I want to lift, but I'm terrified of the weight room.



  • jazzy_45
    jazzy_45 Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe I'm an anomaly but when I wanted to start lifting two years ago when I was in university (I didn't stick with it for medical reasons that I won't get into), I walked into the weight room, found a group of guys who were spotting each other and said something along the lines of, "Hey, my name is Candice. I've always really wanted to do this, but I don't really have any idea about form and stuff, would you guys be willing to show me some form or spot me or something?" Not only did they show me the form, spot me that day etc, one of them actually offered to work out at the same time as me for the next few weeks while I got comfortable and developed a routine. It was a little bit awkward asking, but totally worth it.

    The other option is, find out if your college gym is affiliated with any personal trainers or does any orientations where they'll have someone teach you how to go through the motions properly. My university gym did, but they weren't licensed trainers.

    OMG you are my new hero! Lol!
  • jazzy_45
    jazzy_45 Posts: 101 Member
    Well we're at it...any advice on getting guys in college? Lol...I don't do one night stands and I feel like most guys in college just want that. :/

    Go and do lots of stuff that you enjoy. There will be guys doing those same things, and there are built in conversation starters.

    Example: took a pottery class. I noticed the guy sitting across me had no trouble centering his clay. I asked for tips. That sort of thing.

    I met plenty of guys in college just by going to class and being friendly, but I also joined clubs and volunteered for things that sounded like fun.

    eta: much more obvious example-- chat up some of the guys in the weight room.

    How do I talk to the guys in the weight room though? Lol I'm an awkward person :blushing:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Well we're at it...any advice on getting guys in college? Lol...I don't do one night stands and I feel like most guys in college just want that. :/

    Go and do lots of stuff that you enjoy. There will be guys doing those same things, and there are built in conversation starters.

    Example: took a pottery class. I noticed the guy sitting across me had no trouble centering his clay. I asked for tips. That sort of thing.

    I met plenty of guys in college just by going to class and being friendly, but I also joined clubs and volunteered for things that sounded like fun.

    eta: much more obvious example-- chat up some of the guys in the weight room.

    How do I talk to the guys in the weight room though? Lol I'm an awkward person :blushing:

    make eye contact and say hi.

    or don't talk to them- it's not a requirement.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut
  • jazzy_45
    jazzy_45 Posts: 101 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Regardless of gender ... the people in the gym... are MOSTLY there to workout... they could care less about you taking up space .... that being said... if you are a newbie... there are some things you should know and understand about weight training...

    and I am sure someone has already offered you a couple of resources... My fav and go to.. is 5x5... google it... download the app... and have fun... it is easy to get you started... and in no time you'll be squatting and benching in no time... and understanding that the gym (specifically the weight room) is not about socializing.. it's about the serious biz of adding strength and muscle...
  • 68berry67
    68berry67 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 46 years old and I had to get over it at our gym don't wait till you are OLD to start! .. SOOOOOOO GLAD I Did. I had a trainer to help me out at first but I watched lot of videos, praticed form at home and added a couple of fitness sites to my facebook page.... Not sure I can mention them but fitnessrxforwomen.com helped me a lot gain confidence and structure to my routines. WE all had to start somewhere even the guys. They will stare a bit but WHATEVER! Eventually you will begin to see the same people in there and they will help you out. The guys will start to admire you for doing it. I will say this, to limit the staring make sure you wear workout pants and not shorts and a looser fitting top. That makes it so I have one less thing to worry about giving me total freedom of movement and helps in the staring department actually adding respect from the guys. There is only a couple of other women at my gym who attempt to lift heavier and I just had to get over it and remember there is only way to build muscle and that is to get in there and just do it! Definitely take a weight lifting class if you can!!!!!!! It will help make sure you start with proper form and give you TONS of confidence. GOOD LUCK!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?

    "Hi! (Smile here) I'm new and I really want to start lifting. You seem like a regular. Do you have a couple of minutes to help me with my squat form?"
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Shell out for a personal training session or two. You'll get acquainted with the equipment and build confidence, while ensuring you are exercising good form. Win all-around.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?

    srsly? Look him in the eye, blink those eyes, and ask nicely.

