choice. I realised yesterday I hadn't been to the gym since my crying incident. oysh... How can I break that block I wonder.
    The cold has pushed me indoors too V. I am good for about 20 minutes at a time. My boots are old too and not so great for the walking. I am going to wait till after Xmas to see if I can get a deal somewhere. Maybe M.E.C. or something.

    I've decided that on Xmas eve and Xmas day I'm going to go on a movie marathon down at the AMC theatres - just buy like six movies and indulge....will likely bring a picinic too. (it's hard to get through this time of year - movies help!)

    I live in a 29 floor apartment building so I 'should' be walking up the stairs. But I'm not. there's a lot of stuff, I'm not doing. I guess we have to come to these things in our own time, and tell the naggy voices to piss off.

    Looking forward to rebooting tomorrow.

    hugs for boogaloos.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    the only way to break through that block is to go back to the gym. Claim your power, and do it.

    I used to walk up the stairs when I lived on the seventh floor. Here's how I did it: I started by walking up to the second floor to take the elevator the rest of the way, then the third, then the fourth, etc....Alternately, you could see how far you can go.

    Also, Black Swan is one of the best films I've seen in a long time...creeepy and beautiful.
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