Just got cheated on :(



  • stewster123
    I thank you all! You have made me smile for the first time today :)

    My friends kept if from me until my last final. I was ecstatic to be done and get hit with that. It makes you feel so empty when you care from someone so much and they could care less :(

    I am thankful for each and everyone of you! You remind me daily of what life is all about! Now...in true MFP tradition, the next time he sees me I will be hotter than his one night stand and he won't be able to resist me...Bad news for him: I will be more than ready to turn him down!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I thank you all! You have made me smile for the first time today :)

    My friends kept if from me until my last final. I was ecstatic to be done and get hit with that. It makes you feel so empty when you care from someone so much and they could care less :(

    I am thankful for each and everyone of you! You remind me daily of what life is all about! Now...in true MFP tradition, the next time he sees me I will be hotter than his one night stand and he won't be able to resist me...Bad news for him: I will be more than ready to turn him down!

    Good for you!!! I'm so glad that you are ready to look forward! hugs to you!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • stewster123
    This is a reflection of the lack of character in that scumbag. YOU are the wronged party here. Sometimes they try to explain how this is your fault. IT ISN"T.

    You deserve better.

    Rage, scream, cry, kick, yell.

    Then. Calmly make your exit plan. And GO.:heart::flowerforyou:


    I am making an exit plan :) It is called look irresistible and make sure he knows what he gave up :)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I am making an exit plan :) It is called look irresistible and make sure he knows what he gave up :)
    Congratulations, you seem to have made a lot of headway in just two hours. That's good, that shows a strong constitution.

    Bear in mind that you're still quite young and that most everything will keep changing immensely for at least the next few years (although it seems I, personally, still find myself in a state of mental development), including the men you have an opportunity to date.

    Just keep in mind that it's only a reflection of him, his personality and his moral fiber—not of yours.

    Furthermore, if he has any moral fiber, he'll feel worse about this than you do, though it may take time for that.
  • stewster123
    I thank you all! You have made me smile for the first time today :)

    My friends kept if from me until my last final. I was ecstatic to be done and get hit with that. It makes you feel so empty when you care from someone so much and they could care less :(

    I am thankful for each and everyone of you! You remind me daily of what life is all about! Now...in true MFP tradition, the next time he sees me I will be hotter than his one night stand and he won't be able to resist me...Bad news for him: I will be more than ready to turn him down!

    Good for you!!! I'm so glad that you are ready to look forward! hugs to you!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hugs right back! I'm so thankful for all your support!
  • stewster123
    I am making an exit plan :) It is called look irresistible and make sure he knows what he gave up :)
    Congratulations, you seem to have made a lot of headway in just two hours. That's good, that shows a strong constitution.

    Bear in mind that you're still quite young and that most everything will keep changing immensely for at least the next few years (although it seems I, personally, still find myself in a state of mental development), including the men you have an opportunity to date.

    Just keep in mind that it's only a reflection of him, his personality and his moral fiber—not of yours.

    Furthermore, if he has any moral fiber, he'll feel worse about this than you do, though it may take time for that.

    I think that is a great point. I have so much happening to me in the next few years and I hope this will turn out to be for the best! I've been cheated on before so it sucks having to remember what this feels like. Running got me through it last time and I think running will come through again! Just started marathon training!! :) Now I have even MORE motivation!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    That's horrible and what an idiot! As I often say, boys are silly. Also remember that you deserve better. Cheating? REALLY?! put it away man I mean really!

    Try and remember this has nothing to do with you. This was all him and who ever he hooked up with.

    You will be so much happier with someone you can trust!

    Now go out and stand under some miseltoe and get some free loving. lol. :)
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    You will have moments when you feel like hell, when the tears come so hard and so fast that you wonder if they will ever stop. You will go through anger, frustration, and sadness but beyond that you will find that in the end he was just one of those guys that you get to pity because they did not realize what a gem you were until you were gone. When you do find the right guy you will appreciate him for who he is and how he loves you and you will have a hardest time remembering what in the hell you saw in this loser. Keep your head up girl. Big hugs!
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    Walk away, kick them to the curb, whatever your situation is, end it now. People cheat for several reasons. Because they are too chickensh*t to end the relationship like an adult so they cheat and then wait for you to end it. Other's becuase they are compulsive, they need the constant high feeling of a new relationship and the fact that it is 'forbidden' only makes it more exciting. The list is long, and there are no acceptable reasons, it is pure selfishness. And regardless of why they did it, it shows immaturity at the highest level. This person is not for you. Remember that it was not about you. It was about 'new'. Walk away. I've been the route with the 'chronic cheater'. It doesn't end well. Move on. From here on out, your life is about you! You deserve much much better. If you need more encouragement, please friend me. I have been there, done that, and moved on to much much better things...

    This is so true. Just before our 11th wedding anniversary I found out my husband had been cheating on me. It ended up that he was, "too chickensh*t to end the relationship like an adult so he cheated and then waited for me to end it." I had to confront him about it, so then he tells me he's not happy and his feelings aren't going to change. This has been very hard to deal with since we have 3 boys, 11, 8, and 4 and we still have to live in the same house for now. I've stayed home with the kids the whole time, and now I've had to look for a job, which I hopefully will get soon so he can move out. I've gotten to a point where I want to move on, but since I have no job yet, I'm kind of at a stand-still. I went through the very hurt/emotional stage, then the really pissed off stage, and realized that it wasn't helping the kids, so now I'm at the I'm dealing with it stage where we can actually talk about things in a civil manner.

