Daily weigh fluctuations - WHY?????



  • fastsquatch
    As someone who works out a ton (competitive cyclist - 18 hours this week) - I see fluctuations of as much as 5 pounds from day to day. that's water. Down inside of a half-pound to a pound, it could be just stuff moving through to put it in a nice way. So on a day to day basis, you can feel like a rock star one day ("a whole pound lost! I'm awesome!") to a failure the next ("I was good, but I still gained a pound, I'm a total loser..."). That's the problem with daily weigh-ins if you don't have a way to average the values and smooth them out (some sites like The Hacker's Diet Online do, myfitnesspal does not). It can be a psychological roller-coaster.

    Some suggest weekly weigh-ins to get around this - and that's not a bad idea. I still like the daily weigh-in but only because I'm curious if I'm hydrated or not, not because I put too much stock in it. Believe the daily calories and your daily eating, believe the weekly weigh-ins over time, just use the daily weigh-ins to see if you're off by enough to think about but don't believe them too much.

    $0.02 - and good luck!
  • nubreeze33
    :sad: :laugh:
    I actually did a test one day and weighed before and after a pee and it was 2lbs difference ..... not kidding!!

    I feel the need to confess that I like to (somewhat regularly) weigh myself before & after peeing just to see how much it weighs. ;)
  • nubreeze33
    :sad: :laugh:

    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.
  • MyWishfulShrinking
    Weigh yourself once a week, it'll keep you sane!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I weigh myself daily, for amusement, but only officially weigh myself once a week at the same time after a 'normal' day.
  • SandraMay1982
    i weigh myself mid week.

    Last Thursday I weighed in at 114.9kgs.
    Today. After a weekend of alcohol and chocolate (family christmas weekend due to my sister being due to drop a bundle on christmas day) I weighed in at 116.6. I should have seen about 3kgs loss this week, but due to the over indulgence I only saw half that come off :(

    I only weigh in once a week, i log it on here and in a spreadsheet that shows my averages, and how much I have to lose each week to meet my final goal. Sometimes I cheat and weigh mid week, especially if I am having a big meal of crap and know it. I weigh in before and the next day to deter myself from eating it again. haha.

    I gained 1kg over night by having 4 slices of pizza a few weeks back. O.o
  • MichaelPowell
    Wow! That means a half cup of ice cream is 3,500 calories? Since 3,500 calories equal a pound..
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)

    I am not surprised that a Calgarian would take a little extra time to catch on.. :P

    We're just not expecting more than grunts from our northern cousins, so it catches us by surprise sometimes!

    our nonverbal communication is second to none :)

    The trouble with jokes like this is they have a habit of becoming "common knowledge truth" for people without enough gumption! Soon enough half the population believes yet another dieting myth....bet I see this one a few more times now from folk who didnt bother to read any further.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Any big change over a short period of time is only water and means nothing.
    A change that you see over a month or so is real.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    There's a fair amount of salt in ice cream. So I bet you are retaining water.
  • justahorsen
    I weigh everday and watch the trends on a spreadsheet....just the way I am, and it really helps me see what food does what to my body.......
    If you eat Ice cream and drink Diet Coke all the calories are removed.....works for cake and donuts too!!!:laugh:
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    It is advisable to weigh yourself once a week due to daily fluctuations. sometimes its just your body retaining water. That being said, you should try to eat healthy, sticking to your caloric intake is good, but healthy eating brings better results. If you like ice cream, check out the weight watchers collection. You can find it in grocery stores

    I weigh daily, but don't take every day's weight "personally." I take it as an "ok, so what did I eat to skew this" or "ok, I am right on track" or "I need to be a little tougher today." But I definitely agree on the weight watchers collection. The cookies and cream ice cream bar is DELICIOUS. Chocolate ice cream covered in crumbled chocolate cookies. (can you tell I LOVE chocolate!?) I have some starbucks ice cream about once a month, but the weight watchers is what I eat most.
  • SueLaboo
    if you consume ice cream, regardless of being within your calories, you instantly gain 1lb per 1/2 cup serving.



    Ohhhh... Edmontonian humour - didn't see it at first ;)

    I am not surprised that a Calgarian would take a little extra time to catch on.. :P

    Saskatonian getting a kick out of the Calgarian and Edmontonian comments! LOL
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    I actually did a test one day and weighed before and after a pee and it was 2lbs difference ..... not kidding!!

    I feel the need to confess that I like to (somewhat regularly) weigh myself before & after peeing just to see how much it weighs. ;)

    haha i do this too!
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    There's a fair amount of salt in ice cream. So I bet you are retaining water.

    did not know this