Lose 10lbs in 5 weeks Challenge!!!



  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i thought this would be motivating for us who have pedometers this is a chart that i got from spark people...now we can start anywhere we want but once that state is completed we can't do it again, we move on to a new state of our choice. Now seeing that i've been keeping track of my steps/miles since dec 1st. I'm going to just post the steps/miles I've done since joining this particular challenge.

    Rhode Island 27 miles
    Delaware 36 miles
    New Jersey 72 miles
    Hawaii 75 miles
    New Hampshire 76 miles
    Connecticut 80 miles
    Vermont 81 miles
    Massachusetts 125 miles
    Florida 138 miles
    Indiana 139 miles
    West Virgina 149 miles
    Mississippi 159 miles
    Louisiana 177 miles
    Michigan 185 miles
    Alabama 195 miles
    Maine 198 miles
    South Carolina 207 miles
    Illinois 212 miles
    Maryland 215 miles
    Ohio 220 miles
    Georgia 227 miles
    Arkansas 227 miles
    California 247 miles
    Utah 267 miles
    Minnesota 273 miles
    New York 285 miles
    Pennsylvania 286 miles
    Missouri 295 miles
    Idaho 302 miles
    Oklahoma 305 miles
    Iowa 310 miles
    Arizona 315 miles
    Nevada 317 miles
    Wisconsin 320 miles
    Washington 335 miles
    New Mexico 345 miles
    Virgina 340 miles
    Wyoming 348 miles
    Kentucky 351 miles
    North Dakota 355 miles
    Oregon 358 miles
    Colorado 371 miles
    South Dakota 379 miles
    Kansas 390 miles
    North Carolina 396 miles
    Nebraska 400 miles
    Tennessee 439 miles
    Montana 546 miles
    Texas 661 miles
    Alaska 858 miles

    Coast-to-coast 2,775 miles!
    TOTAL OF 13,614 MILES
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member


  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member

    Ok.... the Holiday food temptation is OFFICIALLY HERE!!! STAY STRONG! Enjoy yourselves! Don't feel guilty about eating those Christmas cookies.... just don't eat the WHOLE PLATE!!!

    I just got my 30 day shred in the mail. So excited! I did it today and it was tough but i lasted through the whole thing!!! Now to get the motivation to do it everday!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Im in! This past week has SUCKED. rough break up. Im ready to get in shape and lose this weight once and for all and get back out into the world ;)

    SW (Jan 2010): 158lbs
    CW (12/24/10): 135lbs
    Goal for this challenge: 125lbs!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

  • Hey i am in but wont be stating until Monday, Jan 3/11.. I started at 158.5 lbsand the last time i weight myself a week ago was 135lbs.. I am going to be 31 in May and want to be in my target weight range of 117-120lbs as well. I have done some running, 2 rounds of Insanity, a little p90x, a little turb jam now onto brazil butt lift/turbo fire/chalean extreme hybrid workout.. My problem is i am an emotional eating.. I have two small children which make working out in genreal extremely hard.. Ihave some loose skin from my second pregnancy and truly just want to tone up and be in the best shape of my life in 2011.. I have done weight watchers for yrs and it is the only thing i know..I try to diet without it and fail as i cant seem to stick to portion control or counting calories, fat and carbs.. I have made a bunch of cabbage soup and have the ingredients for the master cleanse i will start a day or two before my workouts start to flush out the toxins...I have been depressed that i have been working hard for on and off two years and my stomach isnt toing up just a few inches lost of the lower pooch.. I cant fit into my regular jeans and refuse to buy bigger clothes.. I am 5"4 and this is going ot be my year 2011 watch out...
  • I would like to start a challenge to get us motivated to lose the holiday weight! We have all come sooooo far. Lets not let the holidays regress our weight loss achievements!

    today is Sunday, December 19,2010. I am challenging myself to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks... which is Jan. 23,2011!!!! I actualy haven't gained any holiday weight... BUT with 3 family Christmas dinner lurking ahead... I don't want to start gaining weight now!

    2011 is the year for me! 2010 can SUCK IT! I'm done with it! I'm getting married in 2011! January 28th is my 29th birthday. My birthday also means its time to renew my drivers license! I am promising myself that I can not lie on my drivers license this time!!

    So I am looking for some people to keep me motivated and also join me to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks. Hopefully it can be done. I know this is a lot of weight in a little bit of time.... BUT we can do it!

    Challenge accepted.... who is with me???

    any tips???

    Starting weight 156(Feb. 2010)
    Current weight 136 (12-19-10)
    5 week challenge goal weight- 126 ( jan 2011)
    ultimate goal weight 117-120lbs ( feb. 28,2011)

    what do you mean...'lie on my drivers license'? do you have to put your weight on there or something? just curious. good luck with the challenge...i'm hoping to lose in 2011 too! what date are you getting married?
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    I would like to start a challenge to get us motivated to lose the holiday weight! We have all come sooooo far. Lets not let the holidays regress our weight loss achievements!

    today is Sunday, December 19,2010. I am challenging myself to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks... which is Jan. 23,2011!!!! I actualy haven't gained any holiday weight... BUT with 3 family Christmas dinner lurking ahead... I don't want to start gaining weight now!

