National Anthem During Prayers



  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Are you really going to make me google that?

    Edit..... Lmfaaaaaaao. I don't have any infants anymore.
    Oh there have been plenty of times I have wanted to go all "sodom and Gomorrah" on my house. Lol
    I'd suggest a new testament approach to the kids and an old testament approach to the chores

    Do not recommend Psalm 137:9 as parenting advice.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    You obviously don't understand the training (skills) that are acquired and taught in the military.

    Disappointed. And here it was civil, up until now.
    You all say it was disrespectful, that he should have been a better representative of our country. Have any of you been in war? Have you had to deal with death all around you? Maybe don't be so quick to judge a man fighting for your freedom. Maybe try a little harder to put yourself in his shoes.
    You're kidding, right? Anyone occupying themselves with such disrespectful activities is someone I would argue is not "fighting for my freedom".

    Stress is understandable, but isn't an excuse for really poor behavior. He doesn't get a free pass on his actions "because freedom".

    That is an easy statement to make from the comfort of your home. If you think this was a 'disrespectful activity', you haven't seen anything.

    Stress? Ha! I don't think you really have a clue what your talking about.

    The soldiers are paid for the job. If they can't handle the job, don't apply. Just because they want a good job which requires no skills doesn't mean they get to make their problem my problem.

    Naw, all these soldiers they got nowadays in the military are under stress and home sick and so obviously they are above all ethical and moral laws because their job is just so tough! Bunch of cry babies these soldiers are.

    ETA: You do realize that I was mocking the guy saying that the soldier can do this because his job is stressful, right?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I wonder if it's even true. I hear about a lot of things like this that turn out to be hoaxes. I checked Snopes for it but they don't have anything. I certainly hope it's not true because it is highly offensive and I like to think our soldiers are trained better than to do something so stupid.

    ETA: I've done more research and this happened back in Dec. 2012. The soldier's name is Beau Embrey. Videos show him playing it at a military base. All the videos claim it's during Muslim prayer time, but since they have formal prayers 5 times a day, it wouldn't be hard to hit at least one of them just by coincidence. LOL. As far as I could tell, no Muslims were within hearing distance.

    Well- to be fair- 5 isn't' that many times- I mean I pee more times than that and can play all sorts of music between and not hit my pee breaks- so I think it's not unreasonable to STOP doing it....I don't think it's that hard to avoid it honestly.

    BUT- thank you for the follow up- I had to actually hack cut/paste the link into my original thread b/c I cant' access ANYTHING- there are some YouTube videos as well- but clearly those are off limits at work.

    While this clarification is welcome, it does not excuse the idea that people think that it is a good thing when they thought he was intentionally playing this through their call to prayer.

    In Afghanistan it is not just around mosques. It is broad casted through entire cities. I also know this happens in cities in Saudi Arabia./
    that's what I was thinking and what I was familiar with.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums

    Divisive topics and posts, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion.

    Just a reminder that if this thread starts to go into a religious debate, it will be locked. It's fine to discuss opinion on the action, but let's not get into a debate about religion on the general boards.

    MFP Moderator

    Wow, now that is what I call being proactive.
  • Return_of_the_Big_Mac
    Are you really going to make me google that?

    Edit..... Lmfaaaaaaao. I don't have any infants anymore.
    Oh there have been plenty of times I have wanted to go all "sodom and Gomorrah" on my house. Lol
    I'd suggest a new testament approach to the kids and an old testament approach to the chores

    Do not recommend Psalm 137:9 as parenting advice.

    No but I know you still will
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'll stick to the last sentence in my previous comment.

    Makes me sad. :cry: :cry:

    You obviously don't understand the training (skills) that are acquired and taught in the military.

    Disappointed. And here it was civil, up until now.
    You all say it was disrespectful, that he should have been a better representative of our country. Have any of you been in war? Have you had to deal with death all around you? Maybe don't be so quick to judge a man fighting for your freedom. Maybe try a little harder to put yourself in his shoes.
    You're kidding, right? Anyone occupying themselves with such disrespectful activities is someone I would argue is not "fighting for my freedom".

    Stress is understandable, but isn't an excuse for really poor behavior. He doesn't get a free pass on his actions "because freedom".

    That is an easy statement to make from the comfort of your home. If you think this was a 'disrespectful activity', you haven't seen anything.

    Stress? Ha! I don't think you really have a clue what your talking about.

    The soldiers are paid for the job. If they can't handle the job, don't apply. Just because they want a good job which requires no skills doesn't mean they get to make their problem my problem.

    Naw, all these soldiers they got nowadays in the military are under stress and home sick and so obviously they are above all ethical and moral laws because their job is just so tough! Bunch of cry babies these soldiers are.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member

    One of the most ignorant things I've ever saw was a sign that said "All I need to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11"

    Every time i see this bumper sticker it makes me want to print one of my own, "Everything I need to know about Christianity, I learned from Westboro Baptist Church."

    I'm an atheist, too, but I think everyone has the right to worship however they see fit, providing it doesn't harm them or harm anyone else. I'm cool with the coffee table being god to someone, as long as the coffee table doesn't demand a schoolyard shooting.

    I think it boils down to tolerance and respect. I live in the Bible Belt, and I know those same people would be screaming the house down if the Muslims did something similar during their prayers. Treat others the way you want to be's a good rule for a reason.
  • corehawk
    corehawk Posts: 41 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

    Not sure why you have a problem with having a discussion on what is respectful behavior and how people are expected to behave even under high stress situations? It's a worth while discussion to have.

    If you don't' like it- you are free to go click on one of the hug pass spank date marry threads for something a little lighter in fare.

    Remember 'Merica- you can do whatever you want- which means you can also leave.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)


    I'm sorry but I'm not young and hip like you. What does GFY mean?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm glad you said it, as my sense of propriety won't allow me to.

    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

  • lizzybathory
    You all say it was disrespectful, that he should have been a better representative of our country. Have any of you been in war? Have you had to deal with death all around you? Maybe don't be so quick to judge a man fighting for your freedom. Maybe try a little harder to put yourself in his shoes.
    You're kidding, right? Anyone occupying themselves with such disrespectful activities is someone I would argue is not "fighting for my freedom".

    Stress is understandable, but isn't an excuse for really poor behavior. He doesn't get a free pass on his actions "because freedom".

    That is an easy statement to make from the comfort of your home. If you think this was a 'disrespectful activity', you haven't seen anything.

    Stress? Ha! I don't think you really have a clue what your talking about.
    Sorry, I see this as a very flimsy excuse and a free pass for poor behavior.

    This is like saying it's okay for me to abuse my kids, because if you're not a parent, you have no idea how stressful it is and you're in no place to judge me. (Just a theoretical example, of course.)

    And as a side note, I think it's strange that you imply that there's no way I could know what stress is like, considering the fact that you don't know a single fact about my life.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    One of the most ignorant things I've ever saw was a sign that said "All I need to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11"

    Every time i see this bumper sticker it makes me want to print one of my own, "Everything I need to know about Christianity, I learned from Westboro Baptist Church."

    I'm an atheist, too, but I think everyone has the right to worship however they see fit, providing it doesn't harm them or harm anyone else. I'm cool with the coffee table being god to someone, as long as the coffee table doesn't demand a schoolyard shooting.

    I think it boils down to tolerance and respect. I live in the Bible Belt, and I know those same people would be screaming the house down if the Muslims did something similar during their prayers. Treat others the way you want to be's a good rule for a reason.

    I think respect for other human beings is something that transcends religion and personal beliefs. I don't have to agree with anything you believe say or do as long as you are keeping to yourself. But I can still respect you enough to not tramp all over what you hold dear.

    I don't think that's asking to much ultimately- but people's actions seem to indicate otherwise.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

    Not sure why you have a problem with having a discussion on what is respectful behavior and how people are expected to behave even under high stress situations? It's a worth while discussion to have.

    If you don't' like it- you are free to go click on one of the hug pass spank date marry threads for something a little lighter in fare.

    Remember 'Merica- you can do whatever you want- which means you can also leave.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

    Not sure why you have a problem with having a discussion on what is respectful behavior and how people are expected to behave even under high stress situations? It's a worth while discussion to have.

    If you don't' like it- you are free to go click on one of the hug pass spank date marry threads for something a little lighter in fare.

