alcohol and your weight loss?



  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I have a glass or two of wine most days of the week. It definately messes with my water weight fluctuations but I (try) to make sure it fits in my calories for the day. Definately the weight loss is quicker without it... but life is too short to give up wine :) Good luck!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I've maintained my current weight and fairly low body fat drinking on a regular basis. Only a drink here and there during the week, but Friday and Sat are a totally different story. So it hasn't affected me from being a healthy lean weight, but if I want to get a little leaner (which I think I do), I'll need to cut back on the weekend drinking.

    Honestly, I don't think the drinks are the problem. I chose relatively low calorie drinks. It's the eating I do after having 3+ cocktails.

    I will say, during the week, I eat pretty healthily. And I eat at a deficit. I always go over on calories on the weekend. Enough that it kills my 2000 or so calories I've banked during the week.
  • thegilly6
    thegilly6 Posts: 137 Member
    I'll drink a couple of regular or heavy beers a day over the weekend. I occasionally drink a light beer for dinner during the week. In either case I make sure it fits within my caloric goal. That's where the additional weekend exercises come in handy.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    When I drink, I make poor dietary choices, so generally I don't indulge unless it's a special occasion
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Well, I love red wine and my husband bought some expensive wine and I decided to google how many calories this wine had..OMG 2500 calories..ugghh I think he drink the entire bottle I was so turned off by it. I took like 3 sips. So, I rather not drink while trying to loose weight. So good luck with that one.

    I think you calculated wrong. Even cream sherry, which is among the sweeter wines, is only 1200 calories for a standard bottle.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I drink red wine, vodka, and Long Island Ice Tea a few times a month and no problems with weight loss so the booze will continue.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Ever since more than one MFPer opened my eyes to my binge drinking, I've made efforts to curb it. Good news is I drink less often. When I do drink though, I drink beer and it stalls my loss - even when I account for it. Who knows what I'm doing wrong, but CICO just doesn't work out for me where beer is concerned. Probably cause I drink a lot of it when I do drink. ;)

    I read that alcohol slows fat oxidation by a lot.
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    The main problem that I have with alcohol is that it usually leaves to eating more than I would when not drinking. So it isn't just the alcohol. As long as I stick to one or two, things are fine.:smile:
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I've never been frequent on alcohol. More of a 1-2 times a month and not always that often. Now I think about what snacks to have on hand. Not much to change in what I drink as my regular has been rum & diet soda for a while. But now when I want something different I use a Jose Cuervo brand of light margarita, instead of the regular mixers.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I drink once or twice a month on average. Usually one of those occasions is splitting a bottle of wine with my husband over dinner at home, and the other is hanging out with friends having 2-3 beers or mixed drinks. As far as my calorie tracking I just consider it as a treat, like ice cream or something...uses up a lot of calories and doesn't contribute to my nutrition in a positive way, so I limit it. There are some months I don't drink at all though.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    If you only drink occasionally the effect can actually be beneficial at least as far as scale weight is concerned. The amount o alcohol involved in a night out on the town actually tends to flush retained water and bamf out of your fat cells. Which can make weight loss your body has been masking suddenly appear. It's not an actual benefit I suppose. But it's a nice motivational boost. And much needed when the sound of your cat scratching on yer door is making your head hurt.
  • dj1skywalker
    I drink to forget how fat I am.

    Yep!! :laugh: