beach body beef.



  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    who's mike and it wasnt on my page they were trying to sell it on someone elses page

    Mike is the dude that created MFP, lol.

    he is the guy who is always telling us he will delete our "innapropriate osts/topics" and that this is a pg site :)

    how does everyone but me know this?

    You haven't been on long enough to notice...or you're totally blind, lol.

    probably both ... mainly the second one though

    he is the guy who is always telling us he will delete our "innapropriate osts/topics" and that this is a pg site :):wink:
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.

    for the good people who dont shove their products down everyones throats i would love for you all to distinguish yourselves... thats all i ask from ya'll
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    thats rediculous the only reason beach body worked is cause you.. yourself followed it.. if you would do ANYTHING else with a high enough intensity you would still lose the weight.

    humans didnt have bbody for 1000's of years they were still skinny and they still lost weight and were still muscular. i dont know why you would trust them 100% because they are only after your money. they could easily sell the whole dvd set for P90X for under a $100 but they dont because they want your money not whats best for you they want your money like every other company out there.

    in any case the beef is this isnt a sales website. and if someone says they cant afford it. then they shouldnt be finding ways to justify how to afford it.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.

    for the good people who dont shove their products down everyones throats i would love for you all to distinguish yourselves... thats all i ask from ya'll

    How exactly do you recommend we distinguish ourselves? I share my life in my blog, my struggles and success. When people write me I answer their questions. If someone asks me about something I don't know the answer to, I tell them I don't know, but I will find out.

    As far as your statement that if you did anything else with a high enough intensity it would still work. Well duh! Of course it would. The problem is that people don't always know what to do. Isn't it better to get people off the couch and actually doing something then to do nothing at all. Sure they can do on the internet and look stuff up. Prior to starting with BB, I worked out at a gym. I paid super high gym membership fees for my wife and I. Then we had to pay for child care. Oh and lets not forget the personal trainer that we both needed, because we couldn't do it on our own.

    I don't see you on here complaining about the high costs of gym memberships and personal trainers. Not everyone has the time to do the proper research to set up their own work out plans. Not everyone has the money laying around to afford gym memberships and pt fees. What is so wrong with working out in your own home. Are there cheaper ways to do it? Sure, but you also don't get the support or the other bells and whistles that come with BB programs.

  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    How exactly do you recommend we distinguish ourselves?

    I'm not sure that this was what maletac was getting at, but it would be nice if the site required BB coaches (and any other product marketers, but BB seems to be the largest population) to have to identify themselves as such in their user name. This would allow the newbies (as well as others) to quickly filter through the information/advice they are given.

    For instance, you probably can find at any given time a thread posted recently with a question on P90X, is it worth it, did you get results, etc etc. You'll quickly find the same crew posting in the thread about how great it worked for them, and absolutely you should get it. It sure would be nice for people to quickly see that 4 of the 8 replies (hypothetically speaking) were from BB coaches, and their responses should be taken with a grain of salt. The other four replies are most likely less biased.

    That's not to say that BB coaches can't truly believe in their product, and can't truly have gotten results themselves from them, absolutely they can. However, I know personally I instantly tune out any BB coach that doesn't have their own before and after pics readily available in their profile. If they can't show me quickly what BB did for them, I know they aren't worth listening to. (JMO).
  • I haven't seen anyone trying to sell BeachBody products on here. There is threads where people discuss BeachBody but I haven't seen any type of product selling. I don't see why some people have such a big problem with others talking about workout programs...if you don't want to read about it don't click the post.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.

    for the good people who dont shove their products down everyones throats i would love for you all to distinguish yourselves... thats all i ask from ya'll

    How exactly do you recommend we distinguish ourselves? I share my life in my blog, my struggles and success. When people write me I answer their questions. If someone asks me about something I don't know the answer to, I tell them I don't know, but I will find out.

    As far as your statement that if you did anything else with a high enough intensity it would still work. Well duh! Of course it would. The problem is that people don't always know what to do. Isn't it better to get people off the couch and actually doing something then to do nothing at all. Sure they can do on the internet and look stuff up. Prior to starting with BB, I worked out at a gym. I paid super high gym membership fees for my wife and I. Then we had to pay for child care. Oh and lets not forget the personal trainer that we both needed, because we couldn't do it on our own.

    I don't see you on here complaining about the high costs of gym memberships and personal trainers. Not everyone has the time to do the proper research to set up their own work out plans. Not everyone has the money laying around to afford gym memberships and pt fees. What is so wrong with working out in your own home. Are there cheaper ways to do it? Sure, but you also don't get the support or the other bells and whistles that come with BB programs.


    there is so many ways to go with this statement.. i honeslty dont think anyone needs any gym or any BB product its not that hard to just buy some weights if needed and just lift at home..

    and if you have kids why pay for daycare shoot thats probably a gym and a half right there. it brings the family together and you get fresh air and you get to workout with your kids just running around. thats the issue we all have.. everyone is looking for this secret super pill or this super way to lose weight.. no one wants to except that its just easy as playing with your kids every day or that just eating right works too...

    i wish bb would stop feeding off what people are looking for. and i wish people would just realize our country wasnt fat maybe the past had it right for once.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I get the offers messaged to me privately...i have to politely reply thanx but no thanx...
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    How exactly do you recommend we distinguish ourselves?

    I'm not sure that this was what maletac was getting at, but it would be nice if the site required BB coaches (and any other product marketers, but BB seems to be the largest population) to have to identify themselves as such in their user name. This would allow the newbies (as well as others) to quickly filter through the information/advice they are given.

    For instance, you probably can find at any given time a thread posted recently with a question on P90X, is it worth it, did you get results, etc etc. You'll quickly find the same crew posting in the thread about how great it worked for them, and absolutely you should get it. It sure would be nice for people to quickly see that 4 of the 8 replies (hypothetically speaking) were from BB coaches, and their responses should be taken with a grain of salt. The other four replies are most likely less biased.

    That's not to say that BB coaches can't truly believe in their product, and can't truly have gotten results themselves from them, absolutely they can. However, I know personally I instantly tune out any BB coach that doesn't have their own before and after pics readily available in their profile. If they can't show me quickly what BB did for them, I know they aren't worth listening to. (JMO).

    Excellent point! I don't know if I agree with having to distinguish yourself as a BB coach when you sign up. But I do agree with Coaches having to put pictures in their profile. With that said as you can see from my pics I haven't had a huge amount of success, but I have had some. A lot of my success comes from the people I help to get their lives back.
  • there is so many ways to go with this statement.. i honeslty dont think anyone needs any gym or any BB product its not that hard to just buy some weights if needed and just lift at home..

    and if you have kids why pay for daycare shoot thats probably a gym and a half right there. it brings the family together and you get fresh air and you get to workout with your kids just running around. thats the issue we all have.. everyone is looking for this secret super pill or this super way to lose weight.. no one wants to except that its just easy as playing with your kids every day or that just eating right works too...

    i wish bb would stop feeding off what people are looking for. and i wish people would just realize our country wasnt fat maybe the past had it right for once.

    Workout programs are there to help people. They are there to help push people as well. Not everyone knows which workouts to do, what is best for losing weight and how to PROPERLY build muscle. Nobody is forcing you to click the threads, or use the programs. If you find someone trying to sell you BB stuff report them, otherwise ignore it..
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    there is so many ways to go with this statement.. i honeslty dont think anyone needs any gym or any BB product its not that hard to just buy some weights if needed and just lift at home..

    and if you have kids why pay for daycare shoot thats probably a gym and a half right there. it brings the family together and you get fresh air and you get to workout with your kids just running around. thats the issue we all have.. everyone is looking for this secret super pill or this super way to lose weight.. no one wants to except that its just easy as playing with your kids every day or that just eating right works too...

    i wish bb would stop feeding off what people are looking for. and i wish people would just realize our country wasnt fat maybe the past had it right for once.

    Wow! What world are you living in that people can just eat right and play with their kids to lose weight? So let me see if I have this straight, you are suggesting that people go out and buy some weights and lift at home? First you are just asking for serious injuries, second once again you are spending money.

    I work out so that I can play with my kids. I was at one point 290 pounds and unable to keep up with them. Thanks to the gym and then Beachbody I can play with my kids and help them with their different sports.

    I honestly think you are being a tab bit unrealistic.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    im kinda tired of the back and forth. people seem to put their faith in everything except was a known fact of working for the last 100 years.

    im just saying BB people should destinguish themselves and quit trying to sell crap here.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    im kinda tired of the back and forth. people seem to put their faith in everything except was a known fact of working for the last 100 years.

    You lost me, what's been working for the last 100 years?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,750 Member
    I always find these Beachbody threads interesting to read. I'm a coach, but I'm often reluctant to admit it. The negative perception a lot of people have of BB coaches is well deserved if you ask me. That said, there are some great people involved with the organization as well as some turkeys. Likewise, BB has some really good products and some that either leave something to be desired or are what I consider to be overpriced. I hope my fellow BB coaches can take some of the negative comments to heart and see that sometimes (but not always) our detractors make some good points.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    im kinda tired of the back and forth. people seem to put their faith in everything except was a known fact of working for the last 100 years.

    im just saying BB people should destinguish themselves and quit trying to sell crap here.

    Sure the principles have been around for years, but yet people still goto McDonald's and other fast food places. All BB has done is packaged everything for the people who don't have the time to do the research themselves. Nothing wrong with that and it has worked for tens of thousands of people.

    OK I will distinguish myself, I am a BEACHBODY Coach and I don't sell crap!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Pardon my stupidity, but what exactly does it mean to be a BeachBody "coach"? Is this along the same lines as being a Mary Kay "representitive"?

    Also, I understand the frustration but I don't have a hard time ignoring all the threads and posts that don't fit into my idea of my own healthy lifestyle. We all have our different methods.
  • im kinda tired of the back and forth. people seem to put their faith in everything except was a known fact of working for the last 100 years.

    im just saying BB people should destinguish themselves and quit trying to sell crap here.

    If you have a problem with a post all you have to do is report it. If you don't like BeachBody, don't click the's pretty simple. Your posts aren't making much sense here, if what people have done for 100 years has been working then why are you on MFP? MFP hasn't been around for 100 years so it must not be right then by your logic..
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I always find these Beachbody threads interesting to read. I'm a coach, but I'm often reluctant to admit it. The negative perception a lot of people have of BB coaches is well deserved if you ask me. That said, there are some great people involved with the organization as well as some turkeys. Likewise, BB has some really good products and some that either leave something to be desired or are what I consider to be overpriced. I hope my fellow BB coaches can take some of the negative comments to heart and see that sometimes (but not always) our detractors make some good points.

    You are right Jill and as you have seen from me in the past I have taken some of the comments to heart. Thus I shared my story in a previous thread. That said I am going to defend BB when someone calls the products that thousand upon thousands of people have used to reclaim their health, crap! Are their pushy coaches? Yes, but I don't believe it is fair to say that all of us are the same and we are only here to make a sale.

    According to the original poster we don't need the gym, or any work out videos. We just need to buy some weights to lift with, or just play with our kids and eat right. That is the only exercise we need. Never mind actually knowing what we are suppose to do with those weights or how exactly we are suppose to eat right.

This discussion has been closed.