weigh and measure everything?

Okay, this is hell. I get accused of being an anorexic for asking questions (rather not rehash) and this is what anorexic/bulimics/ednos do. I am recovered now for 5 years of my eating disorders yet suffer a less now from binge eating disorder (you eat even when not hungry and do not purge, hence wait gain). I know the seriousness of it, ppl treat it as a joke. I wanna be my realistic weight again, but do I have to go back to my e.d measuring to get there?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I would avoid behaviors that trigger your ED. You can lose weight estimating your portions, if you know how to do it, or find another method that works for you. Then again, do you really need to lose? Work your program from your doctor.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't know a thing about eating disorders so, I'm just gonna answer as if you were just another one of the rest of us. Yes. Measure and weigh long enough to be able to eyeball correct serving sizes. Read the label, measure out the serving size, compare it to the size of your fist, hand, thumb or other body part for future reference. When you're getting pretty close, put the scale and the measuring cups away. Maybe go back to measuring every so often to keep yourself from 'portion creep', but I don't see the need to do it every day for the rest of your life. You can teach yourself to be a little more independent this way.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    Okay, just so many ppl keep saying "weigh and measure everything!" Idm using cups tbsps etc. I always read the labels-habit.
    But to measure down to the t is insane on a daily basis for each meal. Reminds me of the hell inside...
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    > But to measure down to the t is insane on a daily basis for each meal. Reminds me of the hell inside...

    Sometimes you can't, but that's exactly why it's important to do it when you can -- you need to train your eye now so that you can more accurately estimate later. When you're in a restaurant eating salmon, what does 4 ounces of salmon look like? How much did the server just bring you?
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I am a recovering anorexic, it is still a large part of my life. I fight myself daily on my appearance. I found what helped me was to eat what I wanted and count calories. However I made sure I didn't go to my old habits and restrict to less than 1000. I make myself eat like 1300 even if I am having a bad day. I had my second baby January 2013, I was 168lbs. Lost to 140lbs by June 2013 then fell off the wagon and was up to 155lbs by the beginning of this year. I am now 131-133lbs at 5'8"

    My ultimate goal is 125-128lbs. BF of 16% I know it will likely take me a few months to get to the rest of my goal because I am already small, excepting that it takes time and you don't need results is the largest part for those of us that had delt with food issue I believe.
  • manunit99
    manunit99 Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, just so many ppl keep saying "weigh and measure everything!" Idm using cups tbsps etc. I always read the labels-habit.
    But to measure down to the t is insane on a daily basis for each meal. Reminds me of the hell inside...

    You don't need to measure everything. Only the absolutely fanatics would bother with that. I measure the milk that goes into my protein shakes always. However everything else I just measure once or twice with a cup or scale and use my eyes to estimate. If your a few grams or mL off it's not going to make that much of a difference in your final numbers and hey, why not just overestimate to be safe.
  • jan3h
    jan3h Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh and measure calorie dense stuff like proteins, fats and carbs (including fruit). I don't worry too much about vegetables.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    i think whether your eating disorder is anorexia or binge eating..either way the problem is a food obsession..and by weighing and measuring everything you are just opening the door from one problem to another. it's fine for regular people on a diet, who just want to lose a few lbs and have never had an ED but for you it will just lead to an extreme. you need to find a way to be healthy, make healthy eating choices without over analyzing everything and becoming obsessed with the numbers. I would just choose a healthy calorie goal and stick to it.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I weigh everything because my goals require being fairly accurate and require accuracy with protein intake. Whether I'm cutting, maintaining, or eventually bulking, I will still weigh my foods.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I think its imperative for some people to weigh and measure accurately when their goal is weight loss. I'm sure there are people that can eyeball but they have probably been doing this for years.
  • clairehynes39
    clairehynes39 Posts: 3 Member
    Im in recovery from binge eating disorder and the only thing I weigh in my carbs. I have 30g for brekkie (bread, porridge etc), 200g of potato or 180g or cooked pasta or rice with lunch/dinner or 60g of bread. Thats the minimum I allow myself and if im hungry ill have more. Outside that I just log the serving guidlines on the pack.
    If weighing is going to make you spiral downwards dont even think about it.
    With regards the bingeing keep a journal I found that great to write how I was feeling then to wake up the following morning to see how I felt and I overcame it was amazing.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    OP ... in one sentence you claimed you recovered from an your ED only to admit to a current ED ..." I am recovered now for 5 years of my eating disorders yet suffer a less now from binge eating disorder." Nobody has to accuse you of anything, you stated you suffer (present tense of the verb) from an ED.

