Daily weigh fluctuations - WHY?????

geeky1 Posts: 142
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Not sure if anyone can help, but why is it if I eat icecream and still stick to my calories I will put on weight the next morning?

On the weekend I at well all day and then found I was low on my total calories so I ate an icecream, which I chose to fit within my alloted 1300 cals, but then the next day I was 0.4kg increased in weight from the day before?

Does it actually matter what the calories consist of?


  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    It is advisable to weigh yourself once a week due to daily fluctuations. sometimes its just your body retaining water. That being said, you should try to eat healthy, sticking to your caloric intake is good, but healthy eating brings better results. If you like ice cream, check out the weight watchers collection. You can find it in grocery stores
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    Yes and no. You can't go by daily weight fluctuations. All kinds of things can skew your daily weight (eating lots of salty food for example makes you retain water). You have to look at a longer average, like weekly. Also, being due for your period can also cause you to retain water
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.

  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.


  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    First of all, our bodies don't work on our timetable. We tend to think in terms of: " I did X today, I'll see Y result tomorrow". Often it can take 2-3 days to see the effect of a "binge" meal, big workout, etc.

    Also, your body is constantly changing hydration and fuel storage levels. They can be affected by what you eat, how you worked out, sleep-- a number of different factors.

    The real question might not be "why does weight fluctuate every day", but rather "why does weight fluctuate so little every day".

    There's a lot going on in there.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.

    Only if someone sees you eat it.
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)

    I am not surprised that a Calgarian would take a little extra time to catch on.. :P
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)

    I am not surprised that a Calgarian would take a little extra time to catch on.. :P

    We're just not expecting more than grunts from our northern cousins, so it catches us by surprise sometimes!
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Very well said with excellent insight.

  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Oh.... :huh: ........ then :bigsmile: .... 'cus that's what i have been doing, if i'm going for some desert i'll lower my calories intake for the other meals.
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)

    I am not surprised that a Calgarian would take a little extra time to catch on.. :P

    We're just not expecting more than grunts from our northern cousins, so it catches us by surprise sometimes!

    our nonverbal communication is second to none :)
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    So would you eat less overall for the day?
  • DLB86
    DLB86 Posts: 11
    The fluctuations in weight could be down to a number of things which may or may not have anything to do with the ice cream! Things like body temperature, fluid intake, sleep can all affect your metabolic rate on a daily basis. Also, you can store more or less water depending on the composition of what you ate the previous day, starches, salts etc. The best way to lose weight gradually and stay on a downward trend is to eat 'clean', reducing salty sugary foods and stabilise your blood sugar. That's really important because troughs and peaks in insulin cause you to store more sugar as fat. It's not all about counting the calories - it matters where the calories come from. And drink lots and lots of water throughout the day.

  • if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.

    Only if someone sees you eat it.

    haha! agreed.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.

    my reaction exactly.......:noway:

    Edited: just read the responses...hm, OK, that one flew under the radar for me...:tongue:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.

    YOU ARE HILARIOUS!!!! Totally my kind of humor.

    to the OP......honestly there are many many reasons your body weight can fluctuate in a day and I'm pretty sure it's not icecream only related. Like if you drank lots of water and hadn't peed in awhile that can do it (I actually did a test one day and weighed before and after a pee and it was 2lbs difference ..... not kidding!!) I agree that it can be sodium, pending period, your scale is having a bad day (lol just kidding) but really it's nothing to worry about. You must base your weight loss in the long term like over a week, month etc.
  • DLB86
    DLB86 Posts: 11
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.


  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I actually did a test one day and weighed before and after a pee and it was 2lbs difference ..... not kidding!!

    I feel the need to confess that I like to (somewhat regularly) weigh myself before & after peeing just to see how much it weighs. ;)
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