Hi Everyone, I'm gonna start the Basic P90X 90 day challenge on the 1st and I am looking for some folks to take on the challenge with me and share experiences and also give tips that have helped you get through the program. At the end of every of every week we will do a weigh in that will look like this.

This week (TW): 175
Last Week (LW): 178
Weight loss of the the week (WLW): 3 pounds

Right Now we have 2 weeks until we start and i am setting a personal goal for myself to get to 170 by then, 5 more pounds to go. I am very excited about this challenge and the P90X Challenge i am about to embark on. I have tried P90X in that past when i was a heavier and it was very difficult. So since then i have done the Jillian michaels and biggest loser dvds and have surpassed level 3 on all the dvds and i am ready for the P90X challenge. I hope you all are ready for the challenge.



  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm in for the lean program :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm still debating with myself on whether i should do standard or the Lean program myself
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    My husband and I are are starting in januray, as well!

    I'll post on my profile my starting weights and measurements. Let's do this!!

    I just ordered myself the BodyMedia and I'll have it in hand before Xmas. Wanted to get it and be armed with it (no pun intended) before I started the P90X program, so I know my burns!

    @ Beth: How do you like the Lean program?
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Awesome FunkBunny, so happy you want to embark on this journey with us. As for the Beth question, i don't think she started the lean program yet.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Challengers,

    We are at christmas week and how are you going to stay on your diet and workout plans this week. A tip that i have for you all that seems to work for me is to make appointments for yourself. It doesn't have to be 1 hour, it can be 30 mins. This week there are gonna be a million things going on all around us and believe me that those 30 mins a day will be essential to your sanity this week. In those 30 mins, you can do anything from yoga to a run. The goal is to get your mind on yourself for 30 mins a day this week.

    P.S. We are still looking for more challengers to take on P90X January 1st, so spread the word

  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I'm trying to find a set on Craiglist, haven't seen one over 80$ ... I can't start until January 17th though :( so I'll be a bit behind, should I not be in this thread? i just bought my own place and no one will live below me so I can start it then! :) My apartment right now I"d have cops at my door haha
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in, but I'll start mid Jan...
    Serenifly - you and me can start together!
    I'm a bit scared of P90X to tell you the truth, but this is my personal challenge for 2011.
    Talk to you later!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Excellent. ! :) I just read online you need a chin up bar? I don't know if hubby will let me put one of those up haha is there any alternative?
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    You can hang the pull up bar from a doorway... My hubby on the other hand, didn't want to damage the woodwork on the doorway, so he installed it right on the wall of our basement. I haven't tried it, but I think it's a little uncomfortable, since this way you don't have the space behind or in front of you. I don't know if you need that space for some exercises, but I'll just have to adjust them if necessary. The pull up bar is set on the wall, but he had to adjust installation as well... Good luck!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I bought mine off craigslist for $40 new but have used it sporadically....here and there. I will try for lean and see what happens.
  • marcylara
    marcylara Posts: 11 Member
    I have one that hooks over the door frame and can be taken down any time easily! I am starting with a group of Beachbody- ers on Jan. 3rd! Good luck all!:smile:
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    For anyone who is trying to get P90X at a good price, Check YOUR LIBRARY, you would be surprised. That where i get all my workout dvds
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Excellent. ! :) I just read online you need a chin up bar? I don't know if hubby will let me put one of those up haha is there any alternative?

    You are supposed to have a chin up bar but you honestly don't have too. they adjust the moves with a resistance cord as well.
  • JWALL101
    Count me in on the p90x challenge!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I use the resistance cord for the dvd it works, they do show the alternate moves with it.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Count me in on the p90x challenge!

    Welcome to the challenge, all you have to do is a weigh in every week and check in with us to tell us how you are doing. We will all be giving tips to each other and motivational support and who knows maybe we will have some challenges. I know after christmas i'm gonna ask everybody to give a little introduction of themselves and talk about what they hope to achieve this year.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am starting my 2nd round of P90X on January 3rd. I am doing a hybrid of Couch to 5k and P90X. Good luck to everyone. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge! I've just received Power 90. I don't have P90X though and would like to get it later though. I thought I'd start with the basics first. I've tried P90X and it was really tough for me, so I'll work my way up to it. Can I still join up?
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge! I've just received Power 90. I don't have P90X though and would like to get it later though. I thought I'd start with the basics first. I've tried P90X and it was really tough for me, so I'll work my way up to it. Can I still join up?

    Not a problem, its from the same guy and same program just a little bit more easier. And its for 90 days too. You can embark on this journey with us. i am very interested to hear your thoughts about the power 90 as we go along with p90x as well.

    Another side note, if you are just starting out, you should also try the biggest loser dvds. When i started my weightloss journey i was at 230 pounds for my 5'4 height. With those dvds and an elliptical and a bicycle i got down to 175. Its very good to set up little goals for yourself before you embark on a 90 day program. But if your up for it, i will support you the entire way.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I am starting my 2nd round of P90X on January 3rd. I am doing a hybrid of Couch to 5k and P90X. Good luck to everyone. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me.

    Thank you for offering us help, i might message you