    LIke others have said you are young and now you can move on to better things. :smile:
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Men don't actually have brains. There is actually just a block of cheese in their craniums. As others have said, time heals wounds, and there may be other men, but what is important is that you are so completely worth being treated well and owning that every single friggin day. Girl, I creeped on your MFP page and you're looking to complete a marathon. That's amazing, that's beautiful, and that's not something you see every day. Whoever cheated on you may have just won the "biggest douche in the universe" award, and he WILL regret being a total assbutt.

    We may be random people via the internet, but we're here for you. Keep conquering the world as you are now, and a guy whose block of brain-cheese is more brain than it is cheese will come along. My roommate has been cheated on twice, and it baffles me that she can still deal with guys in general. What matters is that you know you are worth being treated well a thousand times over, and that you continue pursuing your goals and living life fully and wonderfully.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Men don't actually have brains.....

    Women do it to. I know Ive been there it sucks.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    That absolutely sucks. You have to decide what you want. I've always told my significant others - everyone can make a mistake. Own up to it and learn from it. Do it again and its a habit. Some people would say that I'm giving him a free pass to cheat once, but we all know temptation is out there and sometimes its a learning experience to figure out how to deal with it so I'll give the one free pass. You have to decide what he's worth to you and remember - in no way shape or form is it your fault. If he says that then he doesn't get a free pass cause he's not owning up and he could very well use that excuse again.

    Stay strong, and for this and everything you want to acheive, I'll give you my mantra: DOES THE CHOICE I'M MAKING NOW MOVE ME CLOSER TO OR FURTHER FROM MY GOAL?
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    I thank you all! You have made me smile for the first time today :)

    My friends kept if from me until my last final. I was ecstatic to be done and get hit with that. It makes you feel so empty when you care from someone so much and they could care less :(

    I am thankful for each and everyone of you! You remind me daily of what life is all about! Now...in true MFP tradition, the next time he sees me I will be hotter than his one night stand and he won't be able to resist me...Bad news for him: I will be more than ready to turn him down!

    You sound good girle... Remember though, you are not getting in shape and staying healthy for anyone but you! ... Right? .... However, if, as a side effect of your intelligence, dedication, hardwork, self confidence, grace, beauty and style happens to make him jealous .... well then, I guess that is something he will just have to live with! =)
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Men don't actually have brains.....

    Women do it to. I know Ive been there it sucks.

    This is interesting.. and so true.. Only thing Men tend to cheat for sex, and women for psychological, or emotionally reasons, or so I've heard...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Men don't actually have brains.
    I assume you're only saying this to make the OP feel better ... but ... um. Yeah, nicely inane.
  • stewster123
    I thank you all! You have made me smile for the first time today :)

    My friends kept if from me until my last final. I was ecstatic to be done and get hit with that. It makes you feel so empty when you care from someone so much and they could care less :(

    I am thankful for each and everyone of you! You remind me daily of what life is all about! Now...in true MFP tradition, the next time he sees me I will be hotter than his one night stand and he won't be able to resist me...Bad news for him: I will be more than ready to turn him down!

    You sound good girle... Remember though, you are not getting in shape and staying healthy for anyone but you! ... Right? .... However, if, as a side effect of your intelligence, dedication, hardwork, self confidence, grace, beauty and style happens to make him jealous .... well then, I guess that is something he will just have to live with! =)

    Haha, thank you for reminding me! YES! It will be ALL FOR ME. He will just have to deal with the "side-effects" of healthy, fit and toned ME! :)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    when I was in my early twentys I went through some bad relationships. At the time it was heart breaking and felt like my world was ending. I look back now and I understand that everything that I have gone through has made me the person that I am today. If I had met my husband in those days it wouldn't have worked out i had to much to learn. Some day you will look back and understand the men can be jerks, but you will come out stronger. It sounds like you have a lot going for you. Just keep moving forward.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I fing hate cheaters.. I recently had to break my best friends heart and tell her the guy she thought she was going to marry made out with another girl. I was sooo worried she would take him back. Please don't! You will spend the rest of your time together thinking everytime he goes out, every text, email will be another cheating time. Not worth it! I think guys cheat cause they are just too lazy to break up with you and this is an easy way out!!
    Stay strong and know that there are good guys out there... sometimes they just are hard to find lol
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I was cheated on 4 months ago and dumped via text and I was HEARTBROKEN!!!! :brokenheart:

    Here I am, plugging away, going on dates, losing weight and feeling amazing :smile:

    I know right now you feel devestated and I won't tell you not to or he's not worth it. Just let that pain be felt and I look forward to the next few months when you're posting that you're over that jerkoff :drinker:

    glad to hear that brit!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I was cheated on 4 months ago and dumped via text and I was HEARTBROKEN!!!! :brokenheart:

    Here I am, plugging away, going on dates, losing weight and feeling amazing :smile:

    I know right now you feel devestated and I won't tell you not to or he's not worth it. Just let that pain be felt and I look forward to the next few months when you're posting that you're over that jerkoff :drinker:

    glad to hear that brit!

    Thanks babe..people like you who were on here and helped me through that!! Love ya