    Remember 'Merica- you can do whatever you want- which means you can also leave.

    I actually don't have a problem with discussing respectful behavior. I do however have a problem where people are using my religion and the soldiers etc. and coming up with fake news and using it for a discussion. This isn't a game.

    Also, this website isn't 'Merica. This is an international website :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

    Not sure why you have a problem with having a discussion on what is respectful behavior and how people are expected to behave even under high stress situations? It's a worth while discussion to have.

    If you don't' like it- you are free to go click on one of the hug pass spank date marry threads for something a little lighter in fare.

    Remember 'Merica- you can do whatever you want- which means you can also leave.

    I actually don't have a problem with discussing respectful behavior. I do however have a problem where people are using my religion and the soldiers etc. and coming up with fake news and using it for a discussion. This isn't a game.

    Also, this website isn't 'Merica. This is an international website :)

    Well- reality- it's in the news. All the time- one way or the other.
    You're the one saying don't take it seriously- and here you contradict yourself "this isn't' a game"

    You're right- it's not.
    it's old news- but it's still floating around- CLEARLY- I didn't dig this up- I heard it from my coworker- this morning. It's WORTH discussing.

    It's worth discussing because let me tell you- he was ALL ABOUT IT- so I know there are others who are ALL ABOUT IT as well.

    My best friend is there CURRENTLY- and I can tell you she would/does not approve of this type of behavior. For so many reasons.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Funny, since you are the first one to turn this discussion into a disrespectful one.

    You take issue with people defining your religion based on the actions of a few. Yet isn't that exactly what you did with your comments about American military service members?!?

    You guys are taking this thread wayyyy too seriously. This is a hoax news. Don't be so serious about it :)

    Not sure why you have a problem with having a discussion on what is respectful behavior and how people are expected to behave even under high stress situations? It's a worth while discussion to have.

    If you don't' like it- you are free to go click on one of the hug pass spank date marry threads for something a little lighter in fare.

    Remember 'Merica- you can do whatever you want- which means you can also leave.

    I actually don't have a problem with discussing respectful behavior. I do however have a problem where people are using my religion and the soldiers etc. and coming up with fake news and using it for a discussion. This isn't a game.

    Also, this website isn't 'Merica. This is an international website :)
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    One of the most ignorant things I've ever saw was a sign that said "All I need to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11"

    Every time i see this bumper sticker it makes me want to print one of my own, "Everything I need to know about Christianity, I learned from Westboro Baptist Church."

    I'm an atheist, too, but I think everyone has the right to worship however they see fit, providing it doesn't harm them or harm anyone else. I'm cool with the coffee table being god to someone, as long as the coffee table doesn't demand a schoolyard shooting.

    I think it boils down to tolerance and respect. I live in the Bible Belt, and I know those same people would be screaming the house down if the Muslims did something similar during their prayers. Treat others the way you want to be's a good rule for a reason.

    As a Christian, the bolded part is true for me. ;) As in "Westboro, You're doing it wrong".
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    You all say it was disrespectful, that he should have been a better representative of our country. Have any of you been in war? Have you had to deal with death all around you? Maybe don't be so quick to judge a man fighting for your freedom. Maybe try a little harder to put yourself in his shoes.
    You're kidding, right? Anyone occupying themselves with such disrespectful activities is someone I would argue is not "fighting for my freedom".

    Stress is understandable, but isn't an excuse for really poor behavior. He doesn't get a free pass on his actions "because freedom".

    That is an easy statement to make from the comfort of your home. If you think this was a 'disrespectful activity', you haven't seen anything.

    Stress? Ha! I don't think you really have a clue what your talking about.

    The soldiers are paid for the job. If they can't handle the job, don't apply. Just because they want a good job which requires no skills doesn't mean they get to make their problem my problem.

    I agree that stress or the environment does not excuse the behavior however you are way out of line. Military members receive a large amount of training. The military operates like any city or country with all types of workers from cooks, to policemen, to medical technicians, teachers, doctors, IT technicians, and more. I spent nearly a year in technical training and earned 3 college degrees while in the military. Most military members now serving also earn college degrees. It is expected. Civilian companies often seek out former military members and pay quite large salaries for their skills. Today's military is far from unskilled.