Why the hell are you sneaking in my got damn kitchen?



  • ashthecat15
    ashthecat15 Posts: 190 Member
    You could pretend that you're a Gremlin. There's no feeding them after midnight.
  • JeanieBean1074
    Yep I would agree that either you're not eating enough OR you could be not logging accurately?
  • charbieeee
    charbieeee Posts: 6 Member
    I'm guessing you are probably not eating enough during the day! Also eating more protein and fat and less carbohydrates, especially processed stuff like bread, crackers, etc. will probably make a big difference.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I tell you, it is my blessing that I've never been a midnight snacker. I got up and ate a snack once just to see what all the rage was about, and I didn't like it.

    My question: are you depriving yourself of snacks during the day if you want them, and if you have calories left over?
  • osoperezoso
    osoperezoso Posts: 11 Member
    A protein shake at night shortly before you get those cravings would help. There's almost always room for a little more protein in everyone's diet.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I peeked at your diary. I think the thief is hungry.

    Yup, you're sneaking around the kitchen because you're hungry from not eating enough during the day. As you can see, eating that low of calories is doing you no favors anyway, so allow yourself a bedtime snack and quit fretting over it.

    Peeked at her Diary also. Yes she is definitely Hungry. You seem to have a large amount of calories left over each day, use them in a controlled manner. Add some unrefined carbs and more protein to your evening meal and snack. Small changes to form the NEW Habits and you will get back on track.
  • GettingBack2Fabulous
    I had this problem too im always awake till 2am or longer and was able to stop occasionally I snack but rarely. They say breakfast should be your biggest meal then lunch and smaller dinner and blah blah blah but not every one can or wants to do it that way so i looked at your diary and you could try getting more protein in your day it helps you feel fuller longer cuz your deffinitely not getting enough or make your snack a healthy one like celery I know who wants to eat celery at midnight eww but it might help you not want to eat or a big glass of water wait 15 mins and see if your still hungry or just make your butt go to sleep! Lol
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    i gotta read this too..i need to stop snacking after 9

  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member

    i budget my calories so i get snacks, and especially my before bed snack, which is usually cereal and milk. i wouldn't be as happy without some snacks, so i make sure i can "afford" the calories.
    No snacks? That's sad. I'd guess that you are sneaking because you're depriving yourself of things you like instead of working it into your day so that it fits your goals... but that's just my two cents.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    Stock you kitchen with go-to healthy snacks (like weight watchers frozen Greek yogurt pops) and leave a little wiggle room in your daily calories so you can have a midnight snack (or two!) guilt free! Altering habits is easier than breaking them.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yep, if you have a load of calories left over, then you need to have a snack prior to bed. You can have that snack in moderation. For example, tonight I had some lactose free chocolate ice cream with Trader Joe's mini oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I had just one serving of the cookies, but a bit more ice cream than usual. I did a five mile run this evening, so I felt the need for a bit more. I have plenty of calories left over, but I'm saving some up for later in the week.
  • Tora32
    Tora32 Posts: 33 Member
    Yep, sometimes I get the urge for some late night snacking too, and first thing I check is whether or not I've eaten enough that day. Oftentimes I'm either running low, in which case a small meal or a serving of nuts can really help, or I blew most of my calories on lunch or something. Next thing is to make sure I'm hydrated; getting some water or tea will sometimes help for that reason. If you're not feeling any hunger/thirst and just want something sweet to snack on, either plan ahead to leave yourself room for a late night snack (pre-log it if you have to), or plan on some low-calorie treats like sweet tea, citrus fruits, or even certain frozen desserts like frozen yogurt bars or popsicles since some of those can be pretty light on the calories and sugar. Also like others have said, getting more protein during the day can also be a big help. :)
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Totally where you were about 3 years ago, before I joined the gym and before I joined mfp. I used to go to our deep freeze in the middle of the night, plunge my arm into the freezer (in the dark) and feel around for the box of frozen Snickers ice cream (totally decadent pure mouth pleasure). I would not join my husband in bed--instead I would escape to the bathroom, sit on the toilet seat and eat one or two or three. Then 40 pounds later, and my endocrinologist suggesting that I start Glucophage, which is a diabetic medication......well, talk about a wake-up call.