    2011 is the year for me! 2010 can SUCK IT! I'm done with it! I'm getting married in 2011! January 28th is my 29th birthday. My birthday also means its time to renew my drivers license! I am promising myself that I can not lie on my drivers license this time!!

    So I am looking for some people to keep me motivated and also join me to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks. Hopefully it can be done. I know this is a lot of weight in a little bit of time.... BUT we can do it!

    Challenge accepted.... who is with me???

    any tips???

    Starting weight 156(Feb. 2010)
    Current weight 136 (12-19-10)
    5 week challenge goal weight- 126 ( jan 2011)
    ultimate goal weight 117-120lbs ( feb. 28,2011)

    what do you mean...'lie on my drivers license'? do you have to put your weight on there or something? just curious. good luck with the challenge...i'm hoping to lose in 2011 too! what date are you getting married?
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm getting MArried Aug. 13, 2011!

    I live in Ohio. We are required to list our age, weight, height, eye/hair color on our drivers license. They don't actually weigh you so even if you are 200lbs...you can fill in 130lbs. they don't question it. obviously I know how much I really weigh.... So I just don't want to lie to myself. I don't want to feel ashamed to list my actual weight!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Is it too late to join. I want to lose my last 10lbs. I am 5"5 at 125 but I like to be back to 115. Right now all my weight is in my belly and my back so I look unproportioned. Any ideas on how to get rid of that?
  • All right weighed in today at 175....Christmas was too good, but definitely hitting it hard this week and especially first of the year. Good luck everyone.....Still looking for the 160's....somewhere over the horizon.....:flowerforyou:
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    I weighed in today: 136lbs! I didn't lose... but most importantly... IDIDN"T GAIN!!!

    It is not to late to join us!!! This is turning out to be one hell of a challenge!!! But I think having this challenge really did help me this week with Christmas. I had this challenge in the back of my mind the whole time. I ate a little bit of everything but didn't go over board!!

    I have read that you can not target specific areas to lose fat. I'm rather busty and I have been trying to target them to get smaller. no luck. As I have been losing weight though... I can see them shrinking!!! I think if you start doing some weight lifting you might get more toned in your stomach and back!

  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Thats what I though so yea I need to lose weight. I was thinking maybe having daily challenges maybe like an exercise or food challenge daily so we can keep accountable and a little extra to our fitness routine.

    I weighed in today: 136lbs! I didn't lose... but most importantly... IDIDN"T GAIN!!!

    It is not to late to join us!!! This is turning out to be one hell of a challenge!!! But I think having this challenge really did help me this week with Christmas. I had this challenge in the back of my mind the whole time. I ate a little bit of everything but didn't go over board!!

    I have read that you can not target specific areas to lose fat. I'm rather busty and I have been trying to target them to get smaller. no luck. As I have been losing weight though... I can see them shrinking!!! I think if you start doing some weight lifting you might get more toned in your stomach and back!

    SKINNYMOMOF5 Posts: 22 Member
    hows e/b doing?
  • Allison128
    Allison128 Posts: 116 Member
    hows e/b doing?

    Not to bad.. not too good =) haha! Lost like .2 so far. UGGG. the more you lose the the harder it is to lose. I have a small amount left to lose and its hanging on for dear life!!

    I've been staying under my calorie limit and doing the 30- day shred everyday. I'll weigh myself again on monday!

    We can do this!!!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone! I just got back yesterday from a two day trip to Pittsburgh! I had soo much fun but ate way too much! I had yummy Chipotle for lunch on tuesday and Smallman Street fries from Primanti Brothers for a late late dinner (fries with sour cream, cheese sauce, and bacon). Then for lunch i had the biggest piece of pizza from Bella Notte in the strip district! I had so fun but am starting to feel a little guilty about eating that much now. Oh well, cant wait for 2011!!!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

  • I'm getting MArried Aug. 13, 2011!

    I live in Ohio. We are required to list our age, weight, height, eye/hair color on our drivers license. They don't actually weigh you so even if you are 200lbs...you can fill in 130lbs. they don't question it. obviously I know how much I really weigh.... So I just don't want to lie to myself. I don't want to feel ashamed to list my actual weight!

    oh. that's crazy. i was born in dayton, oh but move to KY when i was 5. here in KY they don't require us to list a weight. only height, age, eye color.
  • CW 181 yesterday on 01/01/2011 i was 182

    my goal is to try and not weight myself dailly and only weigh weekly

    how is everyone doing??
  • sorry guys gained 6 lbs over the holiday season. Back on track but it is going slow. Hope to still lose another 10 - 15 lbs but I guess now my goal will be for Valentine's Day. Hope all you are doing better than I have done. Kind of a disappointment for myself but I will make my goal.....I will!!!!
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