    It will work. Promise.
  • marquishagetaka
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?

    srsly? Look him in the eye, blink those eyes, and ask nicely.

    It will work. Promise.

  • jazzy_45
    jazzy_45 Posts: 101 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?

    srsly? Look him in the eye, blink those eyes, and ask nicely.

    It will work. Promise.


    Haha oh gosh why am I so nervous and awkward???
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Fresh new co-ed in the weight room?

    Get one of the guys who are regulars to be your workout partner.

    Might get you a partner for other shizz too. wut wut

    Haha how do I say that though?

    srsly? Look him in the eye, blink those eyes, and ask nicely.

    It will work. Promise.


    Haha oh gosh why am I so nervous and awkward???


    just go do the things. stop thinking about what everyone MIGHT be thinking about- and focus on the task at hand.
    Rock out to your favorite music and get things done.

    doing things- gets things done.
    thinking gets no things done.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    when i first started i was terrified too, i just grit my teeth, put my head phones in, and tuned the world out! I set my eyes on the prize and i went for it, and said F** what everyone else thinks i'm gonna do this!

    Good luck!
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I can be intimidating because of what we *think* other people are thinking about us.

    But the reality is, most of the people in the gym are way more focused on themselves than they are on you. That's why they are in there throwing around the weight and staring at themselves in the mirror - they are there to achieve their own fitness goals. To them, you're just another body in the room.

    I was intimidated when I went to my gym for the first time. Now, after a year, I know a lot of people by name, and can chat with a few. The trainers and people who work there know me. I'm a 'regular' now.

    Something I found really useful was this: http://ericamillard.com/?p=1566

    It might help put things in perspective for you... and maybe even encourage you a little.

    Being strong is more than just physical strength. Be mentally strong too; be strong enough to walk into that gym and do your thing. You can. You know you can.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I signed up for the gym and didn't even go for almost 2 years, and I'm a guy. So don't feel bad. Once I finally started going I realized how crazy I was for putting it off though. No one there judges, and we all just go about our business. There are quite a few women that I've seen in the weight room when I'm there, and they are left alone unless they ask for help. They might get a few looks, but nothing more than that. I usually just zone out to music and I don't even notice what's going on around me.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    get in there and lift. It's the only way you'll over come that.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi everyone! So I really want to start weightlifting! I've seen the success stories on here and on bodybuilding.com, and I think it will great things for my body! But there's one problem, I'm so nervous to be in the weight room! It really really intimidates me.

    I am a freshmen in college, so I am on my own for the first time in my life. I go to a big public university, so there's of course lots of guys everywhere. I checked out our rec center, and it was amazing. They have everything! But I just felt so intimated in the weight room. There were soooooo many guys there, and like two or three girls. It was packed with guys. It makes me so mad that this is preventing me from weightlifting, but it really is!

    I really want a lifting buddy, but I only have made a few friends here and I don't want to pressure them to workout with me.
    What can I do to get over my fear? Should I go at a time where there's less people? :/ I want to get over my fear, but I don't know how!

    if it was me, and i felt this way, i'd probably want to go when the gym was empty.

    but you also want a work out partner, and don't have too many friends... so it really sounds like the best thing to do is suck it up and try to make some friends at the gym.

    most people are happy to share whatever knowledge they have
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    You are overthinking this. You have just as much a right to be in the weight room as the athletes. Go lift, learn as you go.

    I agree.
    Regarding people looking at you I have two comments.....sometimes guys looking in the mirror are looking at their form and not at you. The second is that even if they are looking at you its because the mirrors are there and they are bored and looking around. You have to get over this and do your thing. Most woman I see in the weight sections are looking around too.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    The only way to overcome that fear is to just go in and do it. There is no other way. It's no different than any other aspect in life. Conquer fear by doing and doing it well.

    Give it 2 months, you'll be hooked and the fear will be gone. Just remember, EVERY single one of those guys felt that same fear at some point.

    And yes, pick a time that is less busy.


    I actually just started using bodybuilding.com and the app that went with it. Did day one on sunday and day two is tonight! Just gotta get in there! I felt a little weird at first and honestly i feel a little more nervous for tonight as weekdays after work at my gym are crazy busy, but I know if I dont go i will never get over it.

    Good luck on your journey!:drinker: