Anyone one the Eat to Live method?



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I wouldn't call it a 'fad diet' and say it's 'not fine for the long run'. It's one way of achieving a low calorie diet without counting calories. A lot of people do fine with it as a way of eating.

    If people will be using this as a diet for fat loss and then will discontinue the diet once they reach their goals, then it is a fad diet. If they want to make this their lifestyle and are fine with never eating anything that doesn't abide by this plan for life, th en ok cool.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I get what he is saying, but for me good food, good friends= good times. I cherish the moments spent around the dinner table with my family and friends. And with the holidays coming up, who can claim that good food isn't a big part of the festivities?

    For me, my slogan is be move to live. And being constantly worried about calories, or types of food I can or cannot eat, avoiding birthday cake, Christmas dinner and BBQs is not "living". Eat, be merry, get moving and enjoy life. I'd much rather run a mile and eat a Reese's peanut butter pumpkin with my kids and ENJOY it than constantly questioning my choices or feeling regret. S'mores and hot chocolate around the fireplace with my kids is what I live for. And if that requires me to jog then so be it. Or maybe play a long game of tag in the backyard before enjoying the s'mores?

    I love this!! This was also my philosophy. But once the nest emptied it seems I forgot to move. Maybe it was depression. Who knows, but I am working my way back, finally! Slowly, but surely, I will get there.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    I like his approach, his words are backed up by studies for the most part. I don't alway agree with his conclusions (for instance, he says eating processed foods can cause depression, but it seemed to me that this was a correlation, not a causation. I mean, which came first? Eating junk then depression or depression and then eating junk to feel better?). His nutratarian lifestyle does not say that you have to be vegetarian or vegan. That is something I have no desire to do. But it does encourage to have the bulk of your diet be plant based. I cannot believe that anyone could think of this as "unhealthy", so if it is something that you think might work for you, I would say give it a shot. There is no doubt in my mind that you can eat more food on this style of eating, and this is based on personal experience, and when I follow it, I just am not hungry in between meals. The food is delicious that I make and that is just from my own concoctions! I imagine is you use his recipes, the food is even better. And you WILL lose weight.

    So I don't consider this to be a fad and it is in no way restrictive. Or, maybe more accurate, is that it is restrictive as you choose it to be. I eat my fair share of fish and chicken (and, gasp, even steak now and again). Right now, I can't totally follow it because I might have a duodenal ulcer, so my veggies have to be cooked (cooked is important in the program, but especially raw is stressed) until my doctor and I figure out what is going on, but I'll be back to my salads as soon as I possibly can.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I agree completely. Lots of physical activity is what has worked for me. And worked brilliantly. And honestly no matter what you do or how hard you diet or restrict or whatever you only get one run through life. Don't forget to eat the cake. The cake is f*cking awesome!.

    Exactly. What's the point of trying so hard to live longer and healthier if you don't enjoy it? Not that food is what makes life good, but you know what I mean.

    I believe I do more or less know what you mean. But if you've ever known someone with severe food allergies, you would know that food is not the secret to enjoying life for everyone. Sometimes following a restrictive diet is what makes life enjoyable. I could see the same being true for those that find restricting foods makes losing weight easier. There are many paths to health and happiness.