I can't believe I ate the whole thing...



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    wanna bet you lose weight from this indulgence?

    How do you figure? At 1500 calories a slice, I'm putting on weight just thinking about it. :happy:

    I've found that if I ate eat good all week and have one day where I kill it, I lose more weight than if I ate low calories all week. The metabolism does weird things when you confuse it.

    Seriously, I've found I lose more weight if I vary my calorie intake during the week.
  • Cover it with coffee grounds and throw it away!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    wanna bet you lose weight from this indulgence?

    How do you figure? At 1500 calories a slice, I'm putting on weight just thinking about it. :happy:

    I've found that if I ate eat good all week and have one day where I kill it, I lose more weight than if I ate low calories all week. The metabolism does weird things when you confuse it.

    Seriously, I've found I lose more weight if I vary my calorie intake during the week.

    Well I hope that works for me! I could get used to eating rich food like that once a week.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I made myself a 6,000+ cake in celebration of being a bachelor (kiddo and hubby visiting family) for 2 weeks. It was like 650 calories a piece. I ate the whole thing! But, I had 1 piece a day and did work it into my calories and only went over one day (granted I have 2000 to work with before exercise since I'm at maintenance!)

    The cake is not evil. Just have small amounts. Whatever works into your calorie count and enjoy it. It's your birthday! Was 650 cals too much to allocate to total crap for 10 days? Yeah, probably, but have I been really really good generally speaking for months and I have no major events or christmas parties coming up that I want to splurge on, so 10 days of enjoying the most delicious cake that I loved every bit of, w/out going over my cals, is not that big a deal long run.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    GREAT....now i can taste carrot cake..:love: .mmmmm..mmmmm... err uh:noway: I mean...bad evil (not really) wife..that was so not cool!! :grumble: :smokin:
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Cut it up into small 150 calorie squares. Wrap them in ziplocks. FREEZE....and only break in case of emergency (like when you worked you a&& off, and need to have a small treat to make up for some exercise calories). ;-) A taste may do your psyche good...
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    Dude, eat the cake.. Looks like you can eat about 3 slices a day and still be good...

    I agree with the above post, confusing your metabolism works
  • I think you have to allow yourself to indulge once in awhile! Especially since you have been so disciplined in your plan so far and it was your bday... Just hope you enjoyed every single one of those 1500 calories :P
  • I think you have to allow yourself to indulge once in awhile! Especially since you have been so disciplined in your plan so far and it was your bday... Just hope you enjoyed every single one of those 1500 calories :P
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    "Cut it up into small 150 calorie squares. Wrap them in ziplocks. FREEZE....and only break in case of emergency (like when you worked you a&& off, and need to have a small treat to make up for some exercise calories). ;-) A taste may do your psyche good... "

  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Its not JUST about cals in vs cals out. Its what your putting in your body, its all fat and sugar and you really should only treat yourself to something like that maybe once every few weeks.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    OK, nevermind, I looked it up on this site and it's over 1500 calories a slice!!! Throw the cake away, just toss it, get rid of it....NOW!

    OMG! I guess I have to agree.... I could not eat a quarter of a slice at a time while it stares at me!!!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Wow! You should burn calories just logging it. :)
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    Some of these replies remind me of that Sex and the City episode when Miranda becomes addicted to chocolate, makes a chocolate cake and eats nearly all of it, throws it in the trash then eats a piece from the trash in desperation!


    In all honesty though i would just bring it at the gym, there's no way I'd be able to eat it in pieces. What's done is done :)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Well I know what I'd do - and you should do the same, it's your birthday.
    I would eat the whole thing today - gone, finished. You don't need to salivate at the thought of it in the fridge. Even if you freeze or hide slices it will torment you. EAT IT!!!!!! ... and just forget this one day to log your calories :-)
    I must ask though not being American or familiar with Cheesefactory - how the hell do they get 1500 calories into one slice? I baked a big cake the other day and carefully added all the calories for a total of about 2500. It was so big it took me two days to eat :-)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    wanna bet you lose weight from this indulgence?

    How do you figure? At 1500 calories a slice, I'm putting on weight just thinking about it. :happy:

    I dunno about you, but my goal here is to keep the weight off... you can't deny yourself everything forever.

    You do have measure what's worth it to YOU and what's not;
    what are trigger foods and which treats you can manage portion control;

    It's funny now that I'm watching what I eat I enjoy my food more, because I'm not eating without thinking.
    when I do eat a treat it's oh so much yummier than it was before.
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Dude, eat the cake..

  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    A big ol' cake staring you in the face! You're either gonna have the will power to eat sparingly (which most of us who love sweets cannot) or you're going to go overboard and eat more than you wish. I agree with freezing it. If you can eat it without feeling guilty, then go for it, but if you're going to regret your impulses you're best to get rid of it. It's just cake, you control it, don't let it control you. I didn't even look when this was first posted but it could be gone already. lol.
  • Cheesecake will mess up a diet quicker than anything. You cannot safely build up enough exercise calories in one day to balance that cheesecake. If you did a 1500 calorie fun run, the possibility of dying from exhaustion is high.
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