    If you can't weigh foods without it triggering unhealthy behaviors you have two options ... don't weigh and hope you eyeball things accurately enough to stay in a healthy weight range or seek further help so you can get to the point where weighing foods no longer triggers unhealthy behaviors.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I do this whenever I have messed up the week prior. If not, not really. I just count the calories and keep up with regular exercise.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    real talk, i'm not sure if this site is a healthy place for you just yet.
  • smuggle
    smuggle Posts: 6 Member
    I would suggest you work with an ED specialist in both nutrition and counseling before going it alone or asking a forum of people who may be completely unfamiliar with your specific ED issues. To fully recover and safely lose or gain weight could take years for proper nutrition, managing your fear foods, and coping with the stress of eating enough all the time.
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    real talk, i'm not sure if this site is a healthy place for you just yet.

    my thoughts exactly. stay healthy, sister!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay, this is hell. I get accused of being an anorexic for asking questions (rather not rehash) and this is what anorexic/bulimics/ednos do. I am recovered now for 5 years of my eating disorders yet suffer a less now from binge eating disorder (you eat even when not hungry and do not purge, hence wait gain). I know the seriousness of it, ppl treat it as a joke. I wanna be my realistic weight again, but do I have to go back to my e.d measuring to get there?


    Measuring and weighing is not part of an ED...it is normal...it is when you restrict yourself to the point of starvation using those tools that you have an ED...

    To lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit...how you get there is your business but I agree...you are not ready for this site if you think weighing food is disordered thinking.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    OP ... in one sentence you claimed you recovered from an your ED only to admit to a current ED ..." I am recovered now for 5 years of my eating disorders yet suffer a less now from binge eating disorder." Nobody has to accuse you of anything, you stated you suffer (present tense of the verb) from an ED.

    If you can't weigh foods without it triggering unhealthy behaviors you have two options ... don't weigh and hope you eyeball things accurately enough to stay in a healthy weight range or seek further help so you can get to the point where weighing foods no longer triggers unhealthy behaviors.

    I was bashed on this site by posters b/c they think or assume I have anorexia. I do get binge eating urges. I have less and less. But ur right about this site. After my last post I was triggered and binge ate for 2 days and wondered y I gained weight-but I knew. The ppl here can be cruel. But I find my pals on here so supportive, many whom are recovered from all, or have binge eating.

    I think it would be best for me to do my new (helpful) thing (measure not everything) and talk to my friends on here. I notice a stigma, I hate it. It makes me feel like a leper. I am said to be "not one of us" or "like the rest of us." I think that trigger my bed ed. But the others are buried. I am constantly told to seek help. I put that caption due to my last topic the admins had to shut down.

    But ty to all for not being bullies I will ask my dr about my binge eating problem, but e.ds are not as easy financially or offered as much as ppl think. Hence y so many die from e.ds Even if u want the help. You won't have the money
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Okay, just so many ppl keep saying "weigh and measure everything!" Idm using cups tbsps etc. I always read the labels-habit.
    But to measure down to the t is insane on a daily basis for each meal. Reminds me of the hell inside...

    As others have said, I am not sure whether this site is best for you given your circumstances,

    Weighing and measuring is fine and preferable for many,, however, some people just should not be doing it due to underlying issues. In fact, some people should not really be calorie counting at all. Here is a link to a podcast that may help:

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    OP ... in one sentence you claimed you recovered from an your ED only to admit to a current ED ..." I am recovered now for 5 years of my eating disorders yet suffer a less now from binge eating disorder." Nobody has to accuse you of anything, you stated you suffer (present tense of the verb) from an ED.

    If you can't weigh foods without it triggering unhealthy behaviors you have two options ... don't weigh and hope you eyeball things accurately enough to stay in a healthy weight range or seek further help so you can get to the point where weighing foods no longer triggers unhealthy behaviors.

    I was bashed on this site by posters b/c they think or assume I have anorexia. I do get binge eating urges. I have less and less. But ur right about this site. After my last post I was triggered and binge ate for 2 days and wondered y I gained weight-but I knew. The ppl here can be cruel. But I find my pals on here so supportive, many whom are recovered from all, or have binge eating.

    I think it would be best for me to do my new (helpful) thing (measure not everything) and talk to my friends on here. I notice a stigma, I hate it. It makes me feel like a leper. I am said to be "not one of us" or "like the rest of us." I think that trigger my bed ed. But the others are buried. I am constantly told to seek help. I put that caption due to my last topic the admins had to shut down.

    But ty to all for not being bullies I will ask my dr about my binge eating problem, but e.ds are not as easy financially or offered as much as ppl think. Hence y so many die from e.ds Even if u want the help. You won't have the money

    When a person gets defensive and introduces ED behavior into a thread before there is any accusation ... it is rather telling. Perhaps it isn't people being "cruel" but people telling you truths that you don't want to hear or face. You admit to an ED in your first post of this thread ... your behaviors indicate an unhealthy relationship with food and basic weight control measures such as measuring ... you get upset and binge when people notice and highlight your rather obvious issues with food.