    So my aquafitted friend, you need to "nip this in the bud"--it is now a habit. My suggestion is to eat a little more during the day, but fit in a snack (only a serving size) and, a protein source....like a piece of apple pie and a glass of skim milk or.....a cup of hot cocoa before you go to bed. Plan your snack and eat it every day. You can eat it in the middle of the day or at night. You have a lot of calories left over in the day and you can fit it in.

    Another thing that I did was recognize what my binge foods were and won't let those things in my house. My binge foods are ice cream and pizza.....not forever but just until I regained control over the situation.

    I was able to stop it and so can you!
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Dammit, you just reminded me I got up and had a teaspoon of Nutella at midnight last night. I'd forgotten that.

    But yes, I find herbal tea is really great for sweet cravings. Most of the time. :tongue:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ah looking at your diary you are logging typically under 1200 calories...your goal is 1900...

    try eating more food during the day...but that being said.

    If you are sneaking you are doing it for taste not hunger...so just don't do it...

    to be quite blunt...you sneak, you tip toe, you try to not wake your family so you know what you are doing and it's a choice.
  • aquafitted14
    aquafitted14 Posts: 13 Member
    I think I just want to munch...and I'm not like hungry
  • aquafitted14
    aquafitted14 Posts: 13 Member
    I know, LOL !! I was stressing my whole family about i'm on a diet and I don't want them to catch me in the act..But , yes you are right my goal is 1900 but for some reason during the day I can only eat about 900-1230 in calories and I'm not usually hungry. But, at night I'm not hungry I just want to munch.

    Thank you for your comment I will try to eat more
  • aquafitted14
    aquafitted14 Posts: 13 Member
    Pepperoni Pizza is my entire family favorite and on Friday its no cook day and they order pepperoni pizza and I order the vegetarian pizza...but it will be like left overs of the pepperoni and its so tempting. If I was single and by myself I think it would be easy..but now that I have a son who eats whatever and a husband that tempts me into eating ice cream...Its so hard..But yes, It is a habit and I can try to fight it the best way possible.

    Thanks for the comment
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I really need some advice. Okay I usually complete my food entry log around 8pm or 9pm and after I complete my entry I feel really proud of myself, Like YES I ate healthy !!! No snacks, not a lot of sugar, no soda..just water, Yes I did it !!!!!

    So, meanwhile I am a night owl so I usually go to sleep around midnight or a little after midnight so lets just say its midnight. So, This girl sneaks out of bed to tip toe to not wake up her husband and child, she tip toe as if she is robbing the house, she sniffs food like a hound dog and when she finds what she wants, she sneak back in bed and eat everything so quietly to no wake up her husband. She then wakes up the next day to meet the evidence all over her freaking face and teeth (peanut butter, oreo cookies or blue cake icing).

    I finally caught the Witch...Its ME !!!!!! Why the hell are you sneaking in the kitchen? You live here !!!

    How do you stop having midnight cravings?

    Do anyone suggest a food curb supplement (Something that curb your appetite)?

    I like the GNC Store or the Vitamin Shoppe so if you do suggest something than I prefer it to be in one of those places because I'm heading there on Friday. My cravings are always at Midnight or a little after.

    No snacks? That's sad. I'd guess that you are sneaking because you're depriving yourself of things you like instead of working it into your day so that it fits your goals... but that's just my two cents.

    This. Stop depriving yourself and you won't have the urge to nom down everything you can.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you for the morning smile. Great post. However... Looking at your diary, I would say you get hungry because you don't eat enough food. Also, at least for me, it helps if I spread my calories throughout the day rather than eat one big meal and then just a few calories after. You might want to consider upping your intake and/or eating more, smaller meals. Including one of these smaller meals later at night might also help.