Lose 10lbs in 5 weeks Challenge!!!

Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I would like to start a challenge to get us motivated to lose the holiday weight! We have all come sooooo far. Lets not let the holidays regress our weight loss achievements!

today is Sunday, December 19,2010. I am challenging myself to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks... which is Jan. 23,2011!!!! I actualy haven't gained any holiday weight... BUT with 3 family Christmas dinner lurking ahead... I don't want to start gaining weight now!

2011 is the year for me! 2010 can SUCK IT! I'm done with it! I'm getting married in 2011! January 28th is my 29th birthday. My birthday also means its time to renew my drivers license! I am promising myself that I can not lie on my drivers license this time!!

So I am looking for some people to keep me motivated and also join me to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks. Hopefully it can be done. I know this is a lot of weight in a little bit of time.... BUT we can do it!

Challenge accepted.... who is with me???

any tips???

Starting weight 156(Feb. 2010)
Current weight 136 (12-19-10)
5 week challenge goal weight- 126 ( jan 2011)
ultimate goal weight 117-120lbs ( feb. 28,2011)


    SKINNYMOMOF5 Posts: 22 Member
    hey im in ,im turning 29 in march! good luck on your upcomeing marriage this year ill be married 11 yrs !
  • I am with you I need something to push me right now and I think this is just what I need!!! I agree on 2010 I am done with it although I have done alot of growing this year!!!
  • Alrighty then... I'm in, I'm in! My fiance's birthday is also January 28 and we too are getting married in 2011.

    Soooooo, Let's get this party started!

    Wooo Hoooo!

    -10 lbs in 5 weeks!

  • me too!!
  • butterflyfaerie
    butterflyfaerie Posts: 94 Member
    I'm in!

    Five week goal: 208lb!
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    OMG! I am sooo excited you will all do this with me!

    2011 is gonna be a good year! We are all gonna be 10lbs smaller come febuary! Winter weight won't weigh us down!

    What's everybody's game plan???

    I'm going to try my hardest to do the 30 day shred, eat low carbs and stay within my MFP recommended caloric intake!

    Lets all weigh-in first thing tomorrow! We should weigh in weekly to keep ourselves on track!

    Bikini season is right around the corner!!! I want to be the hot, fit 29 year old on the beach!

    YOU SUCK 2010!!
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks very much! us soon -to-be 29 year old need to stick together! This is our last year in our twenties =( we need to go out with a bang!!!!
  • justinswife
    justinswife Posts: 49 Member
    Yep! I am joining you! I actually have 30 lbs. left to lose but this is a great start! I have not gained any holiday weight either but I don't want to!
    5 Week GW: 167
  • mizzdivat
    mizzdivat Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in. Need to lose 7lbs by February 3rd. Any tips for sheddin these pounds are welcomed. LET'S DO THIS!

    Starting Weight: 210
    Current Weight: 207
    Goal Weight: 180lbs

    Best of luck to all.
  • Knbrooks42
    Knbrooks42 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in! I've had a hard time the past few days and i'm only a couple days into my christmas break! :( I need some serious motivation over the next month!

    At home, I'm going to try and get 2 work outs in per day. Once running my 2 miles on the treadmill and once doing one of the Jillian Michaels dvds I bought.

    5 week GW: 144
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!
    I'm in!!!
    And yeah... 2010 can suck it, well said! :wink:
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    We have to keep eachother motivated.

    Some tips:
    1- Drink LOTS of water!!!
    2- Its cold outside, exercising will warm us up!!!
    3-"You live with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." Exercise isn't always fun and you're not always psyched to go do it but many things you have to do on a weekly basis aren't fun. Who likes paying bills?
    4.Its hard work but the benefit is so worth it!
    5. eat your calories... don't drink them.

    I've really been thinking about exercise and calories a LOT lately. In my head, I keep comparing exercise and calories to money. Yes money.
    I just start thinking about how I have no problem buying something because "Wow.. its only a dollar! I'll buy 2", but other things i'm like "Omg... this is $300?!?!?! for a lousy purse... yeah.. I don't think so.." or if it is $300 and i want it REALLY bad... I will work really hard to save for it and pick up overtime so i don't go into debt.
    Calories are the same thing. Exercising is our overtime. Its how we "earn" more money... aka.. calories! I have no problem lately eating baby carrots "wow... they are only 3 calories...! " or drinking water becasue water is free... free to drink and free of calories! Then I have been changing my thought on things like the single red baron pizza... 400 calories. so yummy, not that filling and NOT worth the "money" aka calories. If I am going out to dinner or making a big dinner at home... I work some overtime ( exercise) to "pay off" the big meal.
    I have found thinking like this more beneficial to me and what I put in my mouth. I'm feeling fuller and not guilty. I'm really starting to see a difference.

    So. let's work some OVERTIME baby! come Febuary we can all go shopping for some new clothes!
  • I'll join! We almost have the same stats too!!
    Current Weight 139.6
    Goal after this challenge 130!

    I'm (re) starting the insanity program Dec 20th and trying to keep my carb levels down too.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i want to lose 5 ibs in 5 weeks

    sw: 177
    gw: 172
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    im in! i actually already know i need to lose 12 by feb 5, so this challenge is great!

    SW: 161.5
    goal weight after 5 weeks: 150lbs
  • Knbrooks42
    Knbrooks42 Posts: 63 Member
    Well not doing great yet...had Ocharleys for dinner last night....let's just say rolls are too good to resist.

    BUT today is another day! Finally home and have a real kitchen to cook in so I have some new foods YAY. So excited for the next week. Hopefully I can shed those two extra pounds I gained this week and more. :)
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    Boy... this is gonna be a challenge. I've come this far though. I CAN DO IT!

    Last night my fiance brought home chinese takeout to "surprise" me. Very thoughtful and very good...sadly. I was good and didn't eat the whole dinner =) even had a small bit of leftover today... soooo thats a great start to this 5 week challenge! Sarcasm here!!!

    I weighed in today and I gained .4lbs. I'm thinking it might be from the salty chinese yesterday. I am going to make sunday my official weigh in days!

    So... go get em!

    My quote for the week:

    Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. ~English Proverb
  • I would like to try to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks. My weight today is 172. 162 by January 24th. Going to try to be comfortably in size 10. Try to do Turbo Jam 3 times a week and my zumba classes twice a week.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I am in. Current:198 goal:188
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in too
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