Opinions please - going under calorie goal



  • Mohana94
    Honestly whatever you do to get the weight off is probably better than keeping the weight on. The forums are full of people that really want to help but even the "experts" wildly disagree about the healthiest ways to lose weight.

    I eat about 2000 calories a day and ride my bike for around four and a half hours every afternoon which means I "net" just a few hundred calories on average. According to most of the MFP "experts" I should have died long ago instead of just dropping a bunch of weight and getting much healthier, faster and stronger.

    If you are ever in doubt just go chat with a doctor and see what they have to say.
    Oh look who it is.....The guy that loves criticizing MFP members but thinks he has all the answers. Oh wait....In before he claims I'm fat shaming. Boo hoo, I'm a victim.

    wait what? Consulting a doctor before any weight loss is a good thing.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    OP- I don't think that profile pic is a good idea for this forum. I can't read anything but the headline and maybe it's tongue in cheek but it looks rather pro-eating disorder.
  • Mohana94
    Honestly whatever you do to get the weight off is probably better than keeping the weight on. The forums are full of people that really want to help but even the "experts" wildly disagree about the healthiest ways to lose weight.

    I eat about 2000 calories a day and ride my bike for around four and a half hours every afternoon which means I "net" just a few hundred calories on average. According to most of the MFP "experts" I should have died long ago instead of just dropping a bunch of weight and getting much healthier, faster and stronger.

    If you are ever in doubt just go chat with a doctor and see what they have to say.
    Oh look who it is.....The guy that loves criticizing MFP members but thinks he has all the answers. Oh wait....In before he claims I'm fat shaming. Boo hoo, I'm a victim.

    wait what? his reply sounds reasonable and consulting a doctor before any weight loss is a good thing. Also riding a bike for four and a half hours every afternoon and eating 2000 calories daily for a guy means you have quite a large calorie deficit daily not 'just a few hundred calories a day'. It would be a lot more.
    My reply to him was not simply based on that one post. It's based on his posting history and the things he has said before.

    Alright I'm new here so I'll take your word for it
  • Mohana94
    Honestly whatever you do to get the weight off is probably better than keeping the weight on. The forums are full of people that really want to help but even the "experts" wildly disagree about the healthiest ways to lose weight.

    I eat about 2000 calories a day and ride my bike for around four and a half hours every afternoon which means I "net" just a few hundred calories on average. According to most of the MFP "experts" I should have died long ago instead of just dropping a bunch of weight and getting much healthier, faster and stronger.

    If you are ever in doubt just go chat with a doctor and see what they have to say.

    Riding a bike for four and a half hours every afternoon and eating 2000 calories daily for a guy means you have quite a large calorie deficit daily and it probably works for you because you are on the higher end of the scale. For someone who is around 90 kg that would not work quite as well.
  • destiny7221
    I have been through the wringer with weight loss. I have lost and gained a 100 lbs more than once. In 1982 I had my stomach stapled and managed to lose and maintain my weight for a few years but it came back slowly. In 2002 I had to have the procedure reversed and the weight slowly, but surely, came back. I topped out at 250, only 10 lbs shy of my original weight before the surgery. I am in the process of dieting once again.
    I realize this time that there is no ending date here. Achieving my goal will not be the end of the process. Weight loss is a lifelong process, and I think understanding that the changes being made have to be lifelong changes, in order to sustain the weight loss. Its hard and falling off the wagon is easy. You just have to remember that one slip doesn't mean the end of the road. Its only when those slips become more frequent that problems arrive and you will be right back riding the weight loss rollercoaster.
    Best of luck.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Honestly whatever you do to get the weight off is probably better than keeping the weight on. The forums are full of people that really want to help but even the "experts" wildly disagree about the healthiest ways to lose weight.

    I eat about 2000 calories a day and ride my bike for around four and a half hours every afternoon which means I "net" just a few hundred calories on average. According to most of the MFP "experts" I should have died long ago instead of just dropping a bunch of weight and getting much healthier, faster and stronger.

    If you are ever in doubt just go chat with a doctor and see what they have to say.

    Riding a bike for four and a half hours every afternoon and eating 2000 calories daily for a guy means you have quite a large calorie deficit daily and it probably works for you because you are on the higher end of the scale. For someone who is around 90 kg that would not work quite as well.

    Yeah I started 119 days ago at 265 lbs and have been increasing the amount of riding as I have gotten fitter. This just happens to be what works for me. I don't think anyone would have recommended it but four months in I still feel pretty dandy.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Hi, just need some advice. I am eating around 800 - 1000 calories daily, and feel as though I'm getting enough nutrition, but I am scared of losing weight to gain it back later...I have previously lost 20kg in 2 months and gained it back and more. I am now at my heaviest weight (93.7kg) after losing 3.3kg so far this week. Has anyone got any tips for keeping the weight off once you lose it? My theory is to lose another 10-15kg fairly rapidly before slowing down loss to 1kg a week to let my body adjust. In the long term I plan to watch portion sizes, minimise carbs and indulge in vegetables with moderate fruit and protein.
    The last time I got to my goal weight of 62 kg I celebrated by eating anything and everything in sight. Am I destined to fail?

    OP, is this "lose rapidly then slow down" the same plan you used before when you lost 20kg in 2 months and gained it all back?

