Night Binging Problem!

Hey All,

So over the course of almost two years I went from being 178 to 144 in May of this year. From June to mid-August I was taking a very intensive study program, and regained 8 lbs through eating a ton of junk food, eating too quickly, and stress-binges. Now that my program has finished I'm trying to get back on track (my goal weight is 135), but I have encountered a new problem:

For the last three nights I have woken up at 2:30 AM with bad cramps (I'm on my period and I switched birth controls 3 weeks ago) and feeling STARVING. I have then proceeded to consume around 1000 calories each night (All three days I ate around 1800 cal during the day before the binge).

Am I not eating enough during the day? Is it my birth control? Any help to stop this would be great!

I'm also 5'7 and VERY active because I play competitive sports in college.


  • keniaclimaco5
    keniaclimaco5 Posts: 31 Member
    nothing worse than birth control with all those hormones. it's so unhealthy! Why don't you switch to the i.u.d which is hormone free.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I too suffer from this and am a work in progress. Since it is that time of month for you and you switched birth control, I would say that is definitely contributing. For me, it becomes a habit very easily, if i wake up (always happens to me late at night) and eat a snack, specifically a trigger food for me would be peanut butter, then i tend to do it more and more.

    Hugs to you and you've got this!! Sometimes i think the more active we are, the more our bodies tend to "crave" things like fat, etc. so just make sure you're getting enough nutrients.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    nothing worse than birth control with all those hormones. it's so unhealthy! Why don't you switch to the i.u.d which is hormone free.

  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    What are your macros set to? What and how much do you eat for your last meal?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Cramping that wakes you up is something I'd call the doctor about.
  • andrewelee1983
    andrewelee1983 Posts: 27 Member
    I replaced my stress binges with stress-induced-hobby-overindulgence. Still counterproductive and makes me feel good, but calorie free :P
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Since you are very active, then yes you may not be eating enough. Have you calculated your TDEE to get an idea of where your maintenance should be on average? You might want to do that, calculate and then subtract 10 or 15% (since you have very little to lose) from it and see how it compares to what MFP has set up for you when you include exercise calories. MFP uses net calories, so if you are inputting exercise and not eating back the cals, or not inputting exercise at all, yo are not eating enough.

    I like scoobysworkshop and (although this one seems to estimate a bit low unless you enter in body fat %).