How do you eat your oatmeal?



  • SpikeTailTurtle
    I either eat mine with a banana sliced up in it. Or if I am craving the sweet two table spoons of brown sugar. Brown sugar is pointless calories but some days it's completely worth it. I always make sure my diet can incorporate things I like in moderation and that includes a little sugar or chocolate in my morning oats sometimes. ^_^
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I agree with the "spoon" comment. Most sensible way I know of.

    If I want hot oatmeal, I usually add walnuts & honey, often cinnamon, sometimes raisins.
    Over the summer, I'll mix oats (dry) with yogurt & add some fruit. A peach is about right with 1 cup of greek yogurt. Sometimes some honey is good. Cardamom gives it sweetness too.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I add blueberries, and honey. I recently tried it with peanut butter, didn't really care for it.
  • fanaledrinks112
    Picture of Ten Fabulous Ways to Eat Oatmeal

    I love oatmeal. I eat it several times a week, and I never get sick of it. It's super filling and versatile. For the past 10 days, I have eaten oatmeal for breakfast and taken photos. Why? Because people need to know how awesome oatmeal is! Some people say it is bland, or has a weird texture, or that they just don't like it. What they don't understand is that oatmeal is a blank canvass, and can be personalized to be just the way you like it! Flavor and texture can be manipulated easily. Here are some of the factors that can change your oatmeal experience:
    Fanale Drinks
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It depends sometimes I will have it the Traditional Scottish way with a wee bit of salt. Or I will go all out with a mixture of dates coconut and banana. Blueberries with Maple syrup is another favourite
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    with fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or strawberries. maybe a combo of those. maybe some honey or vanilla, some cinnamon. or i like to add walnuts or peanut butter, half a banana or apples. mmmmmm
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    There's nothing wrong with nutella, don't get into that mindset of things being bad for you just because they're portrayed in a bad light by the media/overly paranoid dieters. It's not exactly a 'health food', but fitting it into your diet in moderation won't hurt you.

    Anyway, as for your question - you could mix in flavoured whey, peanut butter, honey, maple syrup, cocoa, coconut oil into your oats. Or combine the last two (cocoa and coconut oil) and mix into a chocolate sauce and then stir it into your oats. If you feel like a treat get a chocolate bar that you like and after cooking/microwaving the oats melt them in. Great thing about oats is that you can pretty much mix anything into them.