    My advice is to stop with the 800-1000 calorie nonsense; the benefits don't outweigh the drawbacks. Find a reasonable calorie deficit, and eat that. Because keeping weight off in the long run means being consistent, not bouncing all over the place between eating everything in sight and severely restricting calories. Figure out how you want to eat for the rest of your life, including foods you want to indulge in from time to time, and start eating that way now.
  • RenegadegirlME
    RenegadegirlME Posts: 1 Member
    OP Tamsyn....

    Keeping your weight off is about two things. 1, learning everything you can about yourself, your nutrition needs, your energy needs, etc while you are losing weight. The work you do now will pay off later. 2, what you do to LOSE the weight is what you need to do to maintain your goal weight. By the time you hit goal what you're eating/doing every day is what you need to do to keep it off. There is no finish line. Think about that. The last pounds are painfully slow. If you stop doing any of the things that got you to goal, you won't stay there. Period.

    So learn, learn, learn all you can while you are losing. Then apply what you learn to stay there.

    Hint, probably the most important thing you need to figure out is WHY you overeat.

    As for fast weight loss... you'll stop losing fast even if you stay at 800 cal a day... without the weight loss reinforcing it, I think you'll naturally increase your calorie intake as you start to trust your body and the plan you're on, AND realize that this isn't a race and it's for life. As far as getting enough nutrition at that level... it's doubtful. But there are people eating 3000+ cal a day who aren't meeting their nutritional needs because they're eating junk. You probably know in your heart that you're undereating. Spend some time thinking about why you're doing that. It's part of what you need to learn about yourself.

    I wish you well.
  • laisa65
    laisa65 Posts: 1 Member
    800-1000 is way too low and not safe. Check out this eating plan devised by a UK doctor - Fast Diet, Lose Weight Stay Healthy by Dr. Mosley. Five days a week you eat normally, then 2 days per week you fast going down to 500-600 calories. I think this would be a safer healthier alternative, others reporting good weight loss (I am just starting today) and easy to go on maintenance later perhaps fasting one day a week. Good luck.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    So do you I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours

    So sick of the this is my opinion, I have no research to back it up, let me cram it down everyone's throat, some people have on this forum. People are different and shouldn't be attacked for the path they choose to lose weight whether you and your infinite knowledge agree.
    Yes, and research also shows that people who maintain for 18 months have a much better chance of keeping it off...most people who fall off the wagon do it before 18 months. That's why most research considers 18 months to be a long term. Geez, you really want to stick to your shibboleths, don't you? I'm not really interested in getting into forum fights. I was injecting some solid research into the old sayings that get recycled here by people who don't actually have any science to back themselves up.
    You always have the option to leave........The forum.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    So do you I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours
    I recommend ignoring him. 5800+ posts, virtually all on his opinion of other peoples' opinions. It's a waste of your time.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Who's crying? And if you actually read what I wrote, I'm saying I don't care if your opinion is the same as mine. I may not agree with everyone but I have the right as does op to state how I feel or what I may be doing to Lose weight and not be attacked for it. Advise, constructive criticism fine but being basically made fun of not cool. It seems on this forum that there are those that gang up on others if they don't eat the amount of calories one feels should be eating. I'm not saying I agree with either side. Everyone is an individual and different programs work for different people.

    So do you I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours

    So sick of the this is my opinion, I have no research to back it up, let me cram it down everyone's throat, some people have on this forum. People are different and shouldn't be attacked for the path they choose to lose weight whether you and your infinite knowledge agree.
    Yes, and research also shows that people who maintain for 18 months have a much better chance of keeping it off...most people who fall off the wagon do it before 18 months. That's why most research considers 18 months to be a long term. Geez, you really want to stick to your shibboleths, don't you? I'm not really interested in getting into forum fights. I was injecting some solid research into the old sayings that get recycled here by people who don't actually have any science to back themselves up.
    You always have the option to leave........The forum.
    Yea you are entitled to it and you can evoke your right to cry about people's opinions because they are not the same as yours. Carry on
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Lol yeah pretty much

    But there's a few that seem to dominate the forums, posters should feel free to post questions, issues etc and get varying opinions or at least some open minded people. Not the usual I can eat 5000 calories and lose weight so should you and if you don't you will die an awful death.
    So do you I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours
    I recommend ignoring him. 5800+ posts, virtually all on his opinion of other peoples' opinions. It's a waste of your time.
  • lozzyhunxx
    lozzyhunxx Posts: 47 Member

    Confession: for most of my diet, I have been consuming under 1000kcal. At one point, I'd only have 600. I've been so stupid, I know! I was in the mindset that, if I consumed over 600kcal a day, I wouldn't lose any weight. I don't know why I thought like this. I now know that that was a stupid mistake, and I am trying to eat more calories in a day.

    I don't want to start eating more and gain all of that weight back - that is a major worry of mine. I feel asthough I get enough nutrition, but i probably don't. I am in the process of eating more (and still lose weight) as well as excerise a bit more.

    I'm just scared of becoming obese again :frown:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Has anyone got any tips for keeping the weight off once you lose it?

    Not really. People generally regain the weight whether they lost the weight fast or slow. It just takes continual discipline, and accepting that when the scale goes up 5 (or whatever) pounds, it's time to get serious again.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    If people could eat more and lose weight don't you think they would? No one WANTS to eat 1200 calories. Frankly I'm jealous if you can eat more , because no VLCD is not great.
    So do you I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are yours
    I recommend ignoring him. 5800+ posts, virtually all on his opinion of other peoples' opinions. It's a waste of your time.
    Oh look, the feels crew president, with her 2700+ posts on how great VLCD is. Lol.