beach body beef.



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    [You are right Jill and as you have seen from me in the past I have taken some of the comments to heart. Thus I shared my story in a previous thread. That said I am going to defend BB when someone calls the products that thousand upon thousands of people have used to reclaim their health, crap! Are their pushy coaches? Yes, but I don't believe it is fair to say that all of us are the same and we are only here to make a sale.

    According to the original poster we don't need the gym, or any work out videos. We just need to buy some weights to lift with, or just play with our kids and eat right. That is the only exercise we need. Never mind actually knowing what we are suppose to do with those weights or how exactly we are suppose to eat right.


    It has helped me a great deal. It has made such a difference that now I see people at the gym just bullsh*tting. Working out with no intensity and wondering why they are not getting any results. Also, the products have helped my kids. While other kids were sleeping till noon all summer, my daughters were doing Power 90. My youngest daughter did an eight minute mile a few weeks ago in PE class. PE, something you don't hear much about these days. And if kids don't know how to move their bodies, do you think that the average adult is going to know how to do it after they graduate college. Nope. Clueless. These programs are very structured and very intense. I defend the Beachbody products.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    So just a few quick comments here:

    - First, let's make sure to keep the discussion respectful. I think this topic has generally been great so far, but just want to make sure it stays that way. Remember, you can debate the message, but you can't attack the messenger.

    - Ads are not allowed on the site in any form - as a message board post, as a private message to another user, as a status comment, etc. We consider an ad anything you might financially benefit from, and that includes posting a link to your Beachbody coaching site, "message me for more info", etc.

    Just to be clear, if you love Beachbody products, it's totally fine to talk about them and recommend them to people. You just can't do it in a way where you financially benefit, i.e. by directing people to your coaching site, etc. We just want to make sure that people are receiving unbiased opinions, not sales pitches, so we want to remove any financial incentives for talking about any product.

    We've already put some things in place to prevent Beachbody ads on the forums, but it sounds like ads are occurring in other ways, i.e. messages and status comments? Is that correct? If so, we'll work on some ways to control them there as well.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Sure the principles have been around for years, but yet people still goto McDonald's and other fast food places. All BB has done is packaged everything for the people who don't have the time to do the research themselves.

    Exactly. Thanks to the internet, and other sources, there is very little information out there that can't be had for free. People can learn to do just about anything for themselves. However, each person has to make their own decision about what information to pay for, and what to research and discover for themselves.

    People who complain about paying for a product like P90X when the information can be gotten for free elsewhere, do you pay anyone to manage your investments? You can do that for yourself. Do you buy books? They can be had for free at the library, or the information is available on the internet. Do you pay someone to fertilize your lawn? Heck, do you pay someone to cut your hair, do you buy clothes (or make your own with a sewing machine)? The list is endless of things decide is easier to buy instead of recreating the wheel and doing for themselves.

    I don't think BB claims that no one else could design a fitness system that works as well or better than any of their products. The point is that they have come up different programs, and there is value there in buying them versus doing a bunch of research and creating your own program. Whether that is worth the price of the program is up to the individual consumer.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    soo i dont think you guys get it! i have this awesome stuff its called shakeology.. and it will make you skinny cmonnnnnn
    lol jk i started a thread about how much i hate shakeology a while back glad to see im not the only one :P
  • ewarm24
    i can't say anyting about BB but i can about a couple products (p90x and insanity). they act as a home PT. P90X does stuff i have been doing in the gym for years, but i could never get below 218lbs ish since i was 21yrs old. i would work out 5 to 6 days a week doing both weights and cardio, lots of cardio. Insanity got me back to that 218 range and P90X pushed me over (now 208lbs). They work, i dont think i could have done any better if i had a PT at the gym and im sure that would have cost alot more (i actually didnt pay for either of mine) but based on the price. I'm of course not a BB coach but i have my before and after photos. i'm proof it works. if peope want to try BB products great, if they want to go to the gym, great! but whats really great is that people have alot of choices. who cares about the ones trying to sell the products, ignore them. Its not like the products dont work, at least they are selling something that does work. If people choose to buy it, its their money.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I'll jump in for fun here. I have never been overweight. I was a sports captain in high school and college. I have had a gym membership since I was 10. But once college was over, sports teams no longer kept me honest and trainers at the gym were expensive I was a little lost. I needed a little guidance and someone to push me past what I thought my limits were. A friend had Insanity and I was hooked. It was exactly what I needed, someone in my face telling me what to do. A schedule of what to do what day and how to do it.

    Over a year later I am still sticking to the programs and working out 5 days a week, in one of the best shapes of my life. All thanks to Beachbody. I am an ex-coach, got done because I wasn't making money. But you will still see me on there suggesting the programs to others because it works and I want to share my information that I have. That is what this site is all about. Other suggest Jillian Michaels videos, that is great. I am also part of the running group that keeps each other motivated to just strap on sneakers to hit the pavement.

    One point of the OP is right in that the basics of weight loss are not complex; eat less/better and move more. It is just that move more part that some need help with. I support anyone to get up and move the best they can. If it is playing with your kids outside, go for it. But for some, they need a little more structure to get going. Beachbody worked for me, so that is what I recommend.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    So just a few quick comments here:

    - First, let's make sure to keep the discussion respectful. I think this topic has generally been great so far, but just want to make sure it stays that way. Remember, you can debate the message, but you can't attack the messenger.

    - Ads are not allowed on the site in any form - as a message board post, as a private message to another user, as a status comment, etc. We consider an ad anything you might financially benefit from, and that includes posting a link to your Beachbody coaching site, "message me for more info", etc.

    Just to be clear, if you love Beachbody products, it's totally fine to talk about them and recommend them to people. You just can't do it in a way where you financially benefit, i.e. by directing people to your coaching site, etc. We just want to make sure that people are receiving unbiased opinions, not sales pitches, so we want to remove any financial incentives for talking about any product.

    We've already put some things in place to prevent Beachbody ads on the forums, but it sounds like ads are occurring in other ways, i.e. messages and status comments? Is that correct? If so, we'll work on some ways to control them there as well.

    Mike, are links to a BB coach's profile to their BB coaching site allowed?
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.

    I see where the original poster is coming from, but I mostly agree with what I quoted. I have a few friends on my MFP buddy list who are BB coaches, but you would not know it unless you checked out their bio on their profile. If I achieved my goal by using a Beach Body product (which I intend to do...I'm doing P90X-modified along with Rockin' Body) and could be a BB coach, I would do it simply because it would help others...making money from it would just be an added bonus.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Also, I think it is ridiculous for a BB coach to have to identify themselves when they sign up. This community is meant to provide support, encouragement, motivation, etc...and that is exactly what the BB coaches are doing.

    I, myself, have seen very few BB coaches "selling" anything on the site, and even if they do I simply ignore it. Annoying? Yes. Worth getting in a tizzy over? Absolutely not.

    If someone has achieved success using a BB product, I would like to know it. Providing me "before and after" photos is plus, too. If I have questions, I love that I can contact a BB coach for answer. If they try to sell me something in a reply, its as easy as saying "No thanks".
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Pardon my stupidity, but what exactly does it mean to be a BeachBody "coach"? Is this along the same lines as being a Mary Kay "representitive"?

    Yes, Beachbody reps are called coaches because it's part of our job to support, motivate and generally help our customers achieve success using Beachbody programs. We receive a commission for any Beachbody product sold through our sites.

    To the OP: I'm sorry you've had such negative experiences with other coaches but please be assured that it's not all of us. In fact, Beachbody business building presentations warn against doing the things you're talking about for the very reason this thread got started, it turns people off. Ideally, our success and results should bring folks to us because they want to know what we did.

    I use MFP for the calorie tracking and the support I receive through the forums and friends here but if someone asks for a meal replacement shake recommendation I'm going to recommend Shakeology because I use it and love it. If they ask for a workout DVD I'm going to recommend Power 90 because I use it and have gotten results. Does that make me a forum troll? I think not. Do I want them to ask me for more info and to buy from me? Of course but that doesn't mean I'm only out to make a sale. That's another point in the business building presentations, "work with the willing". All I can do is present the possibility, the next step is up to them. If they want to buy it, I want to help them get the most out of it.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Mike, are links to a BB coach's profile to their BB coaching site allowed?

    We'd probably prefer that users don't link to their coaching site from their profile. That having been said, it's probably the lowest priority for us to police, as a link on your profile is pretty passive. Someone has to actually go to your profile intentionally to see it. We're more concerned about elements of the site that are more "pushy", like spamming users with mail messages, posting links all over the forums, leaving status comments trying to sell products, etc.

    All of these tools were meant for people to help, encourage, and support one another. We don't want them to be used for promoting or selling products or services.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Pardon my stupidity, but what exactly does it mean to be a BeachBody "coach"? Is this along the same lines as being a Mary Kay "representitive"?

    Yes, Beachbody reps are called coaches because it's part of our job to support, motivate and generally help our customers achieve success using Beachbody programs. We receive a commission for any Beachbody product sold through our sites.

    To the OP: I'm sorry you've had such negative experiences with other coaches but please be assured that it's not all of us. In fact, Beachbody business building presentations warn against doing the things you're talking about for the very reason this thread got started, it turns people off. Ideally, our success and results should bring folks to us because they want to know what we did.

    I use MFP for the calorie tracking and the support I receive through the forums and friends here but if someone asks for a meal replacement shake recommendation I'm going to recommend Shakeology because I use it and love it. If they ask for a workout DVD I'm going to recommend Power 90 because I use it and have gotten results. Does that make me a forum troll? I think not. Do I want them to ask me for more info and to buy from me? Of course but that doesn't mean I'm only out to make a sale. That's another point in the business building presentations, "work with the willing". All I can do is present the possibility, the next step is up to them. If they want to buy it, I want to help them get the most out of it.

    In our view, what Brent's describing is fine as long as he's not pushing people to buy through his own link. We have lots of people talking about products they recommend on the site because they love them. That type of advice is one of the intended purposes of the forums. However, we don't want people pushing their coaching links because then we can't be sure how genuine their advice is. If you truly love the product, then direct people to the main Beachbody site. If you really love it, it won't matter to you that you're not getting paid. Then it will be clear that you are talking about the product because you love it, not because you are trying to make money.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    I love Beachbody, they are an amazing company and they have done wonders for me. I would not be where I am today without them. There products work and I trust them %100. Some people may be pushy but thats their fault you should not give the entire company crap for someone elses mistakes. I have a BB coach who is amazing and never pushes sales. And Shakeology is not just for being skinny, its very healthy meal replacement if you have looked into it, And no im not a BB Coach since I live in Canada in case you were wondering.

    I have to agree here. This subject has been covered many times here on MFP. Yes there are coaches who are only in the business to make money. However the majority of coaches (myself included) are actually looking to help people. To me the most rewarding thing is when someone thanks me for helping them achieve their goals. So to lump everyone into one group is completely unfair. I understand you are frustrated, but to say we are all here to make money is utter lie.

    I am here to lose weight, and help others. Do I make money for offering advice? Nope! I do it because I like to do it. It is my passion.

    for the good people who dont shove their products down everyones throats i would love for you all to distinguish yourselves... thats all i ask from ya'll

    I also agree here. I'm a coach as well but I don't push anything. Beachbody changed my life. Some ask hey, how'd you get ripped, I tell them how I did it. I don't tell people they need to buy anything. There is something different for everyone. Beachbody worked for me and i love telling my story because I'm a different person from this. I can tell my true story and if that motivates someone in any way, it motivates me and I feed off it
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    People talk about ads for this BB and shakeology and even other things. I don't see any of that. I see the same exact screen on my homepage, my profile page, and when I'm on the board. Is there something different about my profile than everyone else's. I've even heard people say there are ads for food and treats, but I see a 'link to facebook' on the right and 'setup for MFP mobile' on my left..nothing else?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    If you truly love the product, then direct people to the main Beachbody site. If you really love it, it won't matter to you that you're not getting paid. Then it will be clear that you are talking about the product because you love it, not because you are trying to make money.

    Exactly, thanks Mike for putting it so well :)
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    So just a few quick comments here:

    - First, let's make sure to keep the discussion respectful. I think this topic has generally been great so far, but just want to make sure it stays that way. Remember, you can debate the message, but you can't attack the messenger.

    - Ads are not allowed on the site in any form - as a message board post, as a private message to another user, as a status comment, etc. We consider an ad anything you might financially benefit from, and that includes posting a link to your Beachbody coaching site, "message me for more info", etc.

    Just to be clear, if you love Beachbody products, it's totally fine to talk about them and recommend them to people. You just can't do it in a way where you financially benefit, i.e. by directing people to your coaching site, etc. We just want to make sure that people are receiving unbiased opinions, not sales pitches, so we want to remove any financial incentives for talking about any product.

    We've already put some things in place to prevent Beachbody ads on the forums, but it sounds like ads are occurring in other ways, i.e. messages and status comments? Is that correct? If so, we'll work on some ways to control them there as well.

    actually yes thats what got me fired up was that someone was kinda pushing the shakeology through a status. maybe a report comment?

    im not saying they are all bad people just some of them are a bit ridiculous.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    so many BB coaches... seriously... all ya'll do is push the BB product like its an all or nothing thing... i wish there was a way to distinguish coaches and normal people.
  • so many BB coaches... seriously... all ya'll do is push the BB product like its an all or nothing thing... i wish there was a way to distinguish coaches and normal people.

    They aren't pushing anything, people ask for suggestions and they say BB I see nothing wrong with that. Most of these BB product threads started are people asking for suggestions, prior experience, etc and aren't even started by the BB coaches themselves.
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    so many BB coaches... seriously... all ya'll do is push the BB product like its an all or nothing thing... i wish there was a way to distinguish coaches and normal people.

    They aren't pushing anything, people ask for suggestions and they say BB I see nothing wrong with that. Most of these BB product threads started are people asking for suggestions, prior experience, etc and aren't even started by the BB coaches themselves.

    no im fine with some of the people ive even had one help me out with some stuff himself really cool guy. and another one who kinda helped but sent me to their website.

    :\ ehh oh well
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't get it. I am here a lot. I read many of the posts. I don't see people obscenely pushing BB products. I recommend ON 100% Whey, caffeine and ephedra, because they work for me. I don't work for those companies. check out how many 30 day burn thread there are. People recommend them because they work. Nothing wrong with that. Someone saying for more info msg me that's spam.
    I don't quite get the crusade.
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