What's in your gym bag?



  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    - Fresh clothes
    - Shower Towel
    - Shampoo and condition
    - Body wash
    - Face wash
    - Flip flops
    - Shoes
    - HRM and strap
    - Ipod and headphones
    - Gloves
    - Sculpt Protien shake or other snack
    - Water bottle
    - Work out towel

    haha Oh dear I'm terrible and today I am not going anywhere after so haven't bought my hair straighteners :P
    Oh and some days if I'm doing pure cross trainer I'll have a magazine too!
  • rpbabs
    rpbabs Posts: 16
    Water bottle
    Small notepad w/pen
    Cell phone
    Lock & key for gym locker (just in case I decided to put my things away when I workout)
    Waist pack w/extra hair bands (just in case I choose to run outdoors).
    Now that it's cold - sweater and scarf.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Okay, now I feel slightly odd...am I the only one who brings something specifically just to wipe the beads of sweat from their face??

    Gym Card
    Running Shoes
    MP3 Player/Ear Buds
    Sweat Rag (Hehehe)
    Water Bottle
    Street Clothes

    AND MOST important: My HRM! :o)
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Slimmed down:
    - wired headphones
    - wireless headphones
    - iphone
    - gym card
    - hrm strap
    - water bottle
    - lifting gloves
    - shorts

    I'll workout in my undershirt and drive home after the workout, eat and shower there.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    far out...so much **** you guys take!!
    im also a minimalist.

    in the bag:

    Water bottle
    HRM strap/watch.
    Ipod touch (for timer and notebook)

    No gloves, no extra clothes, no books, no make up, no nothing else!!!

  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Skip the book (you'll work out harder), and do you really need the extra workout clothes? You're worse than a girl!! lol I go straight home 9/10 times so I only need the necessities.

    To gym I bring:
    ipod and headphones
    Gym ID/student card
    water bottle
    HRM watch
    (Protein & carbs, & shower/changing stuff for after if I'm not going straight home)

    If I'm going for a swim:
    large towel
    cap & back up cap
    water bottle
    kick board
    (protein & carbs, & shower/changing stuff for after if I'm not going straight home)

    The book actually gets me to work out longer. I walk one day and read, and then run the next and lift (sans book).

    I guess it's to each their own right? I even find the TVs distracting! Maybe once a year I'll plug my headphones into the TVs on the cardio machines, otherwise it's just me & 1 earbud in my ear (I like to hear my breathing and the ppl around me, I'm odd that way).
  • Small and large towel
    Body wash
    Water bottle
    Gym shoes
    gym card
    Asthma pump
    Gym clothes

    not too much.
  • You have lots more than me! But I don't shower there. Depends on the day, but lately it is only:

    2 racquetball racquets
    2 cases of 3 balls each (i have no idea why I need so many)
    1 gym membership card

    Sometimes it is (for swim days):

    Dry change of clothes
    Hair bands
    Beach towel
    Nose clip
    Gym card
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    keys with id card attached
    water bottle
    my husband :love:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I go right after work so I have my protein shake powder in a mixing cup in the car along with a water bottle. ( I hope the 20 degree temps does not leave me with an ice cube!) I also lock my wallet and phone in the car when I go into the gym so my bag is pretty light...

    The stinkiest sweatshirt you will ever find...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    my husband :love:
    Can't swing a 2 memberships so you smuggle him in your bag?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    - hand towel for sweat
    - gym outfit (pants, shirt, sports bra)
    - gym shoes
    - hair brush
    - ponytail holder
    - water bottle
    - ipod

    I also have spinning shoes, but those stay in the car in their own box since I only use them once a week.

    The cell phone doesn't come in with me because I wouldn't be able to talk on it/wouldn't want to talk on it, anyway......

    (I also shower at home.)
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    sparring gloves
    stop watch
    water bottle
    yoga strap

    That's it!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Okay, now I feel slightly odd...am I the only one who brings something specifically just to wipe the beads of sweat from their face??
    I just use a hand towel from the gym.

    I shower at home so, now that it is winter, my bag contains:
    -running shoes
    -gym shorts
    -two bras
    -tank top
    -iPod and headphones
    -hair tie
    -water bottle
    -a shirt to throw over my sweaty clothes before I put on my jacket
    - sweat pants to put on after my workout
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    I don't usually take a gym bag.. Maybe I should start bringing a bag of stuff with me to work so I can go straight to the gym after work instead of getting home to "change" and letting the laziness get the best of me.. GOOD POST!!!! Way to get me thinking!

    If I were to have a gym bag this is what it would contain:

    Running Shoes
    Workout Clothes
    Water Bottle

    I shower at home so no shower essentials for this girl!!!
  • my husband :love:
    Can't swing a 2 memberships so you smuggle him in your bag?

    lol i was thinking the same thing. Also that the bag must be either very large and heavy, or he is very tiny and could fit in her pocket! :-)
  • Wow... so I am feeling like I need to put more stuff in my bag. Some of the stuff that is in there is only there because I used the bag on the last vacation I went on and decided it would be useful at the gym too...lol

    I have the clothes that I am going to wear that day at the gym, as well as the shoes and socks.

    Deoderant and perfume.
    There are earbuds in there but I rarely use them.

    I think that is it. I wear my bodybugg the days I am going to the gym so it doesn't need to be in the bag.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    Hand towel
    tanning oil
    gym door card
    water bottle
    pony tail holder
    Had a pair of diamond ear rings in there except last night I couldnt find them :*(

    shoot I dont know
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    keys with id card attached
    water bottle
    my husband :love:

    U got your husband in your gym bag poor fellow....lol
  • Safety Pins-cmon runners you KNOW you have em
    ok i have to know....what's the safety pins for??? and why would a runner deny having them?

    I don't know why she has them, but I'm a runner and I have safety pins in my gym bag because they're left over from races. They give you safety pins to attach your race number to your clothes. After a race I usually just take my number off and throw everything in my gym bag...hence the safty pins.
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