


  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    You have to decide that you want it. You have to make a decision every day to stick to whatever changes you have made. It's not hard....you must keep it important every day.
    In time you will start to see changes, you have to do it long enough to see them though.

    Decide why you want it, maybe the reason you want it isn't the right reason yet.
  • MFP gives me 1380 calories and that is great, i do fine all day ,burn some calories then eat a whole loaf of bread for no reason, I am not even hungry.... I have lost weight and i am down from my original more than 50 pounds and i understand good nutrition i eat a varied healthy diet and then i just give up so easily I am 240 something pounds so i have alot of weight to lose and right now it seems an impossible task

    It sounds like you are emotionally eating which is a problem for many people. Maybe it would help to really sit down and reflect on your relationship with food, even get some therapy. It does sound like you have done some great work, take a moment and recognize that. It's okay to lose focus sometimes, it's okay to take a break from things while you compose yourself. I sometimes take a break from working out and just focus on eating right or whatever - just make a plan and get back on track. Don't beat yourself up for failing, just get back up.
  • 185dengbiqi
    185dengbiqi Posts: 36 Member
    I know that I am the only one who can change me and what i do and how i progress etc but i feel im getting nowhere, I feel completely mentally stuck with the whole thing... I do want to lose, get healthy, get my life back on track and i have no patience ... I am just having "one of those days" but it has lasted for several weeks! aaaarrrrrhhhhhhh
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now." - Zig Ziglar

    What do you want most?

    Congrats on 50 lbs lost!
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Are you depressed maybe? If so, cutting out refined sugar can be helpful. I appreciate what a good vitamin B12 liquid does for my energy and well-being. Best of luck to you. Each moment gives us choices to make and the opportunity to make a decision to move toward what we want or not. And the following moment, other choices to make. Life.....:flowerforyou:
  • 185dengbiqi
    185dengbiqi Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for everyones support xxxxxxxxx
    i think i am probably being too hard on myself and giving myself so much pressure then i fall apart when i make mistakes or it doesnt work out ...........
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I know that I am the only one who can change me and what i do and how i progress etc but i feel im getting nowhere, I feel completely mentally stuck with the whole thing... I do want to lose, get healthy, get my life back on track and i have no patience ... I am just having "one of those days" but it has lasted for several weeks! aaaarrrrrhhhhhhh

    You said you already lost 50 lbs, that is getting somewhere!! Maybe just try sticking with the calorie goal for now and then add exercise later. That's what I did the first couple of weeks. At 240 pounds, 1380 calories is very low. Up your calories and see how things go. At 240 I was eating over 1700 calories a day and still losing. We all get in ruts! I was in one two weeks ago. I let myself be in a funk for a few days then I had to tell myself "Get it together!" And also remind myself how far I've come already and how much I've already accomplished. I have Zero patience too! Just focus on one thing at a time, everything else will fall into place.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Thanks for everyones support xxxxxxxxx
    i think i am probably being too hard on myself and giving myself so much pressure then i fall apart when i make mistakes or it doesnt work out ...........

    Don't be too hard on yourself! And no pressure, life is hard enough. You will make mistakes, everyone does. You will make it work out. Every day is a new day. Think marathon, not sprint.
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    Might be something deeper going on than just wanting to lose weight and get your bod back on track.

    I had to learn to love myself and accept myself "as is"....even with all the fat everywhere...before I could love myself enough to do something about it.

    I'm not saying that's your problem, I'm just saying that when I've tried diet and exercise before...I've always failed before I even reached a 10 lb weight loss. In a nutshell, I simply didn't care enough about ME to save myself. I'm down 49 lbs now...and I think going through my life and pinpointing problem areas with regard to my weight gain....really helped; it wasn't as simple as I thought.

    Every single thing that attributed to my weight gain was a lightbulb that glared painfully in my face....and lemme tell ya, it's a lot more fun shattering those lightbulbs than it is to allow them to stay there. Some of them are still there, but at least their glow is dim now instead of glaring. :P
  • I have a suggestion. Read the book "Excuse me, your life is waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn; it might help. Hang in there.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Sometimes having a team to encourage you can help. I know it has been great for me. Helps me to stay accountable to myself and them. Add me